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2016/01/20 11:18
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  • I'll get serious starting tomorrow.

今じゃなくて、明日ねw 「明日から」と指定する場合は「starting tomorrow」。 そして、「本気を出す」は基本的に「get serious」と言います。 「明日から本気を出す。」 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'll get serious starting tomorrow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ※響き的に逆の語順が良いという方がいれば、 「Starting tomorrow, I'll get serious.」 でも大丈夫です! 他の例文: "I'll start taking things seriously from tomorrow."(明日から真剣に取り組む) "I'm going to buckle down starting tomorrow"(明日から頑張るんだ) "I'm going to knuckle down from tomorrow" (明日からガンバる)
  • I'm going to put my all into it, starting tomorrow.

  • I'll get to it tomorrow.

本気出す→put my all into it I'm going to put my all into it, starting tomorrow. 明日から本気だす これもよく言う→ I'll get to it tomorrow. 明日やる。
  • I'm going to be firing on all cylinders tomorrow

  • I'll be getting down to brass tacks (with John) tomorrow

It depends rather on the context of 'getting serious.' If it means in terms of work, someone will be doing their best and getting totally involved, you could say: "I'm going to be firing on all cylinders tomorrow." To fire on all cylinders =work or function at a peak level of performance. "Neither conductor nor orchestra are really firing on all cylinders." However, if you mean 'serious' with someone, ' then you might say: "I'll be getting down to brass tacks (with John) tomorrow." To get down to brass tacks = to start talking about the most important or basic facts of a situation: "Let's get down to brass tacks. Who's paying for all this?"
getting serious'の文脈によります。仕事の話であれば、全力を尽くして完全に深入りする場合、以下のように表現できます: "I'm going to be firing on all cylinders tomorrow." To fire on all cylinders =パフォーマンスのピークのレベルで働くあるいは機能する "Neither conductor nor orchestra are really firing on all cylinders."(指揮者もオーケストラも本気を出していない) ただし、誰かについて'serious'だという場合には, ' 以下のように表現できます: "I'll be getting down to brass tacks (with John) tomorrow."(明日(Johnに)重要な話をする) To get down to brass tacks = 状況の最も重要なあるいは基本的な事実について話し始めること: "Let's get down to brass tacks. Who's paying for all this?" (本題に入ろう。誰がこれをすべて払うんだ?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow I am going to get serious.

  • Tomorrow I'll get it together.

Any of these statements can be used to express that you will get serious tomorrow. 1. Tomorrow I am going to get serious. 2. Tomorrow I'll get it together. The expression "get it together" can be used to express that one will get serious.
下記の例文はすべて、明日から真剣になることを表現するのに使用できます。 1. Tomorrow I am going to get serious. 2. Tomorrow I'll get it together. "get it together"という表現は、真剣になることを表すのに使用できます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be taking this more seriously tomorrow

  • I'm going to put some serious effort into it tomorrow, I'm ready to get serious.

It's important to say this in the right context, we can feel serious about something which means we have strong feelings and passion towards it, and we can be serious about something which means we are determined to finish something,, determined to do something, and also feel passionately about it. "I feel very serious about this, I will make my decision tomorrow" "I will be serious about my studies tomorrow, I plan to study all day so I can pass the test"
これは正しい文脈で言うのが大切ですが、何かについて本気になるというのは、それに対して強い気持ちや情熱があるということを意味します。また、何かに真剣になるということは、何かを終わらせたり、何かを決めたり、情熱をもったりということを意味します。 "I feel very serious about this, I will make my decision tomorrow" 「私はこれに対して本当に真剣です。明日決めます。」 "I will be serious about my studies tomorrow, I plan to study all day so I can pass the test" 「私は明日から勉強をがんばります。試験に合格するために、一日中勉強する計画を立てています。」
Lewis M English teacher
  • From tomorrow onwards I will be serious.

  • I need to put myself in order , starting tomorrow I will be serious.

*From tomorrow onwards I will be serious. *I need to put myself in order , starting tomorrow I will be serious.
例文 *From tomorrow onwards I will be serious. 明日から真剣にやるよ *I need to put myself in order , starting tomorrow I will be serious. 調子を整える必要がある。明日から真剣にやるよ
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I will buckle down tomorrow.

  • I will apply myself tomorrow.

  • Tomorrow, I will give this my full attention.

I will knuckle down tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will put my nose to the grindstone. Tomorrow, I will give it 100% effort. I will swing into action tomorrow. I will be completely devoted tomorrow.
例文「明日から頑張ります。」 I will knuckle down tomorrow. Tomorrow, I will put my nose to the grindstone. Tomorrow, I will give it 100% effort. I will swing into action tomorrow. I will be completely devoted tomorrow.
Merin DMM英会話講師
  • Tomorrow is the day.

  • I will take it seriously tomorrow.

When tomorrow is the day to get serious, you can use one of these phrases or sentences to help you out. For example. Why aren't you doing your work? Tomorrow is the day. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will 明日が真剣になる日である場合、これらのフレーズまたは文章のいずれかを使用して手伝うことができます。 例えば。 なぜあなたは仕事をしていないのですか? 明日は日です。 それがお役に立てば幸いです。 すてきな一日を。 意志
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I'll do my best from tomorrow.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I'll do my best from tomorrow. 「明日からベストを尽くします」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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