What are your strengths and weaknesses?
【Vocabulary Check】
Tell me(us) about your personal strengths and weaknesses?
また長所・短所それぞれ、strong points, weak pointsという表現もあります。
[長所](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/44759/)のstrengths はstrong の名詞形の複数形。
[ stréŋkθs ] カナでかくと 「ストレンクス」 「ストレンクすス」
[短所](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/42067/)のweaknesses はweakの名詞形の複数形。
最大の長所という場合は greatest, biggest, top などが使われます。
長所 My strength is I am very self motivated.
My strengths are flexibility and hard work.
短所 My weakness is I sometimes work too hard.
ロンドンで面接にたくさん行ってた経験から話しますが、「What are your strengths and weaknesses」と聞かれたことはありません。
例えば、ビジネスアイデアの長所と短所や、商品の長所と短所を論じる場合「strengths and weaknesses」を分析しますが、人に対して言うのは事務的に聞こえるので、ありません。ましては、人間には長所と短所が無数にあるため、一つずつ聞き出すことは効率が悪いです。
よく聞かれたのは「① What is your greatest strength?」と「② What is your greatest weakness?」。「あなたの最大の長所は何ですか?」と一つの点をアピールさせられる質問を受けたことがよくあります。
When being asked about what their strengths and weaknesses are, most prospective employees get intimidated, especially where their weaknesses are concerned. No one would like to expose their weaknesses. However, it is imperative that the prospective employer should know about the prospective employee's strengths and weaknesses or areas of improvement.
Strengths are those things that the prospective employee excels in and weaknesses are those things that he/she thinks hamper his/her ability to perform well. It is ideal not to combine the question. It's better to ask about strengths on their own and weaknesses on their own.
So, you may ask:
So, tell us. What are your strengths?
After the candidate has answered this question, you may then ask:
What are your weaknesses or areas of improvement?
So, tell us. What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses or areas of improvement?
This question seems like a bit of cliche these days as it is quite unimaginative. However, without doubt some people still recycle this old set of questions:
When she's asked, "What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?" Francine responds, "My strength is that I'm a hard worker. My weakness is that I get stressed when I miss a deadline because someone else dropped the ball."
This question may be rephrased as an alternative: "What do you do really badly?" or,
"What do you do really well?"
"Well, I get on really well with people."
この質問は創造性に欠けるし、ちょっと使い古されているように感じるけど、まだまだこの使い古された質問は未だに繰り返されているよ。"What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?"と質問された時、答えの一例でこう答えることができます。
"My strength is that I'm a hard worker. My weakness is that I get stressed when I miss a deadline because someone else dropped the ball."
"What do you do really badly?" または
"What do you do really well?"
"Well, I get on really well with people."
In your opinion, what would you say your strengths and weaknesses are?
What do you feel your strengths and weaknesses are?
What things are you great at and what things do you struggle with most?
The sentences above can be used to ask someone about their strengths and weaknesses.
The last sentence is the most specific and can be divided into two questions.
This is a great question to ask at an interview and it always gets applicants thinking.
Usually, people have a general idea of their strengths and weaknesses but it can still be a little unnerving for the applicant when it comes to answering.
Unnerving: uncomfortable
Divide: to split/break into two parts.
Please tell me (about) your strengths and weaknesses.
What are you strengths and weaknesses?
Tell me about your good and bad points.
A question usually used in interview to recognize the interviewee's abilities and weaknesses.
あなたの: Your
長所: strength, good points, merits
短所: weakness, bad points, demerits
教えてください:Please tell me, please inform me
Interviewer: Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.
Interviewee: One of my greatest strengths is my tenacity. I do my best to find a solution to a problem. However, that also leads to my one of my greatest weaknesses. Due to the tenacity, I may lose focus on the main goal.
Here some examples from my real interviews. I was asked the same questions in different ways. For example - what are your weakest side? As an employer, I need to know this information for future decision
What are your weakest side? As an employer, I need to know this information for future decision?(あなたの短所は何ですか。雇用主として、将来この情報が必要になります)
これは一つの言い方が What are your strengths and weaknesses です。Strengths and weaknesses はいつもこの形で言います。What are your weaknesses and strengths は言わないです。
多分一番普通の言い方は What are your weak points and your strong points です。この場合 strong points and weak points でも大丈夫です。
What is your greatest strength?... And your greatest weakness?
What would you say your greatest strength is?... Your greatest weakness?
"What would you say your greatest strength is?... Your greatest weakness?" -
"What would you say..." is asking someone to think about and say their opinion on something. e.g. "What would you say is the greatest pop song of 2016?" Once you say the phrase "What would you say..." you don't have to repeat for the second question that follows the first one. e.g. "Who would you say your best friend is?... Your second closest?... Your least best friend?" It's like making a list of questions, so you don't have to repeat the initial phrase... you can just keep adding on to the list.
"What would you say your greatest strength is?... Your greatest weakness?" -
"What would you say..."は、少し考えて、物事の意見を言うように頼んでいます。
"What would you say is the greatest pop song of 2016?"
"What would you say..."は一度言えば、最初の質問の後の2番めの質問でこのフレーズを繰り返す必要はありません。
"Who would you say your best friend is?... Your second closest?... Your least best friend?"