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This restaurant won't have opend till next year.ではおかしいでしょうか? 未来完了形[継続]を勉強しているところでアレンジしてみました。ニュアンス的には営業を続けていないだろうという文章にしたつもりです。ご回答宜しくお願い致します。
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niyon okamotoさん
2017/05/01 03:07
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  • This restaurant won’t be open next year.

  • This restaurant will have closed at this time next year.

「このレストランは来年はやっていないだろう」 (1) This restaurant won’t be open next year. これは個人的な意見ですが、未来進行形ではなく、普通の未来形で言いますと自然に感じます。 「営業する」は(be) openの形容詞ですが、未来完了形を使ってThis restaurant won’t have been opened next year.にすると不自然ですね。 (また、tillを使うと「来年まですっと」というニュアンスなので使えません。) (2) This restaurant will have closed at this time next year. 未来完了形を使う場合はこのような言い方をお勧めします。 「閉店する」のcloseを使って、「このレストランは来年のこの時期は閉店しているだろう」というニュアンスとなります。 (at this time = この時期・この頃)
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • The restaurant probably won't be open next year

  • The restuarant will have closed down by next year

  • The restaurant will be closed this time next year

If you are not sure if something is going to happen then you would use the term 'probably' meaning it could happen but not definately If something is no longer open it is said to have 'closed' or 'closed down' This time next year means this day in a years time
何かが起こるかどうかはっきり分からないなら、'probably' が使えます。'probably' は「起こる可能性はあるが100%ではない」という意味です。 「営業をやめる」は、'closed' または 'closed down' で表せます。 'this time next year' は「1年後の今」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I don't this the restaurant will make it through the year."

  • "I don't believe the restaurant will survive."

  • "I don't think this restaurant will make it."

"I don't think the restaurant will make it through the year." This example sentence uses a very local expression "make it through" that refers to surviving or lasting till a certain period of time. "I don't believe the restaurant will survive." This example sentence is short and sweet and while it doesn't specify how long the restaurant will or not survive, you are letting the reader/listener know you believe it simply won't make it for long. "I don't think this restaurant will make it." As the above explanation suggestions, another term we can use is "make it" to define the success or in this case failure of the restaurant.
"I don't think the restaurant will make it through the year." (そのレストランは今年は続かないと思う。) "make it through" は、生き残る、ある時期まで続くという意味です。   "I don't believe the restaurant will survive." (レストランは生き残れないと思う。) この例は、短い表現で、どのくらいレストランが続くか、生き残れるかは特に具体的に言っていません。相手に、単に長くは続かないことを伝えています。   "I don't think this restaurant will make it." (このレストランは持たないと思う。)  "make it"は、成功するという意味で、この場合失敗に終わるという意味になります。
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • The restaurant will probably be out of business by next year.

  • The restaurant probably won't be open by next year.

  • This restaurant is probably going to go bankrupt by next year.

There are a few ways to express that the restaurant will not be open by next year. These include phrases like "out of business", "closed down", "won't be open", "shut down", "die", etc. Another way of saying it is that the restaurant will "go bankrupt" or "won't survive" meaning it's not making enough money to continue on to the next year.
そのレストランが来年はやっていないだとうということを表すフレーズはいくつかあります。"out of business", "closed down", "won't be open", "shut down", "die"は、廃業する、店を閉める、倒産するという意味です。   他の言い方は、"go bankrupt"(倒産する)や"won't survive"(生き残れない)は、経営難で来年は営業を続けることができないという意味です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I think the restaurant will have shut down by next year.

  • I'd be surprised if the restaurant was still open next year.

  • I expect this restaurant to have shut its doors within a year.

If you wish to talk about a restaurant that is currently trading that you don't believe will last, you can refer to it 'shutting down' or 'closing its doors' for casual phrases, or 'cease to operate' in a more formal way. EG: Casual - The restaurant will have closed its doors by next year. Formal - It's like the restaurant will have ceased operations by this time next year. You may also use an alternative turn of phrase, such as: "I'd be surprised if this restaurant was still open next year!"
「今は営業しているけどそのうちに閉まりそうなレストラン」について言うなら、カジュアルなフレーズとして 'shutting down' または 'closing its doors'、フォーマルなフレーズとしては 'cease to operate' が使えます。 例: カジュアル - The restaurant will have closed its doors by next year. (そのレストランは来年までに閉店するだろう) フォーマル - It's likely the restaurant will have ceased operations by this time next year. (そのレストランは来年の今頃にはたぶん閉店しているだろう) 次のような言い方もできます。 "I'd be surprised if this restaurant was still open next year!" (このレストランが来年も営業していたらビックリするわ)
Lexi L DMM英会話講師
  • The place will probably be closed next year

When talking about a certain restaurant you want to say that you think that the restaurant probably won't be open (will have closed down) by next year. The above example statement is adequate to explain that.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant will be closed by next year.

The above statement would be a good way to express to someone that you think the certain restaurant will not be open by next year.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • This restaurant plans on closing by the new year.

  • By next year sometime, this restaurant will no longer be in operation.

  • It sucks but they will no longer be in business come next year.

To explain that a certain restaurant will no longer be open next year, use the sentences above. Maybe the restaurant is closing down for renovations or they are closing down for good because of a lack of sales. In operation: working, providing service, open Renovations: to make new, change a few things. Lack: too little, absence
あるレストランについて「来年はやっていない」と説明したいなら、上記の文が使えます。 店内を改装するために一時的に閉店ということでしょうかね。それとも、売り上げ不振による廃業でしょうか。 In operation: 運転中、営業中、開店している Renovations: 新しくする、変化を加える Lack: 少なすぎる、不足
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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