世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/19 18:47
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  • I'd like to take the leftovers home.

  • May I have a container for the leftovers?

  • I'd like to have my leftovers wrapped up, please.

食べ残しは、leftoversと言います。 食べ残しを入れる容器をDoggy bagとも言いますが、最近はあまり聞かないような気がします。Container(容器)と言えば、十分伝わります。 Take ~home, wrap up~(~を包む)、両方とも持ち帰るという意味です。 なので take the leftovers home で「食べ残しを持って帰る」となります。 高級レストランでは、①と②をおすすめします。 ③は、ファミレスやテーマ系レストランで使うと良いと思います。 カジュアルなお店では、フレンドリーな感じに、Can I~でもOKです。 国や場所によっては、残り物をお持ち帰りできなところもあるようですね。 少しでもご参考になれば嬉しいです♪
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • Can I take the rest to go?

  • I think I will bring the rest of my food home.

  • May I have a container to go, please?

More often than not, restaurants usually give you larger than normal sized food portions. If you cannot eat all of the food served to you and would like to bring the rest of the food home with you to eat later, it is always acceptable to ask your waiter, when she or he brings the bill, for a container to put the extra food in so you can eat it later at home. These containers are called 'to-go boxes' or 'a doggy bag'. ________________________________________________________ May I have a to-go box, please? I can't eat another bite. May I get a container to go, please? The food was great! I'd like to save some for home. May I get a doggy bag, please?
しばしば、レストランでは通常の量よりも多い量を提供します。 出された料理を全部食べ切れない場合、残りを家に持って帰って後で楽しむことは、いつでも受け入れられることです。 ウェイターがお勘定を持ってきた時に、残りの食べ物を入れる容器をお願いするといいでしょう。 これらの容器の事を 'to-go boxes'や'a doggy bag'と呼びます。 ________________________________________________________ 【例】 May I have a to-go box, please? (お持ちかえりボックスを頂けますか?) I can't eat another bite. May I get a container to go, please? (これ以上食べられません。お持ちかえり用の容器をもらえますか?) The food was great! I'd like to save some for home. May I get a doggy bag, please? (素晴らしい料理でした!家に持って帰りたいのですが、お持ち帰り用の容器を頂けますか?)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have a doggy bag please?

  • Do you have a container I could put the remains of the meal in, please?

In the UK, people are sometimes a little embarrassed to say that they want the scraps of food for themselves! A 'doggy bag' infers there is hungry pet at home and removes any possible embarrassment from this situation :-) Remains of the meal = the leftovers
UKでは、残り物を持ち帰ると言うのは躊躇してしまう人も多いです。Doggy bagという表現は、家でお腹を空かしたペットがいて、こういった場合に自分たちのために持ち帰るというのを避けるために使われ始めた表現です。 Remains of the meal = the leftovers(食べ残し)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can you pack my leftovers in a doggy bag please.

  • Can you pack my leftovers in a tidbit bag please.

>Can you pack my leftovers in a doggy bag please. *Doggy bag=a bag used by a restaurant customer or party guest to take home leftover food, supposedly for their dog. >Can you pack my leftovers in a tidbit bag please. *Tidbit=a delicate bit or morsel of food
Can you pack my leftovers in a doggy bag please. *Doggy bag=犬のために残った食べ物を持ち帰るためのパーティーやレストランで用意される袋を意味します。 Can you pack my leftovers in a tidbit bag please. *Tidbit=一口サイズの食べ物を意味します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Can I package the rest please?

  • I want to package the rest to take away please.

In order to ask for food from a restaurant to be taken away you can ask for it to be 'packaged' or 'put in a doggy bag'. I hope this helps!
レストランからお持ち帰りできるかお願いするとき、 packaged とか put in a doggy bag という言い方ができます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get this to go please?

  • Could you pack this up for me to take?

If you've finished your meal you can use the first expression to let your waiter or waitress know that you will need a plate or container to take your leftovers home. The second question can be used to politely let your waiter or waitress know that you would like them to take your leftovers and pack them in a way that you can take them with you. They will normally take your leftover food and return with your food in a bag or plate for you to take.
一つ目の表現は、食べ残しを持ち帰りたいからお皿か容器が欲しいと伝える文です。食事を終えたら、ウェイターかウェイトレスに言ってみてください。 二つ目の文は、食べ残しを持って帰れるように容器に入れて欲しい、とウェイター、ウェイトレスに丁寧にお願いする言い方です。普通は食べ残しを袋やお皿に入れて持ってきてくれます。
Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I'd like a doggy bag for my leftovers

