世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/09 23:49
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  • It has been a while. How is everything?

  • It has been a long time. How have you been?

「[しばらく](ぶり」の一例ですが、 It has been a while. It has been a long time. となどのいい方があります。 また、元気にしてた?もさまざまな表現がありますが、 How are you? How is everything? How have you been? はいいかと思います。 [カジュアルないい方](で What's up? What are you up to? という表現もありますが、個人的にメールでは見たことがないので、口語的な印象です。 例: A: It's been a while! How have you been? 久しぶりだね!元気にしてた? B: It has! I've been great! How about you? そうだね!私は元気!あなたは? 参考になれば幸いです^^ 関連した英語表現については、こちらのブログ記事をご覧ください: ["Long time no see"は中国語!?「久しぶり」と伝える英語フレーズ](
  • A) Long time no see. How have you been?

  • B) How have you been ?

A) Long time no see. How have you been? * Long time no see -it's a long time since we last met (used as a greeting). B) How have you been ? -used when you haven't seen someone for a longer time, like several months or longer. When someone asks, "How have you been?" you should answer with more than just a short word like "Good" or "OK". You should respond by giving news about how your life has been lately. I hope this helps :-)
A) Long time no see. How have you been? * Long time no see -前回会ってから[長い](時間が経っているということ。(挨拶として使われる) B) How have you been ? -数ヶ月やそれ以上、長いこと誰かに会っていなかった時に使います。誰かが"How have you been?" と聞いてきた時、あなたは "Good"や "OK"よりもっと長く答えるべきでしょう。最近のあなたの[生活](について知らせましょう。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • It's been ages! How have you been?

"It's been ages!"は「本当に[久しぶり](だね!」という意味になります"ages"は"age"「年齢/時代」の複数形ですが、この場合「[長い間](」という意味になります。 "have been"は「最後に会ったときから今に至るまでのこと」について表現する場合に使います。 なので、文の意味として「本当に久しぶりだね!元気してた?」という意味になります。
  • How have you been doing?

  • It's been a while. How have you been keeping up.

"How have you been doing?" this means that how has been their well being and if they is anything new you would like them to share. "It's been a while. How have you been keeping up." this means that you would like to know if they have been facing any difficulties/problems.
"How have you been doing?" this means that how has been their well being and if they is anything new you would like them to share. 「元気にしてた?」 元気かどうか、何か変わったことはないか。 "It's been a while. How have you been keeping up." this means that you would like to know if they have been facing any difficulties/problems. 「ひさしぶりだね。どうしてた?」 何か問題がないか、困ったことはないか。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How have you been?

  • How's everything?

前回連絡を取り合ってから間があいているときには、 ★How have you been? (前回連絡したときから今まで)元気だった? と表現するとよいでしょう。 おなじみのHow are you?(元気?)を現在完了形で表したものです。 ★How's everything? こちらも、全体的に調子はどう?とたずねる表現で、 間があいたときにも使えます。
  • How have you been?

This is used when you haven't seen someone in a long time That is when you haven't seen someone for several months or years. ''How have you been' inspires a longer answer. It gives the other person an opportunity to tell you about the things that have happened in their lives since you last saw him/her.
これはあなたが誰かに長い間会っていない時に使われます。数ヶ月や数年会ってない時です。 ''How have you been'は長い回答を求めています。相手に、あなたに対して前回会ってから彼らの人生に何が起こっているのかを伝える機会を与えます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How have you been?

  • Its been a while, how are things?

How have to been? - This is a common way to ask. It is different to 'How are you?' because it is not asking about now, it is asking about the recent past also. A native speaker recognises this is asking 'tell me what happened since we last spoke'. Its been a while - this means 'we have not spoke in a long time' but in a friendly way.
How have to been? (元気にしてましたか?)が自然な聞き方です。 これは 'How are you?' (元気ですか?)とは現在の状態だけではなく最近の状態を聞いているだけではないという点で異なっています。 また、ネイティブなら 'tell me what happened since we last spoke'.(最後に話してからどんなことがあった?)とか ”Its been a while”(しばらくぶりだね。)といった長い間話していなかった相手に親しみを込めて言うフレーズを使うこともあります。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • We haven't spoken in a long time. How are things going?

  • It's been a while since we last spoke. How are you doing?

