世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/02 16:36
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  • Could you push back the time a little?

時間を遅らせるという意味では push back が便利です。 反対に時間を前倒しにする、と言いたいときには、move up が使えます! 例)move up the meeting by two hours(会議を2時間前倒しする) 参考にしてみてください☆彡
  • Could we do it a little bit later, please?

  • Could we delay the start time a bit?

delay = 延期する、先延ばしになる
Tim Young 主催
  • Can we do it a bit later?

  • I cannot make that time. Maybe later?

You could add sorry onto either of those to make it more polite.
どちらの文も、"sorry" を加えて言うこともできます。 丁寧さが増します。
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • Can we make it later, please?

  • Please can we delay the meeting slightly?

  • I can make it at this OK for you?

We always say please. Especially if we are declining an invitation and asking to change the time. It is polite and just good manners. Can we make it later, please? You are saying you can;t make that time and are asking for a later time. Please, can we delay the meeting slightly? Please can you go at the front or the back of the queue? I can make it at this OK for you? You are stating when you are available and asking if it OK with the other person? Hope this helps Jane:)
pleaseは常に使います。特に相手のお誘いを拒否したり、日程を変更してもらうときです。すごく丁寧な言い方です。 Can we make it later, please? この言い方は、その時間は難しいと伝え、日にちを先送りにできないか尋ねる表現です。 例文 Please, can we delay the meeting slightly? お願いです、ちょっとミーティングずらしても良いですか? Please can you go at the front or the back of the queue? 列の前/後ろに行ってもらって良いですか? I can make it at this OK for you? 12時に間に合います。それで大丈夫ですか? これで、自分がその時間に間に合うかどうかを言及し、その人の都合を確認します。 役に立てば! Jane:)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • I am rather busy so I don't think I can make it for that time, can we hold the meeting a little later?

  • I have a busy schedule that day, so can we push the meeting back until later?

  • I have many meetings, I don't think I will be on time, can we reschedule?

All of these examples are good for asking about changing the time of a meeting.
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • 11.45 is a little tight for me. Could we meet a little later?

  • 11.45 is cutting it fine for me. Let's meet later.

When time is 'tight' it means that there is very little time between consecutive tasks according to the schedule. Usually people like to allow enough time for travel, eating, coffee and other small things in between meetings and appointments. "I have two consecutive appointments and to meet you in between those would be tight." To cut it fine = Do something closely with a very slight margin, as in: "Tom always cuts it fine, arriving at the last minute." This term uses fine in the sense of "narrow."
時間がが"tight'といえば、自分のやるべきことの間にあんまり時間がないことを言います。 これは通常、移動時間をとったり、食事コーヒータイムなどミーティングやアポの間に取りたいものですよね。 "I have two consecutive appointments and to meet you in between those would be tight." アポが二つ連続して入っていて、この二つの間に君と会うのはちょっとタイトすぎるよ。 To cut it fine = すきまがあまりないところに割り込ませる、という意味で、例えば : "Tom always cuts it fine, arriving at the last minute." Tomはいつもぎりぎりにくるんだよね。最後の最後で到着する。この場合、fineはnarrowという意味に近いです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can we reschedule?

  • I will be unable to make your 11:45 ...Can we reschedule for a little later...Say at12:30?

Can we reschedule? Simply means can we change an arrangement and make it at another time;-D In this case we have no availability and need to move the time line back to reschedule for a later time... "I will be unable to make your 11:45. Can we reschedule for a little later, say at12:30?"
例文 Can we reschedule? スケジュールを変えることが出来ますか? 単に約束を変更し、別の時間に出来るかどうかということです。この場合、時間に間に合いそうになく、後日時間を変更する必要があります。 例文 "I will be unable to make your 11:45. Can we reschedule for a little later, say at12:30?" 11時45分には間に合いそうにありません。少し遅い時間、例えば12時30分に変更することは出来ますか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm running a little late, can we schedule for a little later?

  • Can we push back the meeting time a little?

  • Can we delay the meeting time a little?

First we can use the phrase," to run late," to mean that we are behind schedule and won't make it in the pre-decided time. We can ask, "to push back," the meeting to say that we need the time to be a little later or we can, "delay," the meeting to also mean the same thing.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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