I wouldn't buy it myself, but I couldn't help myself once it was there
I wouldn't buy it myself, but I couldn't help myself once it was there=自分では買わないけど、目の前にあったらつい
couldn't help myself=どうする事もできなかった、つい
help myselfとは「勝手に〜をする」と言います。例えばファストフード店にて友達がポテトを頼んで、聞きもせずに食べる場合に使います。I helped myself to your fries!と友達に言います。勿論怒られるかどうかは相手次第。
逆に友達に「遠慮なく食べて〜」と言う時はHelp yourself to my fries!と言います。
once it was there=目の前に現れたら
I won't bother to buy it myself, but if it's there I want to eat it because it's free.
I won't bother to buy it myself, but if it's there I want to eat it because it's free.
bother to V「わざわざVする」