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喫煙所の案内をする場合です! よろしくお願いします
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2017/04/21 05:24
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  • If you smoke, please go to the smoking area on the third floor.

"If you smoke" は「もし(お客様が)煙草を吸うのであれば」という場合の表現です。"If anyone smokes"「もし(どなたか)煙草を吸うのであれば」としても良いでしょう。 "please go to 〜" は「〜へ行って下さい」となります。"please" を入れると丁寧な言い方になります。文末に付けても良いです。 「喫煙所」は "smoking area" です。 「三階の、三階にある」は "on the third floor" と表現します。
  • The smoking area is on the third floor.

  • If you would like to smoke, you will find the smoking area on the third floor.

  • Excuse me, but smoking is prohibited on this floor. Please go to the smoking area on third floor.

The smoking area is on the third floor. explains where the smoking area is. "If you would like to smoke, you will find the smoking area on the third floor." this informs them where they can go to smoke if they want to. If someone starts smoking you can say. "Excuse me, but smoking is prohibited on this floor. Please go to the smoking area on third floor." "Excuse me" polite way of interrupting them. . "Prohibited" means not allowed.
"The smoking area is on the third floor. どこが喫煙所かを説明しています。 If you would like to smoke, you will find the smoking area on the third floor. タバコを吸いたい場合はどこに行けば良いかを伝えています。 タバコを吸い始めた人がいる場合は、""Excuse me, but smoking is prohibited on this floor. Please go to the smoking area on third floor.と言えます。 Excuse meは相手の行動をさえぎる丁寧な表現です。 Prohibitedは許可されていないという意味です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Would you please smoke on the third floor? It is not permitted here.

  • Please go to the smoking area on the third floor. It's not allowed here.

  • You must leave this area and smoke on the third floor.

It does depend a little what rules are in place for smoking. If smoking is strictly not allowed outside of the third floor smoking area, the last expression, which is not so polite, may be appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The smoking area is on the third floor.

This means that if people want to smoke they should on the 3rd floor.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • No smoking allowed on this floor. Smoking area can be found on the third floor.

  • Any smokers here? Smoking area is on the third floor.

  • For those that do not know where the smoking area is, it is on the third floor.

>No smoking allowed on this floor. Smoking area can be found on the third floor. This is indicating that smoking is prohibited on the current floor. >Any smokers here? Smoking area is on the third floor. You:Any smokers here? Him:Yes, me. You:Smoking area is on the third floor.
- "No smoking allowed on this floor. Smoking area can be found on the third floor" その階では、喫煙ができないということを意味する表現です。 - "Any smokers here? Smoking area is on the third floor." 以下のような例文をつくることができます。 You:Any smokers here? こちらに喫煙する人はいますか? Him:Yes, me. はい。私です。 You:Smoking area is on the third floor. 喫煙所は3階です。 3階にある喫煙場所がどこにあるかわからないときに使える表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please make use of the designated smoking area on the third floor.

  • You are welcome to go to the third floor if you'd like to grab a smoke/take a puff.

Please make use of the designated smoking area on the third floor. Designated smoking area means that the third floor has been specially marked off for smokers to enjoy a cigarette. You are welcome to go to the third floor if you'd like to grab a smoke/take a puff: Grab a smoke or take a puff is a casual way of saying if you'd like to smoke a cigarette or two.
例文: Please make use of the designated smoking area on the third floor. (3階の指定喫煙所をご使用ください。) Designated smoking area (指定された喫煙所)とは3階が特別に喫煙に割当てられた場所であるという意味です。 例文: You are welcome to go to the third floor if you'd like to grab a smoke/take a puff: (もしおタバコを吸われたいのでしたら、3階にお越しください。) Grab a smoke または take a puff とは、たばこを吸いたいときに言うカジュアルな表現です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • There's a smoking area on the third floor

  • If you want to smoke, there's a smoking area on the third floor

  • Smoking is prohibited here, but there is a smoking area on the third floor

Alot of places are now 'no smoking areas' if something is not allowed then it is said to be 'prohibited' Some places have a smoking area so people can go there and smoke if they would like to
最近は禁煙の場所が増えています。 何かが許されていないことは 'prohibited' で表せます。 たばこを吸いたい人のために、喫煙場所を設けている所もあります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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