  • We haven't spoken in ages! Have you been well?

In each of the answers provided, the first sentence indicates that a long time has passed since any communication took place. The second sentences simply ask about the person's well-being. The examples can be used in writing or in person.
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • How have you been?

  • Have you been well?

  • How is everything?

Many different ways to ask how someone has been, such as "How have you been?" and "Have you been well?". Both are very polite and its good manners to ask someone how their life has been while you haven't been in contact. "How is everything?" is more general but it is still an acceptable way to ask someone how they've been.
 "How have you been?" や "Have you been well?"のように相手がどうしていたかを聞く表現はたくさんあります。どちらもとても丁寧で、連絡を取っていない間どうしていたのかを尋ねるのにとてもマナーのよい方法です。 "How is everything?" (いろいろどう?)は、より一般的ですが、相手がどうしていたかを聞くのにもぴったりです。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • Long time no speak, How are you?

  • It's been a while, Hope everything is ok?

Long time no speak you would write meaning its been a long time since you last spoke to the person. The second answer is another way of saying its been a long time.
"Long time no speak" は、「あなたとはしばらく話していない」という意味です。 二つ目の例でも「久しぶりだ」と伝えています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been well?

  • How have you been?

"Have you been well?" and "How have you been?" these are common questions asked when you haven't spoken to someone in a long time and you'd like to ask how they are and how they have been, if everything has been okay.
"Have you been well?" や "How have you been?"は、長い間会っていなくて、その人が元気でやっていたかを尋ねるときに使う一般的なフレーズです。  
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • How have you been?

  • I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?

  • How is everything? I hope everything is going well for you.

"How have you been?", is a very common way to ask how your friend has been since you last talked or heard from him/her. It can be used in both informal and formal situations as well. "I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?", focuses on the fact that it has been some time since you last talked/heard from your friend, so you want to find out how your friend is as a result. This can be used to express concern over your friend's well-being and to also say that you want to make sure he/she is doing well. "How is everything? I hope everything is going well for you.", can be used to ask about your friend's well-being. The part that states, "I hope everything is going well for you.", affirms that you care about your friend and that you want everything in your friend's life to be going smoothly.
"How have you been?" (元気にしてた?) これは、最後に話したり、連絡があったときからその友達がどうしていたかを聞くとても一般的なフレーズです。フォーマルな場でもカジュアルな場でもどちらでもよく使われます。   "I haven't heard from you in a while. How are you?" (しばらく連絡がなかったけど、元気?) これは、最後に話したり、連絡があってからしばらくたっていて、友達がどうしていたかを聞きたいということです。相手の状態を心配したり、元気にやっているか確認したいときに使います。   "How is everything? I hope everything is going well for you." (最近どう?全て順調にいってるといいんだけど。) これは、友達の状態を確かめるのに使います。 "I hope everything is going well for you."の部分は、友達のことを気にかけていて、何事もなく生活を送っていることを望んでいるということを表します。
Darya G DMM英会話講師
  • how have you been?

  • have you been well?

  • I hope you are doing well

asking "how have you been?" or "have you been well?" will ask a person to tell you how they have been. saying "I hope you are doing well" is not a question but it will often get the same response
"how have you been?" と "have you been well?" は「元気でしたか」と尋ねる言い方です。 "I hope you are doing well"(お元気にしているでしょうか)は質問ではありませんが、これでも同じ返答が返ってくることが多いです。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • How have you been?

  • What have you been up to?

1. How have you been? 「元気にしていましたか?」のようなニュアンスの英語フレーズです。 2. What have you been up to? 「何をしていましたか?」のような意味で、連絡をとっていなかった間はどのように過ごしていたのかを質問する英語フレーズです。 ぜひ使ってみてください。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
  • How have you been?

  • How is everything?

  • How's it going?

こんにちは。 「元気にしてた?」は英語で How have you been などと言うことができます。 シンプルに「元気ですか?」と言いたい場合は、定番の How are you? 以外にも様々な言い方ができます。 How is everything? How is life treating you? How’s it going? What’s up? What’s up などはカジュアルな印象のある英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • How have you been?

  • How is everything?

How have you been? 元気にしていましたか? How is everything? 最近はどうですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 how is everything は「最近どう?」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
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