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2016/12/31 02:00
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  • an inexperienced driver

日本語の「ペーパードライバー」の直訳となる「a paper driver」は和製英語ですので、一般には通じません。 最も簡潔に表現すれば英訳例のようになりますが、本来ペーパードライバーという表現が意味するのは「[運転免許](を取っただけで、運転を余りせず、運転に[自信のない](人」のことですので、厳密には「a person who has a driver's license but lacks confidence in driving because s/he rarely drives」とでもすべきなのでしょうね。 inexperienced = 経験が少ない driver = 運転者、ドライバー 例: I am an inexperienced driver. In Japan, we sometimes call people like me "paper drivers." 私は経験が少ないドライバーです。日本では私のような人のことを「ペーパードライバー」と言うことがあります。
Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • I have a license but I rarely drive.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 「ペーパードライバー」に当たる英語はたぶんありません。 文章で言い表すと英訳例のようになると思います。 I have a license but I rarely drive. ↑↑「[免許](は持っているが、運転は[めったに](しない」 {ボキャブラリー} rarely 【副-1】めったに~しない、まれに、おおよそ~ない、まれにしか~しない 【副-2】珍しいほど、とても見事に [出典:英辞郎] ----- よかったら参考にしてください。 ありがとうございました。
  • I have a driver's license, but haven't driven for a long time.

「免許は持っているが、ずっと長い間運転していない」の意味です。 私の理解では、「ペーパードライバー」という日本語は「ほとんど運転しない人」ではなく、「(免許は持っているが)長期間全く運転をしてない人」だと理解しているので そうなんだとすれば、おっしゃられている内容に一番近いのはこの英語表現かと思います。
  • A driver who is out of practice

  • An intermittent driver

Out of practice = If you are out of practice at doing something, you have not had much experience of it recently, although you used to do it a lot or be quite good at it. 'How's your German?'—'Not bad, but I'm out of practice.' Intermittent = occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady, sporadic, irregular, fitful, spasmodic, broken, fragmentary, discontinuous, disconnected, isolated, odd, random, patchy. "Today will be cloudy with intermittent rain"
Out of practice = もしあなたが何かに対してout of practiceであるのであれば、あなたは以前それを頻繁にやっていて上手だったけれども最近それを十分にしていないということになります。 例文: 'How's your German?' ーあなたのドイツ語はどうですか? 'Not bad, but I'm out of practice.' ー悪くないよ、でも最近練習してない。 Intermittent = 不定期な間隔で起こること、連続したり安定していないこと。 例: "Today will be cloudy with intermittent rain" ー今日は不規則な雨で曇りになるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I rarely drive, although I have a license.

  • He rarely drive these days...He is out of practice. He has not driven in ages!

When we first learn to dive we can be described as an "inexperienced driver..." However that should not be confused with a "lack of practice!" I know quite a few people who drove for years and now have no need to do so... They are said to be "out of practice..".or Rarely drive (these days)
初めて運転を習うと、"inexperienced driver"と表現されます。しかし、練習が足りていないドライバーと勘違いされることもあるので、何年か運転をしていて、今はもうその必要がない人のことを、"out of practice"または"rarely drive(these days)"と言うことができます。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • out of practice

  • i can drive on paper, but i lack experience

  • i have a license but i rarely drive

example "I do know how to drive, and I have a license. I lack experience though because I rarely drive." or "I can drive on paper, but I lack practice." or "I have a license but I hardly ever drive." or "I'm inexperienced at driving, although I do have a license."
"I do know how to drive, and I have a license. I lack experience though because I rarely drive."  免許もあって、運転のしかたは知っています。めったに運転しないので経験はそれほどありません。 "I can drive on paper, but I lack practice." ぺーバードライバーで、実践がありません。   "I have a license but I hardly ever drive."  免許はあるけど、ほとんど運転しません。 "I'm inexperienced at driving, although I do have a license." 免許はあるけれど、運転の経験はありません。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • He has a valid drivers license but he has been out of action for a while.

  • I have a drivers license but I have not been driving recently.

>He has a valid drivers license but he has been out of action for a while. Out of action=have not been active with the activity (driving). >I have a drivers license but I have not been driving recently. *recently=at a recent time. example Friend:Can your brother drive? You:He has a valid drivers license but he has been out of action for a while.
He has a valid drivers license but he has been out of action for a while. *Out of action=活動をしていないこと。 I have a drivers license but I have not been driving recently. *recently=最近。 以下のように使うことができます。 Friend:Can your brother drive? 運転してもらえますか? You:He has a valid drivers license but he has been out of action for a while. 免許は持っているのですが、しばらく運転していないです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He has a driver's license but hasn't driven in a long time.

  • He has a driver's license, but his driving is a little rusty.

If you want to describe a person who has a driver's license but hasn't driven in a long time, here are some ways to express that :- 1. He has a driver's license but hasn't driven in a long time. Example Sentence :- Mark "I wonder if Peter is a good driver, I want to hire him as my personal driver." Sharon "He has a driver's license but hasn't driven in a long time." 2. He has a driver's license, but his driving is a little rusty. The expression "a little rusty" means you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time. For example "My Chinese speaking is a little rusty"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Inexperienced driver

  • Out of practice driver

These terms are usually given to an individual who has a driving licence but very rarely drives. another term for this is 'Intermittent', this means something that is not consistent. "Inexperienced" is used when someone has not had very much experience in something, another term used is "Out of practice".
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Rookie

  • A driver that lacks practical skills

Even though there is no one word that describes this type of person like there is in Japanese "paper driver" you can refer to these people as follows: "Rookie" a rookie is a person that has knowledge of something in this case driving but lacks the practical experience, in other words, has not had enough time on the road driving.. This word "rookie" can be applied to anyone who lacks practical experience in any field. "A driver that lacks practical skills" this expression is more direct and to the grain. This expression lets someone knows that you may have a license but you do not have the practical skills to drive.
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • i can drive on paper but i rarely do so.

  • i have a license but i don't drive often

there is not one particular word in the English language to describe this but you could say something like "i can drive on paper but i rarely do so." or "i have a license but i don't drive often".
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • An inexperienced driver

  • I hardly drive even though I have a driver's license

When someone has a drivers license but has not driven in a long time, you may use the following to explain: -Sam is an inexperienced driver. Even though he has a driver's license, he hasn't driven in a long time. -I hardly drive even though I have a driver's license. The last time I drove a car was in 2019.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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