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旅行などに行って、「たくさんのいい経験ができました」と言いたいとき何と言えばいいでしょうか? experienceを動詞として使うか、名詞(have a experience)として使うかなどの違いも教えていただければ助かります。
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2016/01/05 17:30
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  • I had many good experiences

  • I experienced many good things

名詞として expereince 使う場合: I had many good experiences [たくさんの](いい[経験](ができました (例文) I had many good experiences in Singapore シンガポールでたくさんのいい経験ができました 動詞として experience 使う場合: I experienced many good things たくさんのいいことを経験しました (例文) I experienced many good things in Singapore シンガポールでたくさんのいいことを経験しました 両方とも間違いではありませんが、日本語での直訳文を見てもわかる通り、この場合、 experience は名詞として使ったほうが文章がきれいになります。
  • I've learned and experienced so much on this trip!

  • This trip was a life-changing experience for me!

I've learned and experienced so much on this trip!=この旅行でたくさんの事を経験して[学べた](よ! 「いい事」だけを強調したい場合は I've leaned and experienced so many good things on this trip! でもいいです。So muchだと「嫌な事」も含まれているかもしれませんが、結果オーライでポジティブな言い方です。微妙な違いなので状況に合わせて使い分けましょう。 This trip was a life-changing experience for me!=人生を変えるような[印象深い](旅だったよ! Life-changingは使える言葉なので覚えておきましょう。 この文章も「いい事」を強調したい場合は最後にIn a good wayと付け足すといいでしょう。前者同様、嬉しそうなトーンで伝えればわざわざ言葉で「いい事」を強調する必要は特にないです。
  • I’ve learned a lot, and experienced so much on this trip.

ポイント① experience は【経験する】という動詞 でもあり、        【経験】とうい名詞 でもあります。 今回は動詞として使ってみました。 『今回の旅では』は『on this trip』ですね。 どんな良い経験をしたのかな?
Shinichiro Kumada 英会話スクール運営
  • My trip was full of momentous experiences!

  • I had an unforgettable time!

  • My trip really kicked ass! (SLANG)

Momentous = of great importance or significance, especially in having a bearing on future events. "A period of momentous changes in East–West relations." Unforgettable = impossible to forget; very memorable. "That unforgettable first kiss" To kick ass = if somethings kick ass, its really cool. Great! As in it kicks the ass of all else. It can be inanimate and still kick ass. "That song just kicks ass!"
Momentous = 非常に大事な、将来の出来事に大きな影響を及ぼします。 "A period of momentous changes in East–West relations." 西側、東側の緊張関係の決定的な変化の時期。 Unforgettable = 忘れることのできない、すごく印象的な "That unforgettable first kiss" あの忘れられないファーストキッス。 To kick ass =非常にかっこいい、クールだ、違うものより優れている、素晴らしい。 "That song just kicks ass!" あの曲本当にかっこいい。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This was a trip of just good experiences.

  • I came across many good experiences on this trip.

>This was a trip of just good experiences. This is saying that on the trip there was only good expereinces >I came across many good experiences on this trip. *Came across= To find or a lot of something happening on the same trip
This was a trip of just good experiences. 旅で良い経験ができたということを意味する表現です。 I came across many good experiences on this trip. *Came across= 旅でいろいろな経験をすること。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • It was amazing, we did so many great things!

  • I had so many great experiences!

  • I had a great time!

Hi, how was your trip.... Oh it was amazing, we did so many great things! Hi, how was your trip.... I had a great time! Amazing = causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing.
例 "Hi, how was your trip.... Oh it was amazing, we did so many great things! 旅行はどうだった? ああすごくよかったよ。いろんなことをしたね。 Hi, how was your trip.... I had a great time! 旅行はどうだった? すごいいい時間を過ごせたよ。 Amazingとは、びっくりさせる、興味を起こさせるなど
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • I had a swell time. (informal)

  • I did a lot of fun activities during my trip.

  • I really enjoyed myself on this trip.

You can use any of the above statements to express that you had many great experiences on your trip. 1. I had a swell time. This is an informal expression to mean that you had a really great time. 2. I did a lot of fun activities. This is a direct and simple statement to express that you had fun on your trip. 3. I really enjoyed myself on this trip. The word "enjoy"means take delight or pleasure in something.
上記の表現を使って、たくさんの素晴らしい経験をした、と言い表すことが出来ます。 1. I had a swell time. これは、少しくだけた言い方で、楽しい時間を過ごした、と言う意味です。 2. I did a lot of fun activities. こちらは率直な言い方で、旅は楽しかったという意味です。 3. I really enjoyed myself on this trip. この"enjoy"とは、~を楽しんだという意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I had an amazing time.

  • It was a trip of a lifetime.

  • I'll never forget this trip.

