「出勤する」は get into office もあります。
「仕上げる」つもりなら finish my assignment
「取り組む」という気持ちなら deal with my assignment
また、earlier といえばたいてい「いつもより」のことなので、「他の人より」(than anyone else)といった場合とは違って、than usual は言わなくても伝わることが多いです。
The train journey is terrible during the rush hour. People are crammed into every carriage! It puts you in a bad mood all day So you wake early and decide to make the trip to your office much earlier than usual. The journey is relaxing and you manage to get in an hour's work before your boss arrives:
"Morning Peter, what are you doing here at this time?"
"I arrived at work earlier than normal today."
ラッシュアワーでの電車移動はひどいものです。どの車両も人でぎゅうぎゅう詰めです!あなたは一日気分が悪くなるので、早起きしていつもより早くオフィスに行くことを決めました。 移動はリラックスでき、上司が到着する前に1時間仕事をすることができました:
"Morning Peter, what are you doing here at this time?"
"I arrived at work earlier than normal today."
▪I went to work a bit earlier today.
This means that you went to work earlier than usual.
▪I normally get to work at 8 am but today I got to the office at 7:30 am.
This is indicating your normal work time and how early you got to work.
▪I went to work a bit earlier today.
▪I normally get to work at 8 am but today I got to the office at 7:30 am.
"i like to get into work earlier than usual so i
can prepare for the day".
"i was up at the crack of dawn to get to the office early".
"i rose earlier than usual, I wanted to be extra early".
"I like to get into work earlier than usual so I can prepare for the day".
"I was up at the crack of dawn to get to the office early".
"I rose earlier than usual, I wanted to be extra early".
If someone arrives at work one hour 'earlier than usual', it means that if he/she normally arrives at the office at 8.00 am, today, he/she arrived at 7.00 am. This usually happens if a person has urgent work to be done. Arriving at the office earlier than usual has the advantage having urgent work done before the boss or work colleagues arrive and disturb one.
So, you may say:
I went to work one hour earlier than usual today to send some urgent e-mails.
I arrived at the office at 7.00 am today instead of the usual 8.00 am to distribute the financial statements.
「one hour earlier than usual」は「いつもより一時間早く」という意味です。普通午前8時に出社する人が7時に出社する、ということです。急ぎの仕事があるとこうなります。
I went to work one hour earlier than usual today to send some urgent e-mails.
I arrived at the office at 7.00 am today instead of the usual 8.00 am to distribute the financial statements.
DMM英会話講師 Teddy Zee(テディ・ジー)
The sentence "I went to work earlier than usual" means that the you left your house for work (your job) earlier than you normally do, so you probably also arrived at work earlier than you normally do; perhaps arriving at 08:45 instead of 09:00.
"I went to work earlier than usual" とは、いつもよりも早く仕事に出たという意味です。ですので、いつもよりも早く仕事に着いたということになります。例えば、9時に着くのが、8時45分に着くということです。
In example one and two you are saying that you arrived to work before your normal or average time.
For the example three you can use this if there was a reason you had to go to work earlier than usual like if you had extra work to complete or had to leave during the day for an appointment.
We can either use the word, "to go early," or, "to arrive early," to describe to someone that we were at work before the usual start time. We can also mention that it was, "earlier than usual," to say that it was a early start for us.