世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




海外のジムにて。シャワースペースに入る時、ジムのスタッフに。 shoes OK ? で通じたけど、ちゃんとした英語で言いたかったです。
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2015/12/19 15:30
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  • Can I keep my shoes on?

  • Can I leave my shoes on?

  • Do I have to take off my shoes?

まず、「靴を履いている」と言うときは "shoes ON" オンを使います。 履いた「まま」と言いたいときは"keep" "leave"どちらでも通用します。 それらを繋ぎ合わせて Can I keep my shoes on? Can I leave my shoes on? というフレーズに成っています。 聞き方を少しかえて、「靴は脱がなくてはだめですか?」と聞くのであれば "Do I have to take off my shoes?" と聞けばOKです。 ☆まとめ 脱ぐ=take off 履く=put on 履いたまま=keep on/leave on
  • Can I leave my shoes on?

  • Should I take my shoes off?

Leave という動詞は残すという意味なので leave my shoes on は 「靴を履いたまま」 という意味になります。同じパターンで Can I keep my shoes on? も使えます。 もし脱ぐ必要がありそうでしたら逆に Should I take my shoes off? 靴は脱ぐべきですか? と聞く手もあります。 Shoes OK では伝わるでしょうけど、丁寧に聞くことは良い試みですね!
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • Can I keep my shoes on?

  • Am I allowed to keep my shoes on in the shower?

Can I keep my shoes on?" This politely asks if you can keep your shoes on. "Am I allowed to keep my shoes on in the shower?" This politely asks the person if you can wear your shoes in the shower.
Can I keep my shoes on? 靴を履いたままでいることを丁寧に尋ねる表現です。 Am I allowed to keep my shoes on in the shower? シャワー中に靴を履いたままだよいか丁寧に尋寝る表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can I keep my shoes on?

  • Do I have to take off my shoes?

You can ask : Can I keep my shoes on? Do I have to take off my shoes? May I keep my shoes on? Do I need to remove my shoes?
以下のように尋ねるできます。 Can I keep my shoes on? 靴を履いたままでいいかですか? Do I have to take off my shoes? くつを脱いだ方がいいですか? May I keep my shoes on? 靴を履いたままでよろしいでしょうか? Do I need to remove my shoes? 靴を脱ぐ必要がありますか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can i keep my shoes on?

  • Can i wear my shoes in the shower?

  • is it ok to keep these on in the shower?

example "May I keep my shoes on in here?". or "Is it ok to wear my shoes in the shower?". or "Would it be ok to wear these in the shower cubicle?"
 "May I keep my shoes on in here?" ここは靴を履いたままでもいいですか?   "Is it ok to wear my shoes in the shower?".  シャワーで靴を履いたままでもいいですか? "Would it be ok to wear these in the shower cubicle?" シャワー室でこれを履いていてもいいですか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible to keep my shoes on?

  • Should I take off my shoes?

"Should I take off my shoes?", can be asked if you are unsure if you must take off your shoes or not?
"Should I take off my shoes?" 靴を脱いだらいいですか? これは靴を脱いだらいいのかどうか確認するためのフレーズです。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • May I keep my shoes on inside?

May I...?' is a polite way of starting a question when you want to ask someone if it is permissible to do something - or perhaps not do something. EX "May I shave in the changing room?" EX "May I be exempted from attending the performance this evening?"
「May I...?」は、~してもよいか許可を求めるときの丁寧な質問の仕方です。 例: May I shave in the changing room? 更衣室でひげをそってもいいですか? May I be exempted from attending the performance this evening? 今夜、舞台に出席しなくてもいいですか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I keep my shoes on?

  • Am I allowed to keep my shoes on?

  • Do I have to take my shoes off?

We can use the verb, "to keep," as a way to ask if the shoes can stay on or to describe that something will remain the same. We can also use, "to allow," to refer more to our permission and if sometimes is ok for us to do. We can also reverse the sentence with, "to have to take off," rather than asking if we can, "keep on," something.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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