I hold you in great esteem.
I have a great regard for you.
I put you on a pedestal.
respect ... = 〜を[尊敬する](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/44869/)
look up to ... = 〜を尊敬する
wish I could be like you = あなたのようになりたいと[願う](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/55430/)
Wow, that's amazing/incredible!
I respect you.
I admire you for your hard work.
Admire' and 'respect' means that you find it amazing that he/she is so dedicated to their studies/work.
A: I got an A on my chemistry paper
B: How did you manage that?
A: I study for one hour everyday.
B: I admire your hard work
Admire' と 'respect'は、彼/彼女の仕事などに尊敬する、称賛するという様な意味です。
A: I got an A on my chemistry paper
B: How did you manage that?
A: I study for one hour everyday.
B: I admire your hard work.
尊敬するわ can mean 'respect' but that has a very broad meaning if you use it simply as 'I respect you'.
Saying that you admire or respect someone's ____ is more specific and appropriate for this situation.
Take one's hat off to someone = to salute or pay an honour to someone. Good work. ...
Take your hat off to somebody. to express your admiration and respect for what someone has done.
"I think you have to take your hat off to him for all that he has accomplished. ..."
Take (one's) hat off to. To respect, admire, or congratulate.
Take one's hat off to someone =挨拶をする、敬意を表する。
Take your hat off to somebody. 相手の経歴、行動への敬意を表するときに使われます。
"I think you have to take your hat off to him for all that he has accomplished. ..."
Take (one's) hat off to. 尊敬する、敬意を表する、おめでとうという。
I admire and respect your dedication to regular studies...
Admiraton often goes "hand in hand" with respect....
When we admire someone we are said to "look up to them"/ "put them on a pedestal"
this is "a form of adoration"...and so we only look up to /admire, those we respect!
称賛とは、尊敬のt念をもち手に手をとって気持ちを伝えます。誰かを称するとき、 "look up to them"/ "put them on a pedestal"(尊敬する)その人を尊敬するように言われます。これは、礼拝の形式からきているもので、尊敬する人を、文字のごとく見上げ、称賛するのです。
When you salute someone, you are expressing admiration and respect to them.
If someone does something really impressive, we can use the idiom 'take my hat off' to express our admiration.
salute someone
'take my hat off'
I respect how hard you work.
I admire how hard you work.
respect や admire は「尊敬する」というニュアンスで使うことができる英語表現です。
3. I hold you in high esteem for your dedication to your studies.
1. This is a simple, yet concise way to express your respect for someone.
(concise: short and direct)
2. This is a very natural and sophisticated way to express your admiration.
3. "Hold someone in high esteem/regard" is an advanced and natural way to convey your positive feelings about someone's achievements.
In the first two example phrases we can see that we can use the words, "to respect," and, "to admire," interchangeably to express that we like or we think their study habits are very good.
In the last phrase we can talk about someone's, "study routine," to express this same idea about how much they study daily or on a routine basis.