not too long ago =「最近」「先日」「つい先ほど」
訳すと、「最近、旅行に行ったよ」。「最近、〇〇を始めたよ。」は、I started 〇〇 not too long ago. と言うこともできます。Recently は、いろいろな場面で使えるとても便利な言葉ですよね。私は、良くrecentlyという言葉を使います。Recentlyとnot long ago以外で、「最近」と似たような意味を持つ英語表現は、いくつかあります。
a short time ago 「ちょっと前に」
a little while ago 「ちょっと前」
just now 「つい先ほど」
some time ago 「先ほど」「しばらく前に」
a few minutes/days/months ago 「数分/数日/数ヶ月前に」
These are all alternative expressions. In other situations, you could also say, 'Of late.'
"Of late, I've been attending evening classes." Or, 'lately.'
"Lately, my back has been giving me some problems."
これらは全て同じような意味です。シチュエーションによっては、Of lateということもできます。
"Of late, I've been attending evening classes." 'lately.'も使えます。
"Lately, my back has been giving me some problems."
Both of these examples can be used.
"I've just been on vacation" means that you've just recently been on vacation/holiday/a trip. The word 'just' implies that its only just happened or recently happened.
"My vacation trip just ended" means that your holiday or vacation trip that you went on just recently ended.
I hope this helps :)
これらの例どちらをも使用することが可能です。”I’ve just been on vacation”とはあなたが最近休暇を取っていたりバカンスや旅行に行っていたという意味です。”Just”という単語は何かが最近起こったことを意味します。”My vacation trip just ended”とはあなたの休暇や旅行が最近終わったという意味です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
There are so many phrases we can use to mean recently. This includes a few days or short time ago. It means it happened not a long time ago. You can use the above phrases in place of recently.
この中には、a few days又は
short time agoも含まれます。
Recently also means not long ago or only just to have happned so you could also explain you recently returned from holiday by saying 'I just returned' or 'I'm not long back'
recently' は 'not long ago'(つい最近)や 'only just'(ちょっと前に)という意味です。ですから、最近旅行に行ったことは 'I just returned'(戻ったばかり)や 'I'm not long back'(同)と説明することもできます。
"holiday" is another term used for vacation, more commonly used in the UK, Holiday is described more frequently than vacation.
'came' is the past tense of 'come' so referring to the past of your recent holiday.
I've been busy lately.
◆the other day
The other day I met Mike.
◆a while ago
I traveled to Nagoya a while ago.
I just returned from my holiday example sentence: I just returned from my vacation in the Seychelles and I am already missing the experience.
My vacation just ended example sentence: I feel so sad because my vacation just ended and I still wanted to do so many things.
I was on vacation not too long ago example sentence: I gained a lot of weight around the belly when I was on vacation not too long ago.