世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/16 13:53
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  • My son is addicted to smartphone/mobile games.

My son is addicted to smartphone/mobile games. 息子はスマーホゲーム[中毒](だ。 addicted 中毒 smartphone/mobile [スマーホ]( ~に[夢中](になっている be absorbed in be crazy about engrossed in スマーホゲームの場合はaddictedの方がいいと思います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • My son is obsessed with his phone.

  • My son is always playing games on his phone.

  • My son is addicted to his phone.

My son is crazy about his phone. In native expressions, most phones that people use are smartphones so when using the word phone, it is assumed that it is a smartphone. To spend too much time with something is: To be obsessed with To be addicted to To be crazy about I hope that helps!
My son is crazy about his phone. 英語でphone といえば[スマホ](を思い浮かべますので、TAKASHIさんがおっしゃるのもスマホだと思います。 なにかをしすぎて時間を[無駄にする](ことを be obsessed with be addicted to be crazy about という言い方があります。 参考になれば嬉しいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • 1. My son is glued to his smartphone

  • 2. My son can't take his eyes off his smartphone

1. Glued to- this is an expression. It means you are stuck to something or interested in something as if you are glued to it. 2. Cant take your eyes off something- means that you can't stop looking at something because of how interesting it is. I hope this helps :)
"1. “Glued to”とは何かにはまっているまたはまるでのりでくっつけられたかのようにそれに夢中になっているという意味の表現です。 2. “Can’t take your eyes off something”とはあまりにも興味深いため何かから目を離すことができないという意味です。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • My son spends all his free time on his smartphone

  • My son is obsessed with his smartphone

  • My son loves his smartphone too much

All of these phrases explain that your son really enjoys his smartphone but will get across the extent to which he uses it.
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
  • He's continually on his phone, gaming

To be on the phone = to be using the phone/cellphone/smartphone. Gaming = Gaming is the act of playing games, as in: Legalized gambling, playing games of chance for money, often referred to in law as "gaming" Playing a role-playing game, in which players assume fictional roles Playing a tabletop game, any game played on a flat surface Playing a video game, an electronic game with a video interface
To be on the phone = 電話、携帯を使っていること Gaming = ゲームで遊ぶこと。これには、合法ギャンブル、賭け事、よく法律では"gaming"と呼ばれますね。 Playing a role-playing game, :RPGをする。 Playing a tabletop game, テーブルゲームをする Playing a video game, テレビゲームをする。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My son is addicted to playing games on his cell phone.

  • My son is forever playing games on his cell phone.

The adjective 'addicted' in this context means that my son is completely, mentally and physically dependent on playing games on his smartphone. So, each time you see him, he is playing games on his smartphone. He is actually forever playing games on his smartphone. In other words, he is continually playing games on his smartphone. So, you may say: My son is addicted to playing games on his cell phone. or My son is forever playing games on his cell phone.
このケースで、夢中な'addicted'という形容詞は、あなたの息子さんが精神的にも身体的にも完全にスマートフォンでゲームをすることに依存していると意味します。 ですので、あなたが彼を見るといつも彼はスマートフォンでゲームをしています。本当にずっとスマートフォンでゲームをしているのです。 言い換えると、切れ目なくずっとスマートフォンでゲームをしているということです。 例文: My son is addicted to playing games on his cell phone. (私の息子は携帯電話ゲームの中毒です。) My son is forever playing games on his cell phone. (私の息子はずっと携帯電話のゲームをしています。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • my son is always on his smart phone

  • my son is obsessed with his smart phone

example "I never put it down". or "He never puts it down". or "My son is obsessed with his smart phone". or "My son is always on his phone"
"I never put it down" 私はスマホを離さない。  "He never puts it down" 彼はスマホを離さない。   "My son is obsessed with his smart phone". 私の息子は、スマホに夢中だ。 "My son is always on his phone" 私の息子は、いつもスマホを使っている。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • My son is always glued to his smartphone

  • My son can never put his (smart)phone down.

  • My son is addicted to his phone

When you child is constantly on his phone, then you can say: -My son is constantly on his phone. -My son is always glued to his smartphone -My son is addicted to his phone
自分の子供が常に携帯をさわっているときの表現です。 -My son is constantly on his phone. 私の息子はいつも携帯をさわっている。 -My son is always glued to his smartphone 私の息子はいつも携帯をさわっている。 -My son is addicted to his phone 私の息子は携帯中毒だ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My son is addicted to smartphone games.

  • My son is always playing smartphone games.

We can use the word, "addicted," to talk about when we cannot control ourselves or get enough of a certain activity. We use this same word when talking about alcohol and smoking. We can also use, "is always playing," to say that this is something he does all the time.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • My son is addicted to smartphone games.

  • My son is playing smartphone games all the time.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 My son is addicted to smartphone games. 「息子はスマフォのゲームに夢中になっている」 または My son is playing smartphone games all the time. 「息子はいつでもスマフォのゲームをしている」 のように表現できると思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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