世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/03 23:46
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  • Google doesn't recognize my English maybe because of my bad pronunciation.

「認識する」は【recognize】で、「恐らく、たぶん」は【maybe】、「悪い発音」は【bad pronunciation】で「~の原因・理由で」は【because of 名詞】で言えます。
Tsu 英会話講師トレーナー、高校英語教師
  • Google doesn't pick up on what I'm saying; maybe it's because I'm not saying it correctly.

  • Google doesn't pick up on my accent in English.

  • Google doesn't understand my accent in English.

to pick up on (something) - this means to understand something to pick up on (something that someone is saying) - this means to understand something that someone is saying maybe it's because I'm not saying it correctly - this implies that your English is not good, so Google doesn't understand what you're saying
to pick up on (something)  〜を理解するという意味です。 to pick up on (something that someone is saying)  誰かが言っている話を理解するという意味です。 maybe it's because I'm not saying it correctly 「多分私がキチンと言えてないからだ」 英語がうまくないのでグーグルがあなたの言っている事を理解してないという意味です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Google is failing to recognize my words. I think I am misspelling them.

  • Google is failing to recognize my words. I think I am not pronouncing them correctly.

*Google is failing to recognize my words. I think I am misspelling them. This means that when you are googling the words your typing in the wrong spellings and Google doesn't recognize them. *Google is failing to recognize my words. I think I am not pronouncing them correctly. This is when you are using google translate and you are speaking and you want google to tell you the meaning or translate something for you.
*Google is failing to recognize my words. I think I am misspelling them. これは、間違ったスペルで単語をGoogle検索しているので、Googleが認識しないという意味です。 *Google is failing to recognize my words. I think I am not pronouncing them correctly. これは、Google翻訳を使ってあなたが話していて、Googleに意味を教えてもらったり、何かを翻訳してほしいときに使える表現です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Google seems to think I'm from another planet and doesn't understand a word I say!

If you say ' John is from another planet' it probably means John does not understand some very basic and normal procedure or acceptable response. Obviously, if you are from another plant you would speak a different language and the computer would not recognise this language - as it does not also when you speak.
もし' John is from another planet'(ジョンは他の惑星からやってきた)と言ったら、 それは"John"は基本的な普通の事を理解できず、ちんぷんかんぷんな回答をする、という意味になるでしょう。 あなたがもし他の惑星からやってきたら違う言語を話すので、 明らかに、コンピューターはあなたの話す違う言語を理解することが出来ないでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Google usually doesn't pick up on what I am saying in English because of my bad pronunciation

  • I think Google doesn't pick up what I say because of my bad pronunciation

When you want to explain that Google doesn't recognize your English because of your bad accent, then you may say it in the following ways: -Google usually doesn't pick up on what I am saying in English because of my bad pronunciation -I think Google doesn't pick up what I say because of my bad pronunciation
「発音が悪いのでGoogleが私の英語を認識しない」は、次のように言えます。 -Google usually doesn't pick up on what I am saying in English because of my bad pronunciation (発音が悪いのでGoogleが私の英語を認識しない) -I think Google doesn't pick up what I say because of my bad pronunciation (発音が悪いのでGoogleが私の言っていることを認識しない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Google cannot understand me.

  • Google cannot understand my English.

As I am Irish, I see people experience this quite often, so you are not alone! You have to speak very clearly in order for google to understand what you are saying. -Google cannot understand me. -Google cannot understand my English.
私はアイルランド人なので、この経験をする人をよく見かけます。ですから、あなただけではありませんよ!Googleが認識するには、明瞭に話す必要があります。 -Google cannot understand me.(Googleは私の言うことを理解できない) -Google cannot understand my English.(Googleは私の英語を理解できない)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Google does not understand my English, possibly because of my pronunciation.

If you want to explain that Google does not recognize your English, due to your pronunciation, you can say: "Google does not understand my English, possibly because of my pronunciation."
「発音が悪いせいでGoogleが自分の英語を認識しない」は次のように言えます。 "Google does not understand my English, possibly because of my pronunciation." (Googleが私の英語を認識しません、発音が悪いせいかもしれません)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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