「生活感」→「A lived in feeling」
「Room that does not feel lived in」→「生活感のない部屋」
「This room does not feel lived in」→「この部屋は生活感がない」
「Although there is someone living here, this room is too clean and doesn't feel lived in」
a room that doesn't feel like anybody is living in it
a room that doesn't seem like anybody is living in it
「生活感のない部屋」という表現を英語で表すと「a room that doesn’t feel like anybody is living in it.」または「a room that doesn’t seem like anybody is living in it.」という表現になります。「部屋」という言葉は「a room」という言葉になって、「doesn’t feel/seem like anybody is living in it」という表現は「生活感のない」という意味があります。