世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/18 17:11
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  • Is it okay to give an excuse?

  • This is totally an excuse, but...

  • I can explain.

If you want to give an excuse, it would be a good idea to ask if it is alright to do so first. Sometimes the teacher won't mind, but sometimes they might. Try using, "is it okay to give an excuse" and see what they say. If it is a teacher that you get along well with, they might not mind if you speak a little casually to them. In that case, you can start by saying, "this is totally an excuse, but..." and then give your excuse. - totally = (slang) - absolutely/100%; "This is absolutely an excuse" is also okay. You don't even need to use to word "excuse," though. You can simply say, "I can explain..." and then say what you need to. For example, "I can explain! It's my fault because I didn't read the question to the end."
もし言い訳がしたいのなら、まず言い訳しても良いか尋ねるといいでしょう。普通は先生も気にしないですが、気にするときもあります。そこで、 Is it okay to give an excuse? といって、様子を見てみましょう。 もし先生がよさげで、カジュアルに話して良さそうなら、 This is totally an excuse, but ... とはじめ、言い訳を始めると良いでしょう。 Totallyはスラングで、absolutely/100%という意味です。 This is absolutely an excuse.ということもできます。 excuseという言葉を言う必要もなく、シンプルに I can explain... と言えばいいだけです。 例 I can explain! It's my fault because I didn't read the question to the end. 説明します。これは最後まで読まなかった僕のせいなんです。 This is absolutely an excuse. これは完全に言い訳です。 
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Sorry, I made a mistake. Can I read it again?

  • Sorry, I didn't read the question properly. Can I try again?

It is important that you let the teacher know that you are aware of your mistake and that you would like to attempt the question again.
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Can I start again?

  • I'm not sure I read that correctly.

  • Is it ok if I try that again?

You generally don't ask to make an excuse you can just say whatever your excuse is e.g "I'm not sure I read that correctly". Your teacher will be happy with your honesty and even teachers make mistakes so this is completely natural. Also if you are still learning English it is understandable that many mistakes will be made so using "Can I start again?" and "Is it ok if I try that again?" are great expressions to use in this situation.
普通「言い訳させてください」と頼むことはしません。 言い訳があれば、そのままそれを言います。 例えば「I'm not sure I read that correctly(読み間違えたかもしれない)」。 先生は、正直に言ってくれたと喜ぶでしょうし、先生でも間違えることはありますから、全く自然なことです。 また、もし英語をまだ勉強中なら、たくさんの間違いをしてしまうと思います。 「Can I start again?(もう一度いいですか)」や「Is it ok if I try that again?(もう一回挑戦してもいいですか)」はそんな時に使えるオススメの言い方です。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry. I did not read the question properly. Let me read it again if you don't mind.

  • I must read this question again so I can understand it well. Can you give me some time to read it?

  • I misunderstood the question. I'm sorry. Let me read it slowly again.

Ooops! I did not comprehend the question. Let me read it again please.
他の例文です。 -Ooops! I did not comprehend the question. Let me read it again please. -おっと! 質問を理解してなかったよ。 もう一度読んでもいいですか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I'm sorry, I don't think I read this correctly. Can I read this again?

  • I think I made a mistake. Can I re-read this question and try to answer again?

  • Excuse me, can I try to answer this again? I think I read it wrong.

"I'm sorry, I don't' think I read this correctly. Can I read this again?" is a slightly formal way of asking for pardon, and if you can read the question again. example: You: "I'm sorry, I don't' think I read this correctly. Can I read this again?" Teacher: "Of course! Take your time." "I think I made a mistake. Can I re-read this question and try to answer again?" is a very direct way of saying you think you made a mistake, and want to try the question again. example: You: "I think I made a mistake. Can I re-read this question and try to answer again?" Teacher: "Yes, of course! Don't worry about it." "Excuse me, can I try to answer this again? I think I read it wrong." is a less formal way to say the previous expression. You are asking if you can try the question again, as you feel you've read it wrong. example: You: "Excuse me, can I try to answer this again? I think I read it wrong." Teacher: "Oh of course! Take ask much time as you need."
"I'm sorry, I don't' think I read this correctly. Can I read this again?" これは丁寧で少しフォーマルな言い方で、もう一度質問を読むことができます。 例: You: "I'm sorry, I don't' think I read this correctly. Can I read this again?" ごめんなさい、ちゃんと読めてなかったみたいです。もう一度読んでいいですか? Teacher: "Of course! Take your time." もちろん、落ち着いてよんでみて。 "I think I made a mistake. Can I re-read this question and try to answer again?" これはストレートに間違いがあったことを認め、もう一度読みたいと伝える言い方です。 例: You: "I think I made a mistake. Can I re-read this question and try to answer again?" 間違えてしまったみたい。この質問もう一度よんでいいですか? Teacher: "Yes, of course! Don't worry about it." もちろん、心配しないで。 "Excuse me, can I try to answer this again? I think I read it wrong." これはフォーマルさは少し欠けますが、間違ってよんだかもしれないので、もう一度問題を読みたいという表現です。 例: You: "Excuse me, can I try to answer this again? I think I read it wrong." すみません、この問題もう一度答えていいですか?間違えて読んでしまったみたい。 Teacher: "Oh of course! Take as much time as you need." もちろん。必要な時間をとってもらってかまわないよ。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry I misread the question.

