世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 21:17
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  • Excuse me, my mind went blank.

「すみません、頭が真っ白になっちゃいました。」という意味です。 One's mind goes blank. で「頭が真っ白になる」です。 聞かれた質問が分からなければ、 Could you please repeat the question? と続ければいいと思います。
  • Total brain fart

  • I lost my train of thought

直訳は→ 頭のおなら からっぽの頭がおならした Total brain fart 一瞬わからなくなった時、ど忘れした時などにいう カジュアルで楽しい表現よ I lost my train of thought train of thought考えの連続 つまり、真剣に考えていたことがわからなくなった よく、よーくいいます。 そして、とても自然な言い方です。アメリカ的な言い方です❤️
  • I'm so sorry - I didn't catch what you said!

  • Oh my god, I was miles away!

  • Sorry, I was in a world of my own!

Well, certainly, please don't panic about it. Everyone sometimes loses concentration or may have other things on their mind. You may say: "Oh my god, I was miles away!" 'Oh my god!' is a very common exclamation although some people may be offended with the religious connection, so judgment may be necessary. @I didn't catch what you said is a normal response if you heard something but perhaps were not listening closely or misse a part of the message. In a world of one's own = concerned with one's own thoughts and not aware of what is happening around one. "he is in a world of his own and is frequently carried away by his own flights of fancy"
パニックになる必要はありません。 人々は皆集中力が切れたりします。このフレーズをつかえます: "Oh my god, I was miles away!" 'Oh my god!' は一般的にびっくりしたときに使うフレーズですが宗教に関連するときがあるので他人を怒らせてしまう場合があります。 @I didn't catch what you saidは話を聞いていなかったり聞き取れなかったときに使います。 In a world of one's own = 自分の世界に入り込んでしまって周りが見えなくなってしまうこと (英文)"he is in a world of his own and is frequently carried away by his own flights of fancy" (訳)「彼は自分の世界に入り込んでしまう傾向があってよくそれに夢中になってしまう。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My bad. I didn't realize it was a question.

  • Pardon me.I think.......

Sometimes we may not clearly hear what the other person said and we may end up assuming what they said and respond in the wrong way. It is normal so we shouldn't panic.You can use the following sentences to express yourself: My bad. I didn't realize it was a question. - "My bad" means that you are accepting that is your fault and you didn't see that they were asking a question. Pardon me.I think.......- Pardon me is used to express polite apology.Then you can then tell the answer after that.
時々相手が言っていることを聞き間違えて間違った回答をしてしまいます。 これはよくおこることなのでパニックにならないようにしましょう。これらのフレーズをつかいます: My bad. I didn't realize it was a question. - "My bad"は自分の間違いを認めています。 Pardon me.I think....... - Pardon meは丁寧に謝るときに使います。そのあとに答えをいうことができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you asked a question.

  • I'm sorry. Could you say that again?

  • I'm sorry, what did you say?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you asked a question." shows surprise and states that you didn't know what was asked.
【例文】 Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you asked a question. [訳]おお、すみません。質問されたことに気が付きませんでした。 これは驚きを表します。何を聞かれたか分からなかったと伝えています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I lost my train of thought

  • My mind went blank

When someone is talking to you and you miss whatever it is they asked because you absent minded, then you may say something like the following: -I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. What were you asking again? -I'm sorry. My mind went blank. What was your question again?
ぼんやりしていて相手の言ったことを聞き損ねてしまったときは、以下のように言えます: I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought. What were you asking again? (すみません。何の話でしたっけ?) I'm sorry. My mind went blank. What was your question again? (すみません。頭が真っ白になってしまって。質問は何でしたか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry did you ask me a question?

  • Sorry i was in a world of my own

  • Sorry could you say that again

If you missed what someone said you can say 'sorry, I was in a world of my own' which means you missed what they said as you were daydreaming or thinking of something else and missed it You can also ask 'Sorry. did you ask me a question?' or 'Sorry, can you say that again' these both explain that you missed what they said and would like them to repeat it for you
相手の言ったことを聞き損なったときには、 'Sorry, I was in a world of my own'(すみません。ボーッとしていました) と言えます。ボーッとしていて聞き損なったという意味です。 他に、次のように尋ねることもできます。 'Sorry, did you ask me a question?'(すみません。私何か聞かれましたか) 'Sorry, can you say that again?'(すみません。もう一度言っていただけますか) どちらも、聞き損なったのでもう一度言って欲しいと伝える言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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