In their case, I don't feel like they wanted to be tattooed to etch some precious feelings.
このままでも英語で言えないことはないですが、それは世間で言われていること?常識? 誰の意見? 決めつけで偏見じゃないの? というような疑問もわいてきてしまうので、主語をはっきりさせる方がよいでしょう。
彼らの場合=in their case,
感じではない=自分は感じない=feel like あるいは、そういうものではない=not something like
彫ってもらう=入れ墨を入れてもらう=asked to be tatooed
In their case, I don't feel like they wanted to be tattooed to etch some precious feelings.(彼らの場合、とても貴重な気持を刻むために入れ墨を入れてもらったと、私は感じません。)
I don't think that the tattoo artist etched his artistic mind on their skin.
I don't feel like theirs are the artistic work of the tattoo artist.
I don't believe they had asked something like that.