世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/30 00:57
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  • Can you please take my plate away?

  • Can you please take these plates away?

お皿が1枚で自分の皿であるときは「my plate」(他の人の皿のときは「her plate」「his plate」)、何枚もさげてもらいたいときは「these plates」を使うといいでしょう。お役に立てれば幸いです。
  • Thank you. I am done.

In some restaurants you can put the fork and knife upside down as indication that you are done and you want the plate taken away.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, could you please take my plate?

You can put your fork below the knife diagonally across the plate to show that you are finished eating. diagonally - crossways, aslant
"Thank you, could you please take my plate? ありがとうございます。お皿をさげていただけませんか? You can put your fork below the knife diagonally across the plate to show that you are finished eating. お皿上にナイフとフォークを斜めになるように重ねて置き、食事終了を示しましょう。 diagonally -斜め、斜面"
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I've finished thanks. Would you mind clearing the table please?

  • 2. Could I ask that the table be cleared please?

  • 3. Could we clear the table please?

1. Would you mind + Verb ing..? = A very polite way to make a request 2. Could I ask that = An indirect request, quite poilite 3. Could we + verb..? = This form is sometimes used so as to appear friendly and include oneself in the request if something needs to be done. However, the speaker is not volunteering to do any work here!
1. Would you mind + Verb ing..? = お願いするときの丁寧な表現。 2. Could I ask that = 間接的な表現。丁寧。 3. Could we + verb..? = フレンドリーに使用されることがあり、何かをするリクエストに自分自身を含める時に使います。この場合は、相手にお願いしているわけですが。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Thank you that was lovely! i'm done.

  • B) You may take my plate away i'm done thank you.

A) Thank you that was lovely! i'm done. *Thank you -a polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing an offer. Example-"thank you for your letter" *Lovely - nice/tasteful/enjoyable *I'm done - finished / had enough B) You may take my plate away i'm done thank you. *you may - you can (giving permission) I hope this helps :-)
A) Thank you that was lovely! i'm done. ごちそうさまでした。おいしかったです。食べ終わりました。 *Thank you -お礼. 例-"thank you for your letter" 手紙をありがとう。 *Lovely - すばらしかった *i'm done - 終わり B) You may take my plate away i'm done thank you. お皿を片付けてもいいです。食べ終わりました。ありがとう。 *you may - you can 許可をあたえています 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Please clear my table.

  • We're done eating..Can someone please clean our table for us?

  • Can you please take these plates away?

"Please clear my table." This is a straightforward and polite way to instruct someone to clear your table in case they didn't notice. "We're done eating..Can someone please clean our table for us?" This is also a good way to let a staff member know that you would like your plates to be taken away and your table cleaned. "Can you please take these plates away?" You could say this when you want the waiter to remove some of the plates or all of the plates on your table.In instances where you are sitting as a large group you may want only a select few to be taken away to create space.You could use this sentence/question and show them which ones you would like to be removed.
"Please clear my table."テーブルをかたづけてください。 かなり直接的にかつ丁寧に気づいてもらえなかったときに、誰かにテーブルをかたづけてくれるように頼んでいる。 "We're done eating..Can someone please clean our table for us?"食べ終わりました。どなたかテーブルをかたづけてくれませんか? お皿を下げてテーブルをきれいにしてほしいと伝えています。 "Can you please take these plates away?"これらのお皿をさげてくれますか? ウェイターにいくつかのお皿、またはすべてのお皿を片付けてほしいときに使います。もし大人数で座っていたら自分で選んだお皿を片付けてほしいとあなたは思うかもしれません。そんなときにこのお皿と片付けてほしいお皿を選んでお願いするフレーズです。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please clear the table.

  • You can clear the table.

Please' is a term that is used in polite requests. In other words, when you request something the term 'please' makes the request more polite. ______________________________________________________________________ To clear the table means to remove any dirty or used dishes from it after a meal. ______________________________________________________________________ Examples A: Did you enjoy your meal? B: Yes, I did. You can clear the table. A: How can I help? B: Please clear the table before the dessert arrives.
Please'は丁寧な要求です。 ______________________________________________________________________ To clear the table means to remove any dirty or used dishes from it after a meal. テーブルを片付けてくださいという表現は食事のあとの片付けということです ______________________________________________________________________ 例 A: Did you enjoy your meal? 食事は楽しめましたか? B: Yes, I did. You can clear the table. はい、とても。お皿をかたづけていいですよ A: How can I help? いかがなさいましたか? B: Please clear the table before the dessert arrives. デザートがくるまえにテーブルを片付けてください。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can you clear the table please?

  • Could you take these plates away please?

  • We have finished. Can you clear the table please?

Would you mind taking these dishes away? Thank you. Can you clear the table please? - This means that you would like the waiter to take away everything as you have finished eating. We have finished. - You can add 'with our food' or 'with our dessert' or 'with our meal', however simply, we have finished gets the point across. :)
Would you mind taking these dishes away? Thank you. (お皿を片付けていただけますか。ありがとうございます) Can you clear the table please? (テーブルを片付けていただけますか) - 食べ終わったので、ウェイターにすべて片付けて欲しい、という意味です。 「with our food(食べ物を)」「with our dessert(デザートを)」「with our meal(食事を)」を加えてもいいですが、「we have finished」だけで意味は伝わります。 :)
Niabh DMM英語講師
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