世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/12 11:01
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  • lost property

「[落とし物](」は「lost property」といいます。 [鍵](の届け物はありませんか?というときは Has anyone returned my key? わたしの鍵は届いていますか? がいいと思います。 returned の他に turned in を使うこともできます。 Has anyone turned in some keys? 鍵は届いていませんか? また、遺失物預り所は「Lost and Found」というのでその場所を聞いてもいいですね。 参考になれば幸いです^^
  • Has anyone returned my key? I've lost it.

こんにちは! まず、「私の[鍵](、届いていますか?」 → Has anyone returned my key? と聞いてから、 「なくしてしまいました」 → I've lost it. と伝える感じですね。 鍵、スマホ、財布は、なくすと面倒ですよね!
Shinichiro Kumada 英会話スクール運営
  • I lost my key. Is there any key kept as lost property here?

  • I lost my key. Could I check lost property?

I lost my key. Is there any key kept as lost property here? 鍵をなくしました。 鍵の落とし物はこちらに保管されてませんか? I lost my key. Could I check lost property? 鍵をなくしましたが、落とし物の保管場所でチェックしたいんですけど?
  • Has anyone turned in my key?

「誰かがわたしの鍵を届けてくれましたか」 turn in「提出、届け出る」という意味です。 ついでに落とした物の特徴や落とした場所を言えるようになれば完璧ですね! It has a keychain with a star. 星型のキーホルダーが付いてます (キーホルダーは和製英語なので注意!英語ではkeychainと言います) I think lost it in the parking lot. 多分駐車場で失くしたと思う。
  • Did anyone report any lost keys.

  • I would like to ask if anyone turned in any lost keys.

"Did anyone report any lost keys." this means that you are asking if anyone came to submit the keys they have picked up. "turned in" means that someone brought in some lost keys.
"Did anyone report any lost keys? " (落とした鍵は届いていませんか?) This means that you are asking if anyone ame to submit the keys they have picked up. "Turned in" means that someone brought in some lost keys. 落とした鍵を誰かが届けてくれているか尋ねています。Turned inは、失くした鍵を誰かが届けてくれた、と言う意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • handed in?

  • Has anyone handed in my keys? I think I lost them somewhere near here...

We are said to "hand in" lost / found objects to the "authorities" or to the person in charge...IF we find oursslves in this position, we can say: "Has anyone handed in my keys? I think I lost them somewhere near here..."
公式の場所や人へ落とし物や忘れ物などを届ける事を "hand in" と言います。 もし、このような状況になったら、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 "Has anyone handed in my keys? I think I lost them somewhere near here..." (誰か私のカギを届けてないですか?この辺で落としたと思うのですが)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Has anyone handed in a key?

  • Do you have a record of a key being handed in recently?

To hand in something = to give something to a person. "Please hand in your keys when you leave the hotel." "All essays must be handed in by Tuesday." To keep a record of something = To "keep a record" means to preserve certain information so you can refer to it in the future. Normally you would write the information down but you can also keep a record of something in your head. "Sorry, we have no record of any keys being handed in today."
To hand in something = 何かをあげること 例:"Please hand in your keys when you leave the hotel." ホテルを離れる時に鍵を渡してください。 例:"All essays must be handed in by Tuesday." レポートは火曜日までに提出すること! To keep a record of something = 何かしらの情報をとっておいて、将来参考すること。普通はメモか何かでとっておくものですが、頭の中にいれておくこともできます。 例:"Sorry, we have no record of any keys being handed in today."すみませんが、本日預かりました鍵は特にございません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Did you find a key in your lost-and-found?

  • Has anyone turned in my key?

  • Did anyone show up here with a lost key?

Did anyone show up here with a lost key? - this is asking if anyone came to that place saying that they found a key that someone had lost Did you find a key in your lost-and-found? - a "lost-and-found" is a room, box, etc. where a place stores all of the items that people have lost there
Did anyone show up here with a lost key? - これは誰かがなくした鍵を見つけたと報告しに来たかどうかを尋ねています。 Did you find a key in your lost-and-found? - "lost-and-found"は部屋だったり箱だったりします。 それは人がなくしたものを保管する場所です。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Has anyone handed is a set of keys?

  • Has anyone turned in some keys?

"Has anyone handed is a set of keys?" this politely asks them to tell you if someone has found your keys and handed them in. "Has anyone turned in some keys?" If someone turns something in then it means that they found them and handed them in to lost and found.
"Has anyone handed is a set of keys?" これは誰かがあなたの鍵を見つけて届けてくれていないかを丁寧に尋ねています。 "Has anyone turned in some keys?" もし誰かが何かをturn inしたら、それは誰かがなくしたものを見つけて遺失物管理場所へ提出したということになります。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Has my key been handed in.

Asking the above means you are asking if someone gave your key to the right responsible person.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Has anyone turned in some keys?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記はいかがでしょうか: ・Has anyone turned in some keys? 誰か鍵を届けに来ませんでしたか? turn in で「届ける」のニュアンスになります。 turn in a key で「鍵を届ける」と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Has anyone turned in my key?

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Has anyone turned in my key? 「誰か私のカギを届けていませんか?」 turn inは「(落とし物を)届ける」の意味でよく使われる熟語です(*^_^*) 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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