「〜気がする」という表現は英語で「I feel (that/like) ~」になります。
明日から寒くなりそうな気がする= I feel like it's going to start getting cold tomorrow.
勉強しても合格が難しい気がする= I feel it will be hard to pass (the test) even if I study
「な気がする」は基本的に「I have a feeling...」と言います。
英語の文法上、文頭に持っていくので、直後に「うまくいきそう」(「...things will be all right」)などを挿入する形になります。
I have a feeling things will be all right.
I have a feeling everything will be all right.
I have a feeling everything's gonna be a-okay.
I have a feeling things will work out.
「I have a feeling」の代わりに、「I have a hunch」、「I'd say」、「I think」など、色々使えます。
I have a hunch things will work out.
I'd say things are gonna be just fine.
Don't worry. It'll be all right.
It's okay. Things have a way of working out.
I think it'll be okay.
I have a feeling things WON'T be all right.(「(ことが)うまくいかない気がする。」)