I studied classic Japanese literature in high school.
[古典](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/19586/)は基本的に「[文学](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/37966/)」です。海外でいうと、シェイクスピアのような英文学と同じくくりです。ですので、English literatureならぬ、Japanese literatureで、しかも古典なのでclassic Japanese literatureという風にします。
動詞もused to studyなどとせずとも、単純過去でstudiedで大丈夫ですし、in high school yearsとせずともin high schoolで大丈夫です。仮に、中学高校の6年間と年数を入れるのであれば、I have studied classic Japanese literature for 6 years in school.と、schoolの総称でも大丈夫です。
I want to study the classics at school because it is an important part of literature.
Some people don't like reading the classics because it is difficult to understand.
Classical Japanese literature would be very educational.
古典 classic
I want to study the classics at school because it is
an important part of literature.
Some people don't like reading the classics
because it is difficult to understand.
Classical Japanese literature would be very educational.