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あんまり詳しくは説明できないんだけど って英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/06/20 08:25
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  • Just so you know, I might not be able to explain about it in detail.

"just so you know" は「一応言っておきますが」という表現で、前置きによく使われます。他に "just to let you know" や "just to tell you" のように言うこともできます。 "might 〜" は「〜かもしれない」と、推量や可能性を表します。"may 〜" も同じ意味になります。 "be able to 〜" は「〜することができる、〜が可能である」という表現です。"can 〜" と同じ意味ですが、前に助動詞"might"があるために、同じ助動詞"can"を使うことができないので、こちらを使います。 "explain about 〜" は「〜について説明する」という表現です。 「詳しく」は "in detail" や "in depth" と表すことができます。
  • I'm not an expert when it comes to (...) but I think..

  • I don't know much about it but I would say..

  • I may be wrong but I think

I'm not an expert when it comes to (...) but I think.. When you don't know about a particular subject but you would like to give your opinion about something, you can say that you are not expert. 'when it comes to' This means when referring to a particular subject. Then you would say what you think about that subject. I don't know much about (..) but I would say.. Another way to say you are not an expert is to say you don't know much it. I would say - this is a way of saying your opinion. You can also say: In my opinion, I would say... I think that... In my view.. I hope that helps!
I'm not an expert when it comes to ... but I think... そのトピックについてあまり詳しくないけれど自分の意見を言いたい時、「自分の専門ではないけれど」というような感じで言うことができます。 when it comes to というのは、「〜について」という意味です。そして続けてその主題について話します。 I don't know much about ... but I would say... こちらも自分が専門家ではないことを伝えるときの言い方です。「あまりそれについて知らない」という意味です。 I would say とは、意見を言うときに使える表現です。 また、意見を言い始めるときのフレーズには、こんな言い方もあります。 In my opinion, I would say... I think that... In my view ... 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • My knowledge of the subject isn't great but...

  • You may want to ask an expert but this is how I understand it.

  • I am not an expert but I will try to explain it.

If you want to try to explain a concept to someone but want to try to warn someone that your knowledge of the subject is not so great and your explanation may not be the best then use any of the exmaples given above. I find it helpful to do a quick google search if I am in this situation.
何かを説明しようする時に、あまり自分も詳しくないので説明があまりうまくないかもしれない、と前置きしたいのなら、上の例はどれでも使うことができます。 そういうときはGoogle翻訳が役に立ちますよね。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I know very little about it!

  • I don't know much about that product!

  • I am not well versed on that!

There are many different ways that you can express, that you do not know much about subject or product very well. "I am not great at fixing things!" "I don't know much about computers, my knowledge is limited!"
物や製品についてよく知らないことがとてもよくありますよね、これを表現することができる方法は多くあります。 例 "I am not great at fixing things!" あまりものを直すのは得意ではない。 "I don't know much about computers, my knowledge is limited!" コンピュータについては詳しくない。私の知識は限られてる。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Don't quote me on this

  • I am no expert but I think...

  • I am not well versed on this subject but I am going to try and explain it as best as I can.

"Don't quote me on this ..." It means something like "Don't believe what I'm saying blindly." It's used when you say something or give some information you're not entirely sure about and you don't want people to take it as a fact. It means something like "Don't believe what I'm saying blindly." To be well -versed is to be highly experienced, practiced, or skilled; very knowledgeable about a particular subject or area of knowledge. e.g He is a well-versed scholar on the subject of biblical literature. "I am no expert but I think..." expert : having or involving a great deal of knowledge or skill in a particular area. e.g"he had received expert academic advice" This is a good way to start an explanation because it lets the other person know that you are explaining something based on your opinion or the knowledge you have about it.
"Don't quote me on this ..." 詳しくないから質問しないで。 "Don't believe what I'm saying blindly." 私が行ったことを盲目的に信用しないでね。 誰かに何かを伝えたんだけど、あなたがあまり自信がないときや事実だと受け止めてほしくないときにあまり信用しないでというとき。 To be well -versed 経験豊かでスキル、知識があるということ。 例 He is a well-versed scholar on the subject of biblical literature. 彼は、着るスト協文学に造詣が深い。 "I am no expert but I think..." エキスパートじゃないけど私が思うに…。 expert : ある分野で知識が深い人です。 例  He had received expert academic advice" 彼はアカデミックの専門家にアドバイスを受けました。 自分の知識をもとに自分の意見を述べていると伝える方法です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not totally familiar with this so please don't take it all as gospel

  • I'm no expert, so please don 't quote me!

To take something as gospel = Also, 'take for gospel'. Believe absolutely, regard as true, as in: "We took every word of his as gospel, but in fact he was often mistaken." This idiom, first recorded in 1496, uses gospel in the sense of the absolute truth. "I'm no ___" This phrase often precedes"but" and then an expression of opinion is given, as in: "I'm no lawyer, but I think that what you did is illegal." "I'm no doctor, but it seems to me that you ought to go to the hospital and have that injury checked out." "Don't quote me" - means something like "Don't believe what I'm saying blindly." It's used when you say something or give some information you're not entierly sure about and you don't want people to take it as a fact.
take something as gospel = または'take for gospel'は、 真実と思って完璧に信じ込むことです。 例えば、 "We took every word of his as gospel, but in fact he was often mistaken." (彼の言葉を絶対に正しいと信じ込んでいたけれども、実際のところ、彼はよく間違っていた。) This idiom, first recorded in 1496, uses gospel in the sense of the absolute truth. このイディオムは、1496年に完全な真実という意味で初めて使われました。 "I'm no ___"というフレーズは、大抵"but"の前に来て、その後意見が続きます。 例えば、 "I'm no lawyer, but I think that what you did is illegal." (私は弁護士ではありませんが、あなたがやったことは違法だと思います。) "I'm no doctor, but it seems to me that you ought to go to the hospital and have that injury checked out." (私は医者ではありませんが、あなたは病院に行って怪我を診てもらうべきだと思います。) "Don't quote me" - わたしが言ったことをそのまま信じないでという意味です。あなたが言ったことや、あなたが与えた情報が確かなものかわからないときや、事実としてとらえてほしくないものの場合に使われる表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not an expert but I think that ........

  • In my opinion, I think that..........

  • I'm not an expert, but my opinion/thoughts are.........

When you are not sure then you can use the term 'i'm not an expert' or 'in my opinion' this expresses that you are not certain but are expressing to them what you think of the topic You could also use the term ' I might be wrong, but i think......' this expresses that you are not sure but will tell them what you think
自信がないときは、'I'm not an expert'(専門家じゃないけど)や'in my opinion'(私の意見では)が使えます。これは、自信がないと前置きして自分の意見を伝えるときに使えます。 ほかに、'I might be wrong, but I think......'(間違っているかもしれないけど、~だと思う)も使えます。これも、自信はないと伝えた上で自分の意見を伝える言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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