もちろんHappy new year!だと思います。
Have a happy new year! よいお年を
Happy new year! 明けましておめでとう
Happy new year! I am looking forward to an amazing new year.
happy = 幸せな
new year = 新年
みなさん Have a happy new year!
[Happy New Year だけじゃない! 英語で言いたい新年の挨拶フレーズ40選](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/blog/learning-english/expressions/happy-new-year/)
1. The normal goodwill message at New Year.
2. You enquire if this person has made a new year resolution - for example, to stop smoking, stop drinking, lose weight, help the planet etc.
3. You toast the departure of the previous year. 'Here's .....' signifies you are making a toast to something. "Here's to our great friendship!" "Yes, cheers!"
2.その人おの新年の抱負を尋ねる言い方です。 たとえば、喫煙をやめたり、飲酒をやめたり、体重を減らしたり、地球を助けるなど
3. あなたは前年からの出発に乾杯し、 「Here's ... 」は、あなたが何かに乾杯していることを示します。
"Here's to our great friendship!" 俺たちの友情に!
"Yes, cheers!" おお、乾杯!
I wish you all the best for 2019! (or whichever year is new)
The most common expression you will hear by far when it is New Year is simply Happy New Year! If you see someone just before or after New Year, it's nice to say something like, I wish you all the best for 2019, for example.
最も一般的なフレーズは、Happy New Year!です。年越しの前後に会う人には、I wish you all the best for 2019(2019年が素敵な年になりますように。)のように言うといいでしょう。
If you would like to wish someone a Happy New Year, you can simply say something like "Happy New Year!" or "Have a great New Year ahead!". All of these are polite and easy ways to get this message across to someone.
人にあけましておめでとうと言いたいときは、シンプルに "Happy New Year!" や "Have a great New Year ahead!"と言うといいでしょう。どれも丁寧で簡単な表現です。
The first one is the usual one but I prefer the second one (2 dots in the end for the year you want to say). For example - Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all the best in the new coming year!
一つ目の例が普通の言い方ですが、個人的には二つ目の言い方が好きです("20.." に二つ数字を加えて「年」を完成させてください)。
Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all the best in the new coming year!
1. "Happy New Year" is the simplest and most common greeting for the New Year.
2. This is a more personal approach to a new year greeting. You can replace the adjective "fantastic" with another one as you deem appropriate, for example "Have a healthy New Year" or "Have a prosperous New Year!"
3. You wish a person all the best, hence it is a very universal greeting, yet a little bit more personal than the usual "Happy New Year".
1. "Happy New Year" は最もシンプルで一般的な新年のあいさつです。
2. これはより私的なあいさつです。"fantastic" を他の形容詞に置き換えることもできます。
"Have a healthy New Year"(1年間健康に過ごせるといいね)
"Have a prosperous New Year!"(繁栄の1年になるといいね)
3. これは相手の「幸せ」を祈ります、非常に意味が広いです。ただ、一般的な "Happy New Year" と比べるとまだ私的な雰囲気です。
Happy new year.
I wish you a happy new year.
New Year is a festive time whem many people celebrate and exchange gifts with one another. It is also a time when people exchange greetings and best wishes for the new year.
Here are some common New year's day greetings.
1. Happy New year!
2. All the best for 2019!
1. Happy New year!(よい年を)
2. All the best for 2019!(新しい年のご多幸をお祈りします)