In the UK we speak in terms of Years rather than Grades (which seems more of an American idea).
A: "What year is Agatha in?"
B: "She's in the third year of Primary School."
Alternatively, "She's in year 3 at Primary School."
A: "What year is Agatha in?"(Agathaは何年生ですか?)
B: "She's in the third year of Primary School."(小学3年生です)
"She's in year 3 at Primary School."(小学3年生です)
When you want to find out what grade a relative's child is in now, then you may ask in the following ways:
-What grade are you in now?
-What year are you in now?
-What grade are you in now?
-What year are you in now?
We don't tend to call it a 'grade' in the UK the term we use is 'year' so you would simply say
'What year are you in?' or 'What year are you in now?'
Grade is usually the term used for the result you get in a test/exam
'What year are you in?'(何年生ですか?)
'What year are you in now?'(今何年生ですか?)
In the US, you can ask, "What grade are you now?" Some places use the phrase, "What year are you now?" Usually college students refer to their grade level as years. Younger students in elementary, middle, or high school will more commonly use the word "grade" to describe their year of schooling. They will tell you, "I'm in fifth grade." The only grade that does not have a number in the US school system is kindergarten and preschool. These grades do not have a number attached to the year in school.
アメリカでは、"What grade are you now?"(今何年生?)と尋ねることが出来ます。"What year are you now?"(今何年生?)というフレーズを使う地域もあります。
大学生は、普通学年を'years'で表します。小学生・中学生・高校生は学年を"grade" で表すことが多いです。
"I'm in fifth grade."(5年生です)
In Ireland we don't use 'grades' but instead use the term 'years'. For example, "What year is Lucy in now?" "She is in second year of secondary school now".
"What year is Lucy in now?"(ルーシーは今何年生ですか?)
"She is in second year of secondary school now"(今、中学2年生です。)
The two questions you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your relative's child what grade they are in. If you would like more details you may ask if they are in elementary school, middle school, or high school. I hope this explanation and these two questions help you out!