世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/09 22:48
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  • How many people are there in your family?

How many people are there in your family? 「何人[家族](ですか?」 と聞くだけの質問です。 でもなんとなくつまらない聞き方ですね… Do you have any brothers or sisters? 「[兄弟](いる?」 Do they all live with you? 「みんな一緒に住んでいる?」 How about your parents? 「ご両親は?」 というように少しずつ聞き出して話を広げていった方が会話も楽しいかと思います。 シンプルで分かりやすい英語で少しずつ♪
  • How many are in your family?

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳の意味} How many are in your family? 何人[家族](ですか。 {解説} people や there なしで尋ねることもあります。 How many people are there in your family と意味は同じです。 {例} "How many are in your family?" "Five, ma'am," 「家族は何人いるの」。「5人です」。 【出典:Cleared For Planting】 ~~~~~ 参考になればと思います。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • How many people are there in your family?

他のアンカーの方も挙げてらっしゃいますが、「何人家族?」と聞くときの代表的な表現です(^^) つまり、直訳すると、「あなたの家族の中に何人の人がいますか?」と聞いているんですね。 レッスンをしていると、よく間違ってHow many familiesのように言っちゃう人が多いのですが、それだと「いくつの家族?」と家族の数を聞いていることになります(>_<) 1つの家族の中にいる人数を聞くので、How many peopleとなるのですね♪
  • How many members are their in your family?

You can ask : "How many members are there in your family?" "Who are the people in your immediate family?" "How many siblings do you have?" members = people in the family immediate family = parents and children siblings = brothers and sisters
次のように尋ねることが出来ます。 【例】 "How many members are there in your family?" (あなたは何人家族ですか?) "Who are the people in your immediate family?" (身近な家族は誰ですか?) "How many siblings do you have?" (兄弟は何人いますか?) members = 家族のメンバー immediate family = 両親や子供などの近い肉親 siblings = 兄弟や姉妹
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • What is the number of family members that you have?

▪What is the number of family members that you have? Number=amount Family member= brother, sister, cousin etc. This is asking how many people does he/she have in the family.
▪What is the number of family members that you have? Number数 Family member= 兄弟、姉妹、いとこなど 家族は何人いるのか尋ねる言い方です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How many are you in your family?

  • How many siblings do you have?

*How many are you in your family? A: How many are you in your family? B: Just 5 * How many siblings do you have?- Siblings are either your brothers or sisters or both. Example Sentences: I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother. Including my siblings we are 6 in our family
*How many are you in your family?という例文について 例文 A: How many are you in your family? 「何人家族なんですか?」 B: Just 5 「5人だけです。」 * How many siblings do you have?という例文について Siblingsというのは、兄弟もしくは姉妹、またはその両方のことを言います。 例文 I have 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother. 「私には3人兄弟がいます。2人の姉(または妹)と1人の弟(または兄)です。」 Including my siblings we are 6 in our family. 「兄弟も含めた私の家族は6人です。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How many relatives do you have?

  • How many people are in your nuclear family.

  • How many people are in your extended family.

The first sentence suggestion is the most common way of asking how many members that may be in a person's family. If you want to know how many people are in a person's nuclear family (nuclear family is father, mother, brother and sister), you can use the specific term "nuclear". Extended family refers to relatives outside the nuclear family (grandfather, grandmother, uncles, aunts and cousins).
初めの例文は、何人家族なのかということを尋ねる最も一般的な言い方です。もしnuclear family(核となる家族)の中に何人いるのかということを知りたいのであれば(nuclear familyというのは父親や母親、兄弟、姉妹のこと)、nuclearという特別な用語を使うことができます。Extended familyというのは、核となる家族の他の親戚のことを指します。(おじいちゃんやおばあちゃん、おじさん、おばさん、いとこのことです。)
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • How many member do you have in your family?

  • How many people does your family consist of?

If you would like to ask someone how many people are in their family, you can do so by saying something like " How many family members do you have?". or "How many people does your family consist of?". Using the word "members" in this sentence basically just means how many people are there?.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • How many family members do you have?

  • How big/small is your family?

  • How many people are in your family?

1.How many family members do you have? - "many" means the amount. "Members" refers to your brother,sister, mother or father. 2.How big is your family? -"Big/small"refers to the size of the family. I consider 5 people or less a small family.More than that I would say is a rather big family. 3.How many people in your family? - This means the exact same as the above as it inquires over the size of the family. Thank you for your question! Hope this helps.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • How many people are in your family?

  • How big is your family? / Do you have a big family?

You can ask for the number of people by saying: How many people are in your family? There are four people in my family. Or you can ask whether the family is big or small. Do you have a big family? Yes, there are eight people in my family. No, there are only three people in my family.
Niabh DMM英語講師
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