世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/09 12:46
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  • I will wait to divorce my husband/wife until my child/children become independent.

I will wait to divorce my husband/wife until my child/children become independent. ケースによって my husbandかwife  旦那様 か 奥様 childかchildren  1人の子ども か 複数の子ども を選んで使ってください。
Natsuko 英語通訳・翻訳
  • I'll stay married to my partner until my children are grown

  • I'm staying married to my partner for the children's sake. I will divorce him/her when our children have grown up.

When you are trying to explain that you will divorce your partner once your children have grown up, then you can say it in the following ways: -I'll stay married to my partner until my children are grown -I'm staying married to my partner for the children's sake. I will divorce him/her when our children have grown up.
子ども達が大人になったら離婚したいと言うなら、以下のように表せます: -I'll stay married to my partner until my children are grown (子ども達が大人になるまでは、パートナーと一緒にいます。) -I'm staying married to my partner for the children's sake. I will divorce him/her when our children have grown up. (子ども達のために、パートナーと一緒にいます。子ども達が成長したら、彼/彼女と離婚します。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I shall wait until my children are older before we get divorced.

  • I won't file for divorce until the kids have grown up.

I shall wait until my children are older before we get divorced. I won't file for divorce until the kids have grown up. Can be used to explain this situation.
【例文】 I shall wait until my children are older before we get divorced. [訳]子供たちが大きくなるまで離婚は待ちます I won't file for divorce until the kids have grown up. [訳]子供たちが成長するまで離婚はしません これらを使って状況を説明することが出来ます。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • I will not get a divorce until my children have grown up.

  • I will stay with my partner until my children have grown up.

Both of these answers are effectively the same as saying "I will wait until my kids are grown to divorce my partner". So that children have a good childhood with both of their parents around a lot of people who are not happy in their relationships wait until their kids have grown up before filing for divorce. Typically when the children are 17/18 years old.
どちらの回答も意味としては: "I will wait until my kids are grown to divorce my partner" (子供が大きくなるまで離婚は待ちます) ということです。 子供たちが両親に囲まれてよい幼少時代を過ごせるよう、多くの人は不幸な関係を続け、子供が育つまで離婚するのを待ちます。 一般的には子供が17-18歳になるまでです。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I will wait until my kids have grown up to get divorced

  • I will wait until my kids are grown up to divorce my partner

  • I will stay married to my partner until my kids have grown up

To express you will stay with your partner and not divorce until the kids have grown up you can use the terms 'to get divorced' or 'to stay married'  To wait means to put something off to a later date so you would say 'until my kids have grown up' to explain when you plan on doing this
子どもが大きくなるまで離婚はしないと言いたいなら、'to get divorced'(離婚する)や'to stay married'(結婚したままでいる)が使えます。 'to wait'は「遅らせる」という意味です。いつまで遅らせるかというと、 'until my kids have grown up'(子どもが大きくなるまで) です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I won't get divorced until after my kids are all grown up

  • I will only file for divorce after my kids become adults.

Any of thses sentences can reflect what you plan to do:- 1. I won't get divorced until after my kids are all grown up. "Won't " is the contraced way of saying "will not" This sentence is saying that your kids must become adults first before you get divorced. 2. I will only file for divorce after my kids become adults. To file for divorce means to apply to the court system to end your marriage. This sentence means that you will only do this after your kids have become grown up or have become adults
どちらの文でも、あなたのしようとしていることを表すことができます。 1. I won't get divorced until after my kids are all grown up. (子どもたちがみんな大きくなるまで離婚はしません) "Won't"は"will not"の短縮形です。 この文では、子どもが大人になるまで離婚はしないと言っています。 2. I will only file for divorce after my kids become adults. (子どもが大人になるまで離婚はしません) "To file for divorce"は、裁判所に離婚を申請するという意味です。この文では、子どもが大人になるまではこれをしないと言っています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I can't get divorced until my kids are grown.

I can't get divorced until my kids are grown. →子どもが大きくなるまで離婚できない。 「until」は「~まで」という意味です。 「get divorced」は「離婚する」という意味です。 回答は一例ですので、参考程度でお願いします。 ありがとうございました
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