You could also say:
I love talking to you.
Its always great to talk to you
I really enjoying conversing with you.
I love talking to you. :君とのお喋りは本当に楽しい
Its always great to talk to you 君と話すのはいつも最高だね。
I really enjoying conversing with you. 君と意見を交わすのはすごく楽しい。
I love talking with you!
Talking with you is so much fun.
Its great when we talk, I enjoy it so much!
You can also say...
Its great chatting with you!
I love having a chat with you
Its great having a natter with you. (natter= slang for a chat in the UK)
We can chat for hours!
*We can gas for hours! (gas = slang for a chat)
Hope this helps!! ^ ^
I love talking with you!
Talking with you is so much fun.
It's great when we talk, I enjoy it so much!
Its great chatting with you!
I love having a chat with you
Its great having a natter with you.
We can chat for hours!
*We can gas for hours!
(gas ="chat"のスラング/俗語)
お役に立てれば幸いです!! ^ ^
When we enjoy talking to someone, you can use the following:
"Company"also means friendship and enjoyment
It depends rather on whether the situation is a business scenario or an entirely social one. In a business situation, you could declare that you believe your usual discussions with someone are 'highly productive' or 'mutually beneficial.' On the other hand, if you are with a close friend or perhaps a work colleague and you are chatting about things other than work, you may say simpl,y that you love or enjoy chatting with them v ery much - or something similar:
"Always great having a chat with you, Maria!"
仕事の場かプライベートの場かどちらかにもよりますが、仕事の場では、有意義だったという意味の'highly productive' や 'mutually beneficial' を使うことができます。
一方、仕事のことではないことを、仲の良い友達や、同僚などとおしゃべりする場面では、 love/enjoy chatting with them very muchのように伝えることができます。
"Always great having a chat with you, Maria!"
If you would like to tell someone that you love speaking with them, you can say something like "I really enjoy our conversations/talking to you." or "I love our chats/talks with each other." These are some nice and polite ways to tell someone that you really enjoy conversing with them.
*I really enjoy their company. In this context company means the presence of people.
*It's always a pleasure chatting with them. Chatting is like casual talk.
Example Sentences:
I feel much better it was a pleasure chatting with you.
I really enjoy their company they have a great vibe.
*I really enjoy their company.
*It's always a pleasure chatting with them.
I feel much better it was a pleasure chatting with you.
I really enjoy their company they have a great vibe.
DMM英会話講師 Natsai(ナツァイ)
"I enjoy your company immensely!"- We say the word "company" when we refer to someone we are talking to. When we say we enjoy something "immensely", it means that we get a lot of pleasure out of it. "immensely" means "a lot". You could use this word when you are talking about anything there is "a lot" of. For example: " He has immense knowledge on the subject".
"It is always a pleasure to converse with you!"- We use the phrase "it is a pleasure" when we are talking about something we like. The word "converse" is a synonym for having a conversation/talking.
Thank you for your question. Hope this helps!
In an informal situation, we can use the first sentence. As teachers, we love to hear this from our students because it makes us feel that we have done a good job, and we are admired for our work.
The second one is a little more formal but it can be used in informal situations as well.
Example: I'm looking forward to the party on Saturday.
Example: The two friends chatted for a while before going
their separate ways.
"Separate ways" means going to two different places.
When you use the phrase: I really enjoy having conversations with you. It refers to the fact that you really enjoy talking with them. The reason for this could be that they speak about topics that are really interesting and engaging for you, this makes for a good conversation.