世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/12 21:11
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  • I'm sorry, I've just realised I haven't properly introduced myself.

  • I'm sorry, I've realised we haven't properly introduced ourselves.

Both of these phrases are a polite way to get the introduction going. If you have been talking for a while, then it is good to say "I've just realised", it is polite and will allow you or both of you to introduce yourselves. We often use properly introduce or formally introduce when the introduction comes after the conversation because you've technically already met but not 'properly'.
"I'm sorry, I've just realised I haven't properly introduced myself." (ごめんなさい、ちゃんと自己紹介をしていないことに気がつきました。) "I'm sorry, I've realised we haven't properly introduced ourselves."(ごめんなさい、ちゃんと自己紹介をしていないことに気がつきました。) どちらのフレーズも丁寧に自己紹介をする言い方です。 もししばらく話をしていて、"I've just realised"(ちょうど気がついた)のであれば、このように丁寧にお互い自己紹介をすることができます。 自己紹介が会話の後になる場合、よく"properly introduce/formally introduce"(ちゃんと紹介する)を使います。なぜなら、実際には既にお互い"properly"ちゃんと会っているからです。 <ボキャブラリー> properly = ちゃんと introduce = 紹介する
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I forgot to tell you my name

It depends what information you feel you should have communicated earlier. If it is your name or some other basic information, the example sentence or similar may be appropriate. If you wish to make a more a detailed introduction, you could say: "Let me just tell you something about myself..."
どのような情報を伝えたかったかによりますが、名前やその他のベーシックな情報であれば、回答例の文やそれに近いものでよいでしょう。 より細かい自己紹介をしたいのであれば、"Let me just tell you something about myself..."(私自身についてお話しさせてください・・)という事もできます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Now that we've worked together, I would like to officially introduce myself.

  • Let me introduce myself.

  • Before we get started let me introduce myself.

  • Excuse me, I forgot to introduce myself.

When you meet someone for the first time you may get wrapped up in formalities like 'Nice to meet you' or 'How are you?' and forget to tell the person your name. This happens to me sometimes, especially if the other person seems to be in a hurry. But it only takes a few seconds to tell them your name or tell them you forgot to tell them your name.
"Let me introduce myself."(自己紹介をさせてください。) "Before we get started let me introduce myself."(始める前に、自己紹介をさせてください。) "Excuse me, I forgot to introduce myself."(すみません、自己紹介するのを忘れていました。)
Clivester DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself.

  • Sorry, I just realized I didn't properly introduce myself.

My apologies, I haven't introduced myself yet. I haven't introduced myself yet. Sorry about that. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself earlier.
その他の例文: My apologies, I haven't introduced myself yet. =ごめんなさい、自己紹介がまだでしたね。 I haven't introduced myself yet. Sorry about that. = まだ自己紹介をしていませんでしたね。ごめんなさい。 I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself earlier. =ごめんなさい、さっきは自己紹介をすることを忘れていました。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Let me introduce myself.

  • Pleased to meet you. I'm...

The common way of starting an introduction is "Let me introduce myself." You could also start a self introduction by saying "Pleased to meet you. I'm.....(then introduce yourself with some facts about yourself, education, interests, hobbies)
一般的な自己紹介の始め方は次のように言い表します。 【例】 "Let me introduce myself." (自己紹介します) また次のようにも自己紹介を始めることが出来ます。 【例】 "Pleased to meet you. I'm.....(then introduce yourself with some facts about yourself, education, interests, hobbies)" (はじめまして。私は○○です。(そして、実際の自分、教育、興味、趣味などを紹介することが出来ます))
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies, I should have introduced myself earlier, my name is...

You can open with an apology by saying 'apologies' which is more formal than saying 'sorry'. To say that you should have introduced yourself 'earlier' is to say that you should have given your name and some information about who you are before then.
"my applogies"で文章を始めると、"sorry"よりもフォーマルな表現になります。 "I should have introduced myself ealier"は「名前とその他の自分に関する情報を先に伝えるべきだった」という意味になります。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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