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2017/05/19 12:20
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  • It's hard for us to find a place to eat at lunch time around here.

"It's hard for 人 to 〜" は「人にとって〜することは難しい、困難である」と言う表現です。日常でもよく使われる言い方です。 "find a place to eat" で「食べる(ための)場所を見つける」となります。ここでの "place" は「お店」や「レストラン」を指します。そのまま "restaurant" と言っても良いでしょう。 "at lunch time" は「昼食時に、ランチタイムに」という表現です。 "around here" は「この辺に(で)」ということを表します。
  • There are not a lot of good restaurants here.

  • All the nice restaurants are constantly packed.

There are not a lot of good restaurants here. - this implies that all the restaurants in a given area are not the best to eat at, and thus it would be hard to find a good place to eat at. All the nice restaurants are constantly packed. - this implies that there are good restaurants around an area, but they are super hard to get into as they are always packed. Thus it is hard to find a good place to eat at, as all are taken.
There are not a lot of good restaurants here.(ここはあまり良いレストランがない) - これは、そこの地域にはおいしくないレストランもあるというニュアンスです。なので、良いレストランを見つけるのは大変ということ。 All the nice restaurants are constantly packed.(良いレストランはどこもいつも満席) - これは、良いレストランはあるもののいつも満席なのでなかなか利用できないというニュアンスです。満席なので、良いレストランを見つけるのは大変ということ。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't a lot of lunch places around here so they tend to be crowded.

  • There's too few lunch places around here so they get packed at lunch time.

  • Every lunch place around here fills up quickly at lunch time.

To say a place is "packed" means that it is very crowded. A restaurant "fills up" when all of the seats are taken.
"packed" は場所について使うと、「とても混雑している」という意味になります。 "fills up" は、レストランの席が全て埋まることを表します。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • There's no place to go for lunch around here.

  • There are a few places to eat near here, but they're usually full at lunchtime.

"There's no place to go for lunch around here" is a hyperbole; it's an exaggeration. It really sends the message that it's not worth trying to find a place to eat near here at least at lunchtime. "There are a few places to eat near here, but they're usually full at lunchtime" is a more accurate description. It leaves the decision open whether to make the effort to try to find a place to eat near there or not.
"There's no place to go for lunch around here"(この辺にランチを食べに行ける所はない)は、誇張表現です。少なくてもランチタイムはその近くで食べられる所を見つけようとしても無駄だとはっきり伝えています。 "There are a few places to eat near here, but they're usually full at lunchtime"(この近くに食べられる所はいくつかありますが、ランチタイムはたいていいっぱいです)は、より正確な説明です。その近くで飲食店を見つけようとするかどうかの判断は相手に委ねています。
Sheila Lee DMM英会話講師
  • The number of restaurants in this area is quite limited, making it difficult to find a convenient place to eat lunch in this area.

This is a polite and fairly formal way of saying that there are not many restaurants in the immediate area. It references that this is inconvenient, which is the point you are trying to make. I used the term "quite" rather than "very" as it is more sophisticated. I said, "in this area," rather than around here, again, to be more sophisticated.
これは、近くに飲食店が少ないことを伝える丁寧でかなりフォーマルな言い方です。あなたの言おうとしているそれが不便(inconvenient)であるということについても言及しています。 ここでは、"very" ではなく "quite" を使いました。"quite" は "very" よりも洗練された言葉です。 "around here" の代わりに "in this area" を使ったのも、これがより洗練された言葉だからです。
Richard C DMM英会話講師
  • There aren't many lunch spots around here

  • Perhaps bring lunch from home as there aren't many options here

  • We aren't exactly spoilt for choice here

To be spoilt for choice means that there are too many places to choose from. Telling the person to bring something with them tells them that they may not like what they find to eat there because there aren't many choices, so they are safer bringing something from home.
To be spoilt for choice' は「お店の選択肢が豊富にある」という意味です。 'Perhaps bring lunch from home as there aren't many options here'(ここはあまりお店がないからお昼は家から持って来た方がいいかもしれない) これは「そこにはお店が少なくて気に入る所がないかもしれないから家から何か持って来た方がいい」という意味です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Choices for restaurants and take aways are very limited in this area, the queue could be long.

  • There are very few take-aways in this area. Waiting for our order could take forever.

  • Finding something to eat around here takes forever! So few choices and so many people waiting!

I would assume this is perhaps to explain to a work colleague or visitor to your offices that lunch-break is tedious and perhaps better to bring their own food than go to the local restaurants/take-aways as they are overcrowded. "Finding something to eat around here takes forever!" is a bit of humour with exaggeration to make your point.
これは、相手は仕事の同僚や会社を訪れた人でしょうかね、「昼休みは退屈」「レストランは込むので食べに行くよりも昼ご飯を持って来た方がいいかもしれない」などと説明したいということかなと。 "Finding something to eat around here takes forever!"(この辺で食べられる所を探していたら夜が明けてしまう) これは大げさにちょっと面白く言っています。
Karie DMM英会話講師
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