  • Opps I think I got that wrong.

If it is a lesson you don't need to make excuses, making mistakes is part of learning.
それが教訓である場合は、言い訳する必要がありません。 間違えることは学ぶことです。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Can I tell you why I made that mistake?

  • 2. There is a good reason that I made that mistake. May I tell you about it?

  • 3. Can I make up an excuse for making that mistake?

The reasoning behind wanting to say this is very unclear! If it is homework for school and you made a mistake by reading the question incorrectly with your online teacher, then you have realised your mistake and can correct that error - and your homework before handing it in. So there is no need to make an excuse! If you are working with your online teacher and made a mistake, then that is always OK and it can be corrected. Why would you ask your online teacher if it is OK to make an excuse or lie - to your online teacher? He or she would know it is an excuse because you have just asked permission 'to make up' an excuse. So it is pointless to make an excuse in that case! 1 and 2 are ways of explaining why you made a mistake. 3 is answering this query - but as mentioned, the logic of saying this is not clear.
それを言いたい理由がよくわかりません! 学校の宿題で、間違ったことをオンライン教師と一緒に問題を折んでいるときにミスをしてしまった、そうなら、間違いに気づいて、提出する前に修正できるじゃないですか。だから言い訳する必要はありません。オンライン教師と一緒に勉強している時に間違ったって良いじゃないですか、ミスを修正できるんですから。なぜ言い訳したいと思ったのか、それがわからないです。この場合、excuseといえば、でっちあげだって思われてしましますよ。1,2は何故自分がミスをしたのか伝える表現で、3はこの質問の答えとなります。ただ、こんなことをいう理由が今一つわからないです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It appears I misread the question. My I re-do it?

  • My apologies, I misunderstood the question. May I please re-do it?

In the first sentence, you have started with 'it appears' which can also be said as 'it seems'. You then proceeded to say, I misread the question, using the verb to 'misread' in its past tense form., The verb to 'misread' means to read wrongly, misunderstand or misinterpret. The verb to 'redo means 'to do something again'. So, you may say: It appears I misread the question. My I re-do it? The second question is similar to the first one, except that you have started with an apology, which is very much recommended. Your request to redo it is extremely polite since you have added the adverb 'please'. So, you may say: My apologies, I misunderstood the question. May I please re-do it?
最初の文で、 'it appears'から始めていて、同様に'it seems'でも表せます。 そして、I misread the questionと進めて行きます。 'misread'という動詞を過去形で使っています。 'misread'という動詞は読み間違える、誤解するという意味を表します。 動詞'redo'は 'to do something again'(何かをふたたびすること)を意味します。 例: It appears I misread the question. May I re-do it? 読み間違えたみたいです。 やり直していいですか? 2つ目は、とても必要とされている謝罪から始めていることを除いて1つ目にとても似ています。 もう一度することについての要求は副詞'please'を使うことによってとても丁寧になっています。 例: My apologies, I misunderstood the question. May I please re-do it? 申し訳ないです。質問を勘違いしました。 もう一度やらせてもらえますか?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Sorry but can I read it again?

  • I'm sorry, I don't think I read this correctly. Could I read this again?

In such situation, try to be as polite as you can. Apologize first, saying that you are sorry, afterwards explain what happened and ask the question if you can read the sentence again.
このような場面ではできるだけ丁寧に伝えるようにしましょう。まず 'I'm sorry' と謝って、事情を説明し、「もう一度読んでいいですか」と質問します。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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