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なんでって聞かれた時に、 深い理由は特になく、なんとなくって答えたい時に。
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2016/12/19 12:16
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  • There is no reason.

This means that you are informing the person that there is no special reason for it.
これは、相手に[特に理由がない](、と言いたいときに使ういます。 このフレーズを一歩進めて、強調したい場合は、「There is no specific reason.」(特に具体的な理由はない)または、「There is no particular reason.」(特に特定の理由はない)という表現も使えます。 さらに、「なんとなく」を直接的に表現するときは、「Just because.」という非常にカジュアルな表現を使う事もできます。これは、「深い理由は特になく、なんとなく」という日本語のニュアンスをうまく表しています。 新たな例文でこれらの表現を見てみましょう: 1. 「Why did you pick this book?」(なぜその本を選んだの?) 「There is no specific reason. I just liked the cover.」(特に具体的な理由はない。表紙が好きだっただけだよ。) 2. 「Why did you go to that restaurant?」(なんでそのレストランに行ったの?) 「Just because. I didn't have a particular reason.」(なんとなくだよ。特に特定の理由はなかったんだ。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am just wondering

  • I am just curious that's all

  • There is no reason

The top two can be used for when someone asks why you have asked something and the third one can be used if for example someone asks why you did something. There are different contexts.
上二つは、あることを尋ねた[理由](を聞かれた時に使えます。 三つ目は、例えば誰かにあることを「[なぜ](したの?」と尋ねられた時に使えます。 いろんな状況が考えられますから。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • There is no special reason (for〜).

  • S + V for some reason.

Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • It seemed like a good idea

  • Well you have to do something!

  • Well you have to......

"John, why did you throw stones and break a window?" "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." "Susan, Why are you sitting on that wall?" "Well you have to sit somewhere!" "Henry, why are you chewing gum? "Well, you have to do something."
"John, why did you throw stones and break a window?" ジョン、なんで石なんか投げて窓を割るんだ! "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." その時は良いアイディアだと想ったんだ。 "Susan, Why are you sitting on that wall?"スーザンなんで壁なんかに腰を掛けてるんだ? "Well you have to sit somewhere!" だってどこか座りたいんだもん。 "Henry, why are you chewing gum? なんでガムなんて噛んでるんだヘンリー? "Well, you have to do something." いや、別にどうだっていいじゃないか。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There is no valid reason

  • I just do not feel like

  • I am currently drained to speak right now

Having no particular reason to answer someone , could mean you angry, tired, not interested or simply do not want to speak to the person.
havng no particular reason to answer someoneとは、angry/tired/not interested、またはその人と喋りたくない、というニュアンスを言い方によって持ちますから注意です。
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • No reason

  • I'm just curious

Examples: A: I was wondering about how Susan is doing. B: Why? A: No reason A: Where were you all day? B: Why? A: I'm just curious about where you have been.
Examples: ≪例文≫ A: I was wondering about how Susan is doing. (スーザンはどうしているかなと思って) B: Why? (どうして?) A: No reason (特に理由はないよ) A: Where were you all day? (一日中どこにいたの?) B: Why? (なんで?) A: I'm just curious about where you have been. (ただ気になっただけよ)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I have no expanantion.

  • There is no reason/ I have no reason.

  • I just asked out of interest.

I have no explanation. Explanation: This another word for reason. Example: Children have no explanation for their actions. I just asked out of interest. "out of"= This is a phrase that means because of *I just asked because I was interested*
例文: I have no explanation. (特に深い理由はありません。) Explanation 説明:理由を指す別の言葉です。 例文: Children have no explanation for their actions. (子供達の行動には特に理由がありません。) "I just asked out of interest."(ただ興味があったので聞きました。) "out of"= なんとなく聞きたかったので聞いたという意味です。
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • No reason.

  • There is no reason.

  • I was just curious.

We can either say, "no reason," or use the same phrase in a complete sentence with, "there is no reason." In addition we can talk about our curiosity towards something without having any particular reason with, "I was just curious."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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