How much is it in grams?
How long is it in meters?
A pounds is more or less 450grams.
A foot is more or less 30cm.
*大体=more or less
In order to check the metric or imperial value of something, you can ask:
How many grams is that?
How much is that in grams?
How many litres is that?
How much is that in litres?
I hope that helps!
How many grams is that?
How much is that in grams?
How many litres is that?
How much is that in litres?
>Can you covert the pounds to gram for me please?
*convert=to change the form. This is asking to change the from from pound to grams.
>What would the amount be in Grams for this item.
This is asking what would the weight be in grams for the specific item.
Can you covert the pounds to gram for me please?
What would the amount be in Grams for this item.
I'm sorry I don't understand imperial units. Do you know what that is in grams?"
Imperial units
= Most countries use the Metric System, which uses the measuring units such as meters and grams and adds prefixes like kilo, milli and centi to count orders of magnitude.
In the United States, they use the older Imperial system, where things are measured in feet, inches and pounds and pints.
"Bananas! Bananas!, twenty cents a pound!"
"I'm sorry I don't understand imperial units. Do you know what that is in grams?"
"Yes, a pound is about half a kilo.;"
Imperial units = 多くの国はメートル、グラム法を使っているでしょう、 USでは、フィートやインチ、ポンドやピントなど古い単位を使っています。
"Bananas! Bananas!, twenty cents a pound!"
"I'm sorry I don't understand imperial units. Do you know what that is in grams?"
"Yes, a pound is about half a kilo.;"
What is the equivalence to grams?- Equivalence means how many grams are equal to X pounds.
Therefore you want to how many grams are equal to X pounds.
How many grams is X pounds?- This is a direct question.
What is the equivalence to grams?
例:How many grams is X pounds?