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車酔いってcar drunk?
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2015/12/21 20:57
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  • My dog gets carsick.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 一例をご紹介します。 {英訳の意味} My dog gets carsick. 私の犬は車酔いします。 {解説} carsick は「車酔いした」といった意味です。 get は「~になる」ですね。 get carsick で「車酔いになる」となります。 {例} I get carsick when I try to read in a moving car. 車の中で何か読むと酔う。 【出典:Eyes Only-Page 68】 ~~~~~ 参考になればと思います。 どうもありがとうございました。
  • Car sick

  • Sea sick

  • get motion sickness

おしいです! Car drunk でもなんとか通じそうですね。 正式には Car sick 「車酔い」 Sea sick 「船酔い」なぜかShip ではありません。 Motion sickness 「乗り物酔い」I got motion sickness 「乗り物酔いした」 乗り物に乗る前にチョコがいいと聞きました。
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • My dog gets car sick.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思います(*^_^*) My dog gets car sick. 「私の犬は車酔いする」 ちなみに、船酔いならsea sick、飛行機酔いならair sickと言います(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • My dog gets sick in the car.

  • We can't take my dog because he gets sick in the car.

  • We will have to put my dog in a cage if we put him in the car because he gets carsick.

My dog gets sick in the car. We can't take my dog because he gets sick in the car. We will have to put my dog in a cage if we put him in the car because he gets carsick. I can't take my dog in the car because he will get sick. Riding in a car makes my dog sick.
My dog gets sick in the car. (私の犬は車酔いします) We can't take my dog because he gets sick in the car. (私の犬は車酔いするので連れて行けません) We will have to put my dog in a cage if we put him in the car because he gets carsick. (私の犬は車酔いするので車に乗せるならケージの中に入れておかないといけません) I can't take my dog in the car because he will get sick. (私の犬は酔うので、車に乗せることはできません) Riding in a car makes my dog sick. (私の犬は車酔いします)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Motion sickness

  • Car sickness

Motion sickness is caused by the inner ear experiencing discomfort caused by the movement of any vehicle. The symptoms of car sickness are nausea or vomiting. "My dog hates traveling in the car, he experiences motion-sickness." "Roxy, our dog, can't travel with us on vacation, whenever she travels with us she has car sickness. Inner ear: the part of the ear that holds the organs that help you hear Nausea: the feeling of wanting to vomit
Motion sicknessは、乗り物が動き、内耳が不快に感じることによって起こります。車酔いの症状は、吐き気や嘔吐です。   "My dog hates traveling in the car, he experiences motion-sickness." (私の犬は車移動が嫌いなの。車酔いするから。) "Roxy, our dog, can't travel with us on vacation, whenever she travels with us she has car sickness." (私たちの犬のロキシーは、一緒に旅行に行けないの。行くといつも車酔いするから。) Inner ear: 聞こえるのを助ける器官を保つ耳の一部 Nausea: 吐き気
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • My dog is always sick

  • My dog is often sick

  • My dog is a medical disaster!

Your dog often gets sick and you can explain that by using one of the above suggested examples. Obviously it depends on the ferquency of illness how you exactly describe this situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My dog often get car sick

  • Motion sickness

"My dog often get car sick" This sentence is implying that someones dog often/usually suffers from car sickness, car sickness is the term used when someone becomes ill from travelling, 'car sick' can be used to describe 'motion sickness' and travel sickness.
"My dog often get car sick" (私の犬は、よく車酔いをする。) これは、犬がよく車酔いになるという意味です。 car sickness とは、車酔いのことです。 'motion sickness' や travel sicknessとも言います。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • My dog gets car sick

  • Whenever my dog is in a car, it gets car sick

When you want to explain that your dog often gets car sick; then you may express this in the following ways: -My dog gets car sick -Whenever my dog is in a car, it gets car sick
愛犬が車酔いしやすいなら、それは次のように説明できます。 -My dog gets car sick(私の犬は車酔いします) -Whenever my dog is in a car, it gets car sick(私の犬は車に乗ると酔います)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My dog gets motion sick.

  • Car sick.

  • Sea sick.

Getting “car sick” means you feel nauseous while being in a moving vehicle. “Sea sick” is the same thing, feeling nauseous, but from being on a boat while out at sea. “Motion sick” can be used for all of these (car sick, sea sick, etc) Ex: -I get motion sick on rollercoasters. -My dog gets carsick. -I don’t enjoy going on a boat because I get sea sick.
“Car sick” は、車酔いする(車に乗って気持ち悪くなる)ことをいいます。 “Sea sick” は、船酔いする(船に乗って気持ち悪くなる)ことをいいます。 “Motion sick” は、全ての乗り物について使えます('car sick' 'sea sick' など)。 例: -I get motion sick on rollercoasters.(ジェットコースターに乗ると気持ち悪くなります) -My dog gets carsick.(私の犬は車酔いします) -I don’t enjoy going on a boat because I get sea sick.(船は好きではありません、船酔いするんです)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • Whenever my dog is in a car, it gets car sick

  • My dog gets sick in the car.

The first sentence has more explanation there with a specific using word "whenever" when the second one is more simple and less complicated.
一つ目の例では、"whenever"(~するときはいつも)を使ってより詳しく説明しています。 二つ目はシンプルな言い方です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Motion sickness.

Motion sickness is caused by repeated movements when travelling, like going over bumps in a car or moving up and down in a boat, You could also say Travel sickness. Examples : "My dog gets motion sickness." "My dog gets travel sickness."
Motion sickness'(乗り物酔い)は、移動中車や船で繰り返し揺られることで引き起こされます。これは 'Travel sickness' ともいいます。 例: "My dog gets motion sickness." "My dog gets travel sickness." (私の犬は乗り物酔いします)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
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