  • 2. I'd like my leftovers in a takeaway bag

1. 'Doggy bag' is an expression used for a container used to take home leftovers from a restaurant. 2. 'Takeaway' is an expression used when you want your leftovers taken home or when you will not be eating at the restaurant but rather taking the food home to eat. I hope this helps :)
"1. “Doggy bag”とはレストランから残りものを持ち帰るために使われる容器に対して用いられる表現です。 2. “Takeaway”とは残りものを持ち帰りたい時または最初からレストランで食事せず家で食べるために料理をお持ち帰りをしたい時に使われる表現です。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • A doggy bag please

  • Please put this in a take way box

a doggy bag = a bag into which leftovers from a meal may be put and taken away a take way box = a container to put your leftovers in If we went to a restaurant she would always ask for a doggy bag. Neither of us finishes the huge main course and he asks for a doggy bag. Seems she wasn't hungry though - she left with what looks like a rather fancy doggy bag.
a doggy bag = 食事で余った食べ物を入れて持ち帰ることができる袋。 take away box = 余った食べ物を入れることができる容器。 例 If we went to a restaurant she would always ask for a doggy bag. (私たちがレストランに行ったら、彼女はいつもドギーバッグを頼むでしょう。) Neither of us finishes the huge main course and he asks for a doggy bag. (私たちはどちらもその大きなメインコースを食べきれなくて、彼はドギーバッグをお願いします。) Seems she wasn't hungry though - she left with what looks like a rather fancy doggy bag. (彼女はおなかがあまりすいていなかったみたいだけど…。彼女はなんだかオシャレなドギーバッグのようなものを持って立ち去った。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Can you put my leftovers in a box so I can take them away please?

  • Is it possible for me to take away the rest of my food?

It is normal for us to think we can eat more than we originally expected. There is a phrase to describe this which is: "Your eyes are bigger than your belly" which means that you expected to eat more than you could. "Belly" is a colloquial word for the stomach. In the first sentence, we can use this in any situation. It is important to add please at the end of the sentence so we seem educated and polite. "Leftovers" is the food that remains after you have eaten all that you could. In the second sentence, we are not specifying that we want to put our leftover food in a box, but it is implied. It is not always necessary to say this so this sentence is perfectly correct.
食べ物に関しては「目がほしくなる」というのがありますね。英語にもこれを表す表現があります: "Your eyes are bigger than your belly" これは、料理を欲張って注文しすぎることをいいます。 "Belly" は "Stomach"(腹)の口語的な言い方です。 一つ目の文は、あらゆる状況で使うことができます。文末に "Please" を加えるのを忘れないでください。これで、上品で丁寧な言い方になります。 二つ目の文では、「余った料理を容器に入れたい」とは言っていませんが、これはそのニュアンスです。必ずしもそれは言う必要ありません、この文も正しい言い方です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a doggy bag?

  • Is it okay to take it home?

  • Can you put it in a box for home, please?

Can I have a doggy bag? Is it okay to take it home? Can you put it in a box for home, please? In my family we always called it a doggy bag, and I have no idea why, but that was what we called it. Also, you can add please to each one of the questions to make it more polite, at the beginning or at the end, it is totally up to you where you want to add the please, if you so wish. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Can I have a doggy bag?(持ち帰り用の袋をいただけますか) Is it okay to take it home?(持ち帰ってもいいですか) Can you put it in a box for home, please?(持ち帰り用の容器に入れてもらえますか) 私の家ではこれは 'doggy bag' と言っていました。どうしてかは分かりません。ただ、そう呼んでいました。 また、上の質問にはそれぞれ、より丁寧に 'please' を加えることもできます。場所は文末か文頭です、どちらに置いても大丈夫です。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I would like this to go please

  • I would like to take this home please

  • Can I have this packed up please?

You can ask to take your leftovers home in many different ways. You can ask to take them "to go" and the staff will know to wrap it up so you can take it home, and you can also ask to have it "packed up", which the staff will know means to packaged the food to take it home
「残った料理を持ち帰りたい」はいろいろな言い方ができます。 "I would like this to go please"(これを持ち帰りたいです) "To go" は、残った料理を家に持ち帰ることができるよう入れ物に入れることをいいます。 "Can I have this packed up please?"(これを入れ物に入れてもらえますか) "Packed up" は、残った料理を家に持ち帰ることができるよう「入れ物に入れる」ことを表します。
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have this put in a take away box please?

  • Can you please pack the leftovers back please?

If you are at a restaurant and want to take the leftovers home, you can say something like "Can I please have this put in a take away box please?" or "Can you please pack the leftovers back please?". These are both easy and polite ways to ask for your leftovers.
レストランで食べきれなかった分を持ち帰りたいときは、次のように言えます。 "Can I please have this put in a take away box please?"(これを持ち帰り用の容器に入れてもらえますか) "Can you please pack the leftovers back please?"(食べきれなかった分を持ち帰り用の容器に入れてもらえますか) どちらもシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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