I'll pay 10 dollars in cash, and the rest (of it) by credit card.
I'll pay 10 dollars in cash and please charge the rest(of it)to my credit account.
10ドルを現金で は
I'll pay 10 dollars in cash
(pay 払う in cash 現金で)
残りはクレジットで払います は
and the rest (of it) by credit card. (the rest(of it) (その)残り)
(and の次に”I'll pay"が省略されています。同じ言葉は省略するのが通常です)
and please charge the rest (of it) to my credit account
(直訳・その残りはクレジットの口座に請求してください charge 請求する)
なお、「現金で」は in cash と 前置詞は in, 「クレジットで」は、by credit card と
by がつくのが普通です。
(また、byの次には、a, the, my などはつけませんのでご注意。× by my/a/the credit card)
I will pay 10 dollars by cash, and the rest, I will charge.
I will pay 10 dollars by cash, and the rest, I will use my credit card.
「pay by cash」は「現金で支払う」という定型表現なので、こちらを使います。「クレジットカードで」は、アメリカ英語では「credit card」と言わなくても「charge」だけでクレジットカードのことだとわかります。心配だったら、「I will use my credit card」と言えば簡単かもしれません。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
I will pay ten dollars in cash, and the rest with my credit card.
I will pay ten dollars in cash, and the rest with my credit card.
in cash で「現金で」という意味の英語表現です。
with my credit card と言うと「クレジットカードで」となります。
I want to pay ten dollars in cash and the rest with my card. Is that OK?
I will pay ten dollars in cash and the rest by card.
I want to pay partly by cash and partly by credit card.
I will pay ten dollars in cash and the rest by card.
I want to pay partly by cash and partly by credit card.
pay by ... で「〜で支払う」を表現することができます。
I will pay by cash.
I'd like to pay 10 dollars in cash and the rest by credit card.
I'd like to pay 10 dollars in cash and the rest by credit card.
I'd like to ... は「〜したいです」となります。
in cash で「現金で」、by credit card は「クレカで」です。