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こんにちは。 私はストレス太りが激しいタイプなんですが、ストレス太りは英語で何と表現するのでしょうか。 ちなみに、結婚における自由がなくなった ストレス太りです(笑)
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2016/12/27 14:17
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  • Anxiety induced weight gain

  • Stress induced weight gain

There is a lot of recent research about weight gain caused by stress. One of the most important factors connected with weight gain is lack of sleep and lack of sleep is often connected with being under stress. Either of the above phrases explains this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Weight gain caused by stress

  • Stress-Induced Weight Gain

Weight gain caused by stress そのまま訳すと「ストレスによって引き起こされる体重増加」となります Stress-Induced Weight Gain ストレスによって誘発されるの体重増加 I gained weight because of stress. ストレスのせいで体重が増えた! このような言い方もできます。 いずれにしてもポイントになるのは、”gain”「増加」と 「〜によって引き起こされる」というのをどう言い換えるかということですね。 ”loss”は逆に「減少」ですので合わせて覚えておくと良いでしょう! 「自由」はどんな時もとても大切ですよね!応援しています
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Weight gain from comfort eating

  • Put on weight from comfort eating

When someone is stressed, anxious or unhappy, they often eat to make themselves feel better. This is called comfort eating.
誰かがストレスや不安、不幸を感じているとき、普通食べることで活力を取り戻します。これをconfort eatingと言います。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • Gained weight due to stress

  • Anxiety eating

If someone has gained weight due to stress, this normally happens because some people tend to overeat and eat fattening foods (known as comfort foods) to make them feel better when they are under stress. We can use any of the following expressions:- 1. Gained weight due to stress ; 2. Anxiety eating. Example (A) : - A. Shelly, you look fatter! B. Yes I have exams next week, I have gained weight due to stress. A. I see, all those burgers and fries have paid off! Example (B) A. My sister is worried about her divorce, and she eats a lot of ice-cream, cakes and chocoate. B. Yes that is called anxiety eating, she is doing that becasue she is stressed about the divorce.
ストレスを感じていると食べ過ぎたり太りやすい食べ物('comfort foods'と言われる)を食べがちになりますね。普通、"gained weight due to stress"(ストレスによって体重が増えた)は、これが原因で起こります。 以下の表現を使うことが出来ます。 1. Gained weight due to stress(ストレスによって体重が増えた) 2. Anxiety eating(ストレス食い) 例(A) A. Shelly, you look fatter! (シェリー、太ったね) B. Yes I have exams next week, I have gained weight due to stress. (そうなの。来週試験があるから、ストレス太り) A. I see, all those burgers and fries have paid off! (なるほど。ハンバーガーとフライドポテトが効いたんだよ) 例(B) A. My sister is worried about her divorce, and she eats a lot of ice-cream, cakes and chocoate. (姉が離婚のことで悩んでいて、アイスクリームとかケーキとかチョコレートばっかり食べている) B. Yes that is called anxiety eating, she is doing that becasue she is stressed about the divorce. (ストレス食いだね。離婚のことでストレスを感じているんだよ)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Weight gain caused by anxiety.

  • Stress related weight gain.

You can say that you gained weight due to anxiety or stress. Some people tend to eat more when they feel anxious or stressed. Ex: - I typically gain weight whenever I’m feeling stressed. - Stress causes me to overeat and gain weight.
anxiety'(不安)または 'stress'(ストレス)で体重が増えたと言えます。 不安やストレスを感じると食欲に走ってしまう人もいます。 例: - I typically gain weight whenever I’m feeling stressed.(ストレスがたまるとたいてい体重が増える) - Stress causes me to overeat and gain weight.(ストレスがたまると、食べ過ぎてしまって体重が増える)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • Stress/Anxiety induced weight gain.

  • Weight gained because of stress.

There in no specific word for weight gained because of stress. It can be explain by saying "stress/anxiety" induced weight gain. Induced means because of. You can also say someone gained weight because they comfort eat. Meaning they eat to make themselves feel better when stressed and gain weight.
ストレスのせいで太るという言葉はありませんが、stress/anxiety induced stressと表すことができます。inducedはbecause ofと同義です。また、gained weight because they comfort eat.と、ストレスを和らげるために食べ、太ることを表すこともできます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Stress related weight gain

  • Weight gained by comfort eating

  • pile it on

Comfort eating is something people do when they are stressed. Eating gives you comfort and makes you feel good. Unfortunately, we tend to gain weight or 'pile it on' as we say in England. I often pile it on when I did a lot of comfort eating. Hope this helps Jane:)
comfort eating はストレスがかかっている人々がすることです。食べていると気分が良くなりますね。 残念ながら、そうすると体重が増えます。イギリスでは pile it on と言います。 I often pile it on when I did a lot of comfort eating. (ストレスで食べ過ぎて、太ってしまうことがよくあります。) 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I stress-eat and it causes me to gain weight.

  • Stress causes me to eat a lot.

Stress eating means to is consume food in response to your feelings and not hunger Consuming large amounts will result in weight gain __________________________________________________ A: You look chubby B: I stress-eat and it causes me to gain weight
Stress eating means to is consume food in response to your feelings and not hunger Consuming large amounts will result in weight gain Stress eating=感情に支配され、食べてしまうこと。Consuming large amounts of food=大量に食べることがWeight gain=体重増加につながる。_____________________________________________ ≪例文≫ A: You look chubby (ぽっちゃりしてるね。) B: I stress-eat and it causes me to gain weight (ストレスで食べるのが、太る原因になるの。) ”Cause me to gain weight”=体重増加の原因になる。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Weight gained because of stress/anxiety

  • Stress related weight gain

It is a very big topic and concerns a lot of scientists. Both of these expressions are more scientific and hope it is what you are looking for.
これは多くの科学者が関心を寄せる重要なテーマですね。 ご紹介した表現はどちらも学術的な言い方です。お役に立てば幸いです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • gain weight due to stress

おっしゃられている内容は、 gain weight due to stress 「ストレスのために体重が増える」 と表現することもできると思います。 例) She gained weight due to stress. 「彼女はストレス太りした(ストレスのため体重が増えた)」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I gained weight due to stress.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I gained weight due to stress.」 (意味)ストレスのせいで体重が増えました。 <例文>I gained weight due to stress. I just couldn't stop eating snacks and gained 10 kg. <訳>ストレスのせいで体重が増えました。スナックをいっぱい食べてしまい、10キロ増えてしまいました。 参考になれば幸いです。
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