"I had an amazing time." means that everything you did was fun. When I say, "It was a trip of a lifetime." I mean that the trip was something that I will remember all my life. "I'll never forget this trip." is used when you had so many memorable experiences while on you trip that you won't forget.
例文 "I had an amazing time." 素晴らしい時間を過ごしました。 は、したことが全て楽しかったということです。 例文 "It was a trip of a lifetime." 今回は、一生記憶に残る旅行だった。 という時は、今回の旅行が一生記憶に残るものだったということです。 例文 "I'll never forget this trip." 今回の旅行を決して忘れることはないでしょう。 は旅行中に忘れられない記憶に残る経験を多くした時に使われます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • This trip was full of great experiences.

  • I enjoyed a lot and had many memorable experiences during this trip.

The adjective 'full' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means abundant; well-supplied.' The adjective 'great' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'very good; excellent'. The noun 'experience' also has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'the knowledge or skill acquired by a period of practical experience of something, especially that gained in a particular profession. The preposition 'during', means 'throughout the course or duration of (a period of time)' So, you may say: This trip was full of great experiences. or I had many great experiences on this trip. The adjective 'memorable' means 'worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual'. So, you may say: I enjoyed a lot and had many memorable experiences during this trip, or During this trip, I had many memorable experiences.
”full”という形容詞には意味がいくつか ありますが、この文章では、”豊富に、 十分にある”という意味です。 ”great”という形容詞には意味がいくつか ありますが、この文章では、”とても良い、 素晴らしい”という意味です。 ”experience”という形容詞にも意味がいくつか ありますが、この文章では、”一定期間の実務の 経験、特に特定の職業で身につけた知識、 スキル”という意味です。 'during'という前置詞は”~の期間中の” という意味です。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 his trip was full of great experiences. 彼は旅行で素晴らしい体験を たくさんした。 I had many great experiences on this trip. 今回の旅行で素晴らしい体験をたくさんした。 'memorable'という形容詞は”特別なことなので、 覚えておく価値がある、容易に記憶に残る” という意味です。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 I enjoyed a lot and had many memorable experiences during this trip この旅行はとても楽しく、記憶に残る 多くの経験ができた。 During this trip, I had many memorable experiences. この旅行中に、記憶に残る 多くの経験ができた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I have made so many great memories

  • I experienced so many great things

  • The trip was filled with many great experiences

"I have made so many great memories" this explains that you have made many great memories from what you have experienced "I experienced so many great things" this describes how you experienced multiple good things "The trip was filled with many great experiences" this statement explains that the trip had multiple good experiences
"I have made so many great memories"(素晴らしい思い出がたくさんできました) - その経験を通してたくさんの素晴らしい思い出ができたと伝えています。 ---- "I experienced so many great things"(素晴らしい経験がたくさんできました) - 素晴らしい経験がたくさんできたと伝えています。 ---- "The trip was filled with many great experiences"(旅行を通してたくさんの素晴らしい経験ができました) - 旅行を通してたくさんの素晴らしい経験ができたと伝えています。
Carolyn M DMM英会話講師
  • I had such an eye opening experience on that trip!

  • The trip was so memorable, I learned so much!

  • I'll never forget that trip, it was one of the best!

If you would like to explain that you had an amazing trip, you can use the sentences above. The words 'I'll never forget' tell us that this trip was really memorable, so much so that you want to hold on to the memories of what you experienced. Eye-opening: something that makes you aware of more than you were before Memorable: worth remembering, special memories "The trip was so eye-opening, I learned so much about how to take care of the environment and how it takes care of us, it was an experience I will never forget."
これらの例は、楽しい旅行ができたことを表すフレーズです。 'I'll never forget'は、その旅行がとても思い出に残るもので、絶対忘れないことを意味します。    Eye-opening: 以前より気づかせてくれること Memorable: 思い出に残る "The trip was so eye-opening, I learned so much about how to take care of the environment and how it takes care of us, it was an experience I will never forget." (旅行はとても勉強になりました。環境取り組み方、環境がどのように私たちに働きかけているかをたくさん学びました。絶対忘れることのない経験でした。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I had the time of my life on this trip.

We use the idiom 'having the time of my life' when we wish to express that we're having the best time ever.
今までで一番良い時を過ごした ということを言いたい時は 'having the time of my life' (最高に楽しんでいる) というイディオムを使います。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • I've made so many memories on the trip.

  • I've had an unforgettable time.

Using the first phrase would be a way expressing that all the experiences you made on the trip you would treasure them forever. The second phrase would be you explaining that you will never forget the experiences on the trip.
一つ目の例では、旅行で経験したことを「生涯大切にする」と伝えています。 二つ目の例では、旅行で経験したことを「決して忘れない」と伝えています。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • it was such a great time

  • I had so many great experiences

either of these above phrases will tell your audience that you really enjoyed your trip and that you did a lot of fun things
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • I experienced a lot on this trip.

  • I learned a lot from this trip.

さまざまな言い方ができると思います: ・I experienced a lot on this trip. この旅行でたくさんの経験ができました。 ・I learned a lot from this trip. この旅行でたくさんのことを学ぶことができました。 experience は「経験」という意味にも「経験する」という意味にもなります。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
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