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2016/12/11 16:29
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  • I was sick in bed with a headache and nausea almost all day (long) yesterday.

be sick in bedは「病気で寝ている」という意味の慣用句です。sickの代わりにillを使っても良いでしょう。 nauseaは「吐き気、むかつき」です。他の言い方として"the heaves" "gagging(嫌な味や匂いなどでの)" "stomach upset(消化不良による)"などがありますが、これらは会話的な表現になります。 almost all day (long)は「ほとんど一日中」で、longはなくても良いです。他にも、"for most of the day"や"almost round the clock"という言い方もあります。
  • I was sick in bed all day.

  • I spent most of my day in bed recovering from a hangover.

sick in bed - this means to be so sick that you have to be at home all day, not necessarily in bed but the implication is that you are in bed recovering from (a sickness) - you can also say that you are recovering from an illness, which means trying to get better after the illness
sick in bed - これはあなたが一日家にいなければならないほど具合が悪いという意味です。必ずしも寝ている必要はありませんが、そのぐらい具合が悪いという意味です。 recovering from (a sickness) - you are recovering from an illness(病気から回復中)と言うこともできます。これは病気後に良くなろうとしているという意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I was sick in bed all day yesterday with a headache and nausea.

  • A terrible headache and nausea kept me in bed all day yesterday.

1.I was sick in bed all day yesterday with a headache and nausea. When you say that you were "sick in bed" it means that you were sick and laid in bed all day. 2. A terrible headache and nausea kept me in bed all day yesterday. The expression "kept me in bed" means that because you were so sick you could not get out of bed.
1.I was sick in bed all day yesterday with a headache and nausea. "sick in bed"というのは、具合が悪くて一日中寝ていたことを意味します。 2. A terrible headache and nausea kept me in bed all day yesterday. "kept me in bed"という表現は、具合が悪すぎてベッドから出られなかったという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I had a terrible headache and felt nauseous and I was in bed the whole day.

  • I spend the day in bed yesterday because I was very sick.

*I had a terrible headache and felt nauseous and I was in bed the whole day. You do not have include the reason why you were sick. You can add this when the person asks you why. For example: You:I had a terrible headache and felt nauseous and I was in bed the whole day. Friend:Oh shame. Did you maybe eat something? You: No it is because of the hangover.
*I had a terrible headache and felt nauseous and I was in bed the whole day. なぜ体調が悪かったのかは説明しなくていいです。もし聞かれた場合このフレーズを使えます: 例:(英文) You:I had a terrible headache and felt nauseous and I was in bed the whole day. Friend:Oh shame. Did you maybe eat something? You: No it is because of the hangover. (訳)あなた:私はひどい頭痛があり気分が悪かったため一日中寝こんでいた。 友人:あら大変。もしかしたら何か食べた? あなた:いいえ。二日酔いです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I was stuck in the bed yesterday due to a hangover.

  • I was sick yesterday because of a hangover.

  • I was sick in the bed with a hangover.

I was stuck in the bed, nauseous all day because I had a hangover. I spent all day in the bed yesterday due to a hangover. I drunk too much the night before and the next day I was stuck in the bed sick.
その他の例文: I was stuck in the bed, nauseous all day because I had a hangover.ー二日酔いで気持ち悪くて一日中寝ていました。 I spent all day in the bed yesterday due to a hangover. ー昨日は二日酔いでずっとベッドから出ることができなかった。 I drunk too much the night before and the next day I was stuck in the bed sick.ー夜に飲みすぎて翌日はずっとベッドから動けなかった。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • I was in bed all day yesterday recovering from the effects of overindulgence

When you have too much alcohol, drugs, sex or anything, there is often a physical response to your overindulgence. This may take the form of headaches, feeling or actually being sick and possibly other physical malfunctions.
飲みすぎなど、好きな事をして自分を甘やかしすぎた後は何らかの影響が身体にでます。 頭痛がしたり、実際に具合が悪くなったり、体のどこかが不調だったりしいます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hangover

A hangover is the name given to the after effects of drinking too much alcohol that are felt by the body the next day after waking up.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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