世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/18 19:45
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  • Sorry, you are breaking up.

  • I can't hear you very well.

  • The line is breaking.

When speaking to someone on the phone and you cannot hear them, you can say: The line is breaking. Sorry you are breaking up. Breaking up when speaking on the phone means that the signal is 'choppy.' Choppy means in little pieces or something that is unclear. It means the sound is only coming in bits and pieces and you are not able to hear the other person very well. 'The line' means the telephone line or the connection. You can also say that the person is breaking up, this is the same as saying that the connection line is breaking up. You can also say: I can't hear you very well. - That means you cannot hear the voice of the other person clearly. I'm struggling to hear you. - That means you are finding it difficult to hear what the other person is saying. I hope that helps!
電話で話していて相手が[聞こえない](時、こう言います。 "Sorry, you are breaking up"や"I can't hear you very well"、"The line is breaking"などがあります。 "Sorry, you are breaking up"や"The line is breaking"の"breaking up"は、電話の信号が途切れて声が飛んでしまっている状態を表す表現です。"The line"は電話回線や通信状態を指し、これが"breaking up"することで会話が断片的にしか聞こえてこないという状煋を示します。 また"I can't hear you very well"は、相手の声がはっきりと聞こえないときの一般的な表現です。類義語として"I'm struggling to hear you."があり、これは自分が相手の話を理解するのに苦労していることを表しています。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you well.

「私はあなたがよく[聞こえない](」が直訳です。 このように言うのが一般的かと思います(^^) その直前にI'm sorry butなどと付けると丁寧な響きがするでしょう♪
  • 1. I'm having difficulty hearing you.

  • 2. It's a bad line. Could you speak a little louder please?

  • 3. I really can't hear what you're saying. May I call you back?

1. This explains that there is a difficulty with your audio reception. 2. 'It's a bad line.' This may be true - or not. It just means that there is some reason for you not hearing clearly. 3. This is a suggestion to cut short the conversation and call the other person again when hopefully, the audio will be better.
1. これは、あなたの音声の受信に問題があることを説明します。 2.'It's a bad line.:回線が悪い:これは真実かもしれません。ただ、 あなたがはっきり聞こえない何らかの理由があるかもしれません。 3.これは、会話をかけなおし、 うまくいけばもう一度、オーディオがより良くなるだろうと伝える言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please speak up...

  • Its a bad line, so please do speak up! I can hardly hear you...

Sometimes communication by phone can be difficult. We describe this as having "a bad line" or "a poor connection". When this happens, it is usual to let the other party of the phonecall know that you "cannot hear them clearly". The normal phrase to use is "Please speak up. I cannot hear you very well".
電話での会話はときに難しいことがあります。そんなときは"a bad line" (回線状態が悪い)または "a poor connection" (同上)と表現します。 そのような状態になっている場合は、通常は相手によく聞こえないという事を伝えて、次のようにお願いできます。 "Please speak up. I cannot hear you very well" (もう少し大きな声で話してもらえますか?あまりよく聞こえません。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm having trouble hearing you.

have trouble hearing = よく聞こえない 他のアンカーさんも仰るとおり、sorryを前につけると良いです。 Sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you.
  • I can't hear you very well

  • We have a poor connection

  • The line is bad, please could you speak up?

The first example can be used in any situation when you cannot hear something easily. The second two examples can be used specifically when you are on the telephone. That is because they refer to the telephone 'line' and 'connection'.
一つ目の例文は何かが聞こえにくい場面で幅広く使えます。 続く二つの例文は特に電話している場合に使うことができます。 'line' (電話回線)や 'connection'(音声などの接続状況)という言葉を使っているからです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you well.

  • I'm having trouble hearing you.

Here are two very easy ways to say that you can't hear someone very well over the phone. Notice that the first example is using the verb, "to be able to (can)," to express our ability to hear something. The second example is using the verb, "to have," with the adjective, "trouble," to express this same ability to hear.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Inaudible

  • Indistinct

  • Faint

Inaudible (adjective) - unable to be heard Example Susan's response was inaudible. _______________________________________________________ Indistinct (adjective) not clear or sharply defined Example Her speech was slurred and indistinct ________________________________________________________ Faint (adjective) (of a sight, smell, or sound) barely perceptible Example I heard faint noises coming from the room
①Inaudible(形容詞)=聞き難い、聞こえない 例文: Susan's response was inaudible. (スーザンの返事は聞こなかった。) ②Indistinct(形容詞)=はっきりしない 例文:Her speech was slurred and indistinct. (彼女のスピーチは、はっきりせず、ろれつが回っていなかった。) ③Faint(形容詞)=かすかな 例文:I heard faint noises coming from the room. (部屋から、かすかな音が聞こえた。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you.

  • Your breaking up!

  • Your voice is choppy.

The three sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you cannot hear them on the phone. In the second sentence you will see the term break up and in the second sentence you will see the word choppy. They both mean unclear. We use this term and this word a lot when we cannot hear someone on the phone, these would make great additions to your vocabulary.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry I can't hear you very well

  • I'm having trouble understanding you, I think the connection is poor

As we all know, we can have problems when speaking to people over the phone. This is especially true when we are using mobile phones. We or the other person may be in an area where there is bad reception or just a lot of noise. We can use either of these two sentences to let somebody know that we can't hear them very well.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Pardon? I missed that.

  • I cannot hear you very well. Can you please say that again?

When you are on the phone with someone and cannot hear them properly; you may let them know in the following ways: -Pardon? I missed that. Please say that again. -I cannot hear you very well. Can you please say that again? -I have trouble hearing you. Can you please say that again?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • "I can't hear you very well, I think the connection is not great"

  • "The line seems to keep breaking up"

  • "I can't hear you very well"

If you cannot hear someone very well when you are on the phone, you could say any of the following to express this: "I can't hear you very well, I think the connection is not great", "The line seems to keep breaking up" or "I can't hear you very well".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • 1. You are breaking up

  • 2. The connection is bad

  • 3. I couldn't get that, please say that again.

1. When the signal is poor and the person's voice disappears, you would say, "You are breaking up", the speaker would immediately know to repeat themselves as you did not hear them clearly. 2. This is the same as 1 (above), BUT the speaker would not know you did hear them. So say it like this, "The connection is bad, please say that again". 3. This sentence can be used as it is written.
Cammie DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you well.

  • I can't hear your voice well.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば以下のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: I can't hear you well. よく聞こえません。 I can't hear your voice well. 声がよく聞こえません。 can't hear you well で「よく聞こえない」を表すことができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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