世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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pi kanaさん
2017/06/01 18:52
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  • I study English in order to enjoy my vacations abroad.

in order toという表現も、不定詞のひとつになりますが、 ただの不定詞よりも、ずっと協調されるので、 この表現でも、楽しむために英語を勉強しているんだ! という気持ちが伝わると思います。 I study English in order to enjoy my vacations abroad. 「私は、海外旅行をより楽しむために英語を勉強しています。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Speaking English enhances my travelling abroad experience

  • Speaking English enriches my overseas' experience

Yes, if you are travelling to different countries either as a tourist or business person,. there is one thing, amongst all others that may seriously improve your day to day enjoyment of the trip - and that is your ability to speak English! Even with just a few sentences you will be able to communicate your basic needs - and hopefully, quickly improve you comprehension and speaking ability. "Why do you go to so many English classes?" "Well, speaking English enhances my travelling abroad experience."
もしあなたが、様々な国を、観光客としてか、ビジネスマンとしてか旅行している時に、英語を使うことができれば、日々の旅行を劇的によくすることができるでしょう。 ほんの少し喋られるだけで必要最低限のコミュニケーションはできあます。 早く理解力や会話力をあげられるといいですね。 例 "Why do you go to so many English classes?" なんでそんなに英語のクラスに行っているんだい? "Well, speaking English enhances my travelling abroad experience." 英語を喋ることができれば海外の経験がもっと豊かになるからね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm studying (English) so that I can enjoy my vacation(s) abroad.

  • I want to be able to enjoy travelling abroad so I 'm studying English now.

「~を勉強している」=「I am studying ~」、「I am learning ~」 「海外旅行を楽しむために」=「so that I can enjoy my vacations abroad」 I want to be able to enjoy travelling abroad so I 'm studying English now. (私は海外旅行が楽しみたいので今英語をべんきょうしている) I'm studying (English) so that I can enjoy my vacation(s) abroad. (私は海外旅行を楽しむために英語を勉強している)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • I love to travel, so it helps to know English

  • I study English because I love to travel

  • I'm passionate about travelling to other countries, that's why I'm learning English

Travel and travelling, is the act of going to another place some distance away, often used to describe going to another country. To 'study', 'know' or 'learn' is the act of being taught, or self teaching a subject. You could say you either like, love or are passionate about travelling. Love and passion suggests you really enjoy it. Using 'love' is most common in native English in the UK. You can mix and match all of the words above to come up with a phrase you are comfortable with.
Travel も travellingという言葉も、離れたところ、しばしばほかの国などに行くことを意味します。 'study', 'know' または 'learn'は、何かを習うこと、勉強することを意味します。  旅行が大好きという気持ちは、like, love または are passionate about travellingと表現します。大好きという意味の'love'を使うのが、イギリスでは普通です。  以上のような、単語やフレーズを使って、表現してみるといいでしょう。  
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Traveling abroad is more fun when you can speak English and that is why I study English.

  • I study English in order to enjoy traveling abroad and having conversations with others.

>Traveling abroad is more fun when you can speak English and that is why I study English. This explains when you can speak English then traveling will be so much more fun. >I study English in order to enjoy traveling abroad and having conversations with others. This means that speaking English will make traveling more fun because then you can have better conversation with other people Example Friend: Why do you study English? You:I study English in order to enjoy traveling abroad and having conversations with others.
Traveling abroad is more fun when you can speak English and that is why I study English. 英語が話せると旅行が楽しくなることを意味する表現です。 I want to study English in order to enjoy traveling abroad and having conversations with others. 英語が話せると旅行先で他の人と会話ができて楽しいということを意味する表現です。 以下のように使うこともできます。 Friend: Why do you study English? どうして英語を勉強するのですか? You:I study English in order to enjoy traveling abroad and having conversations with others. 海外旅行で会話を楽しむために英語を勉強します。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I study English so that I can enjoy travelling abroad.

  • In order to enjoy traveling abroad I am studying English.

You may use any of these expressions:- 1. I study English so that I can enjoy travelling abroad. 私は海外旅行を楽しむことができるように英語を学びます。 2. In order to enjoy traveling abroad I am studying English. 海外旅行を楽しむために、私は英語を勉強しています。
これらの表現を使うことが出来ます。 1. I study English so that I can enjoy travelling abroad. 英語を勉強しているから、海外旅行を楽しむことができます。 2. In order to enjoy traveling abroad I am studying English. 海外旅行を楽しむために、私は英語を勉強しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I study English to travel abroad

  • I study English to communicate with foreigners when I travel abroad

>If you go abroad, you go to a foreign country, usually one which is separated from the country where you live by an ocean or a sea. >A foreigner is someone who belongs to a country that is not your own. "I study English to travel abroad." "I study English to communicate with foreigners when I travel abroad."
> go abroadは海外に行くことを意味します。 一般的には、慣れ親しんだ母国を離れることを言います。 >A foreigner 外国人。 "I study English to travel abroad." 海外旅行するために英語を学ぶ。 "I study English to communicate with foreigners when I travel abroad." 海外旅行の際に外国人とコミュニケーションするために英語を勉強する。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Enhance my travel experience...

  • Speaking English like a native will surely enhance my travel experiences...

When we " enhance" something...we make it greater / stronger. "It is increased" or expanded beyond its normal state... bringing with it ...a better outcome "Speaking English like a native will surely enhance my travel experiences..."
" enhance"とは、何かを高める、何かが増すという意味です。より良い結果をもとめてがんばることはすばらしいことです。  "Speaking English like a native will surely enhance my travel experiences..." ネイティブのように英語を話すことは、確実に私の旅行の経験値をあげるでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "I study English so I can enjoy travelling abroad more"

  • "I learn English so when I go travelling, I can communicate more and enjoy myself"

If you were asked why you study English and you would like to explain that you study English so you can enjoy travelling abroad, you could express it by saying either of the following: "I study English so I can enjoy travelling abroad more" or "I learn English so when I go travelling, I can communicate more and enjoy myself".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I want to study English so that I can communicate better and enjoy myself more when I travel abroad.

  • I want to learn English so that I can communicate easier and have more fun when I travel abroad.

If you would like to explain to someone that the reason you want to learn English is so that you can enjoy traveling more, you can say something like "I want to study English so that I can communicate better and enjoy myself more when I travel abroad." or "I want to learn English so that I can communicate easier and have more fun when I travel abroad.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I'm learning English so I can enjoy my travels abroad more.

pi kanaさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現するには、下記の言い方ではいかがでしょうか。 ・I'm learning English so I can enjoy my travels abroad more. 訳: 旅行を(もっと)楽しむために英語を勉強している。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • English is a universal language so learning the language fits in perfectly with my globetrotting plans.

  • I'm brushing up on my English because it allows me to communicate effectively when travelling abroad.

1. English is a universal language so learning the language fits in perfectly with my globetrotting plans. A "universal language" refers to the fact that English is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world. A "globetrotter" is one who travels abroad often. 2. I'm brushing up on my English because it allows me to communicate effectively when travelling abroad. "To brush up on something" means to improve your skills in that area. Being able to communicate and to be understood when in a foreign country is often a big problem for many travellers, so learning English means you are equipping yourself with a very useful tool.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I'm learning English because I love traveling.

  • I'm studying English because I love traveling.

  • I love traveling, so it's valuable to learn English.

Here are three excellent sentences that we can use to express that the reason why we learn English is because we love to travel abroad. Notice in the first two sentences that they have the same structure and words except with the verb usage, "to learn," and, "to study." The final sentence example, we can see that we switched the sentence structure and included to say, "it's valuable to learn English," to explain what is needed when traveling often.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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