世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/27 22:39
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  • I'm not in the mood right now!

  • Leave me alone!

  • Its enough, I need some time alone!

If you are really annoyed or angry and you need someone to leave you can say: I'm not in the mood right now! This means you don't want to talk to anyone. You are not in the right mood to talk to anyone otherwise you may something rude or impolite. You would rather not say something that would offend them or also get them upset. Leave me alone! This also means that you don't want anyone around you and you want to be alone. This is quite a strong phrase and is normally informal. I need some space right now! This means I want to be alone in my own space and I don't want anyone to be there. You can also say: 'I've had enough of this!' - To have enough is to say you don't want anymore of these problems. I can't take this anymore! - This means you don't want to listen to anything that the person has to say. You can't handle the situation anymore and you want to get away from them or the situation. I hope that helps!
イライラしたり怒っていて、ほっといてと相手に言いたいとき、こう言うことができます。 I'm not in the mood right now! これはだれとも話したくないという意味です。 だれかと話すには適した気分ではなく、話してしまったら失礼なことを言ってしまいそうです。 相手を攻撃するようなことや、怒らせてしまうことを言いたくないですよね。 Leave me alone! この言い方は、自分の心にと事故っ盛りたい、だれにも近づいてほしくない、という意味です。 また、こんな言い方もあります。 I've had enough of this! have enough というのは、相手が言うことをなにも聞きたくないときに使います。もうやってられない、とか、相手やその状況から逃げ出したいようなシチュエーションです。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Just leave me alone!

Kureha 通訳・翻訳家
  • Please just leave me alone!

  • Please, go away!

  • Do not talk to me anymore.

All three expressions are suitable for this situation.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • I need to be by myself just now

  • I am angry so please give me some space

If you say, I need to be by myself, you are saying you want to be left alone and not have a conversation or contact with anyone. Sometimes we want to be by ourselves if we are angry or sad and sometimes people want to be by themselves just because they like to be alone If you say,, Please give me some space, it means you want time by yourself to think or calm down. You don't want anyone else in your personal space or distracting you
I need to be by myself とは、一人にして欲しいとき、誰とも連絡を持ちたくない時に使われます。よく、怒っているときや悲しいときなどに、一人になりたいという気持ちになったりしますよね。 もしあなたがplease give me some spaceといえば、それは自分で考えたり落ち着くために一人でいたいという意味になります。自分の空間に誰かが入って邪魔してほしくないという時に使います。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • A) Just leave me alone please.

  • B) I want to be alone right now.

Both expressions mentioned you can use in a situation when you're angry, however adding "please" to it is a more polite way of saying it so depending who you are angry at and if you feel like being a bit polite feel free to add "please" I hope this helps :-)
どちらの表現も怒っている場面で使えますが、"please"を加えることでより丁寧な言い方になるので、怒っている相手によって、少し丁寧なほうがいいと感じた場合は"please"を付けましょう。 お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I need to be alone for a while

  • 2. You need to give me some time alone

  • 3 Just get out of my face!

Expressions 1 and 2 are suitable to gently and politely indicate that you are not in a mood for speaking. The accent in these expressions is on the word 'alone.' "Just get out of my face!" is appropriate for someone who will not stop speaking to you when it is clear to even the stupidest person that you are not disposed to talking. "But darling, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you!" "Just get out of my face and leave me alone!"
1と2の表現は、喋る気分じゃないということを丁寧に相手に伝える表現です。aloneにアクセントを置いて喋ると良いですね。 "Just get out of my face!"は、あなたが喋りたくないということを十分に分かっているシチュエーションにも拘らずそれでも喋りかけてくるような頭の悪い人でもを伝えることができるでしょう。 "But darling, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you!" 愛してる、一生一緒にいたいよ。 "Just get out of my face and leave me alone!" 目の前からいなくなって、ひとりにしてよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Just shut up and leave me alone!

Just shut up and leave me alone! もう黙って放っておいて! shut up は結構強い言葉なので、怒りを抑え気味に言うのであれば少し言葉を加えてみるといいです。 Can you just shut up and leave me alone? もう黙って放っておいてくれないかな? Just shut up and leave me alone, will you? 黙って放っておいてくれないかな、頼むから。 気持ち抑え気味なニュアンスになります。
  • Please leave me alone!

  • Please give me space.

You can say : "Please leave me alone." "Please give me space." "I don't want to talk to you." "Just leave me alone."
使えるフレーズ: "Please leave me alone." (どうか私を一人にして下さい。) "Please give me space." (スペースをください。) "I don't want to talk to you." (私はあなたと話したくありません。) "Just leave me alone." (とりあえず一人にして)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Please, leave me alone. I am angry

  • Give me some space, please.

If you feel angry and don't want to be interrupted, feel free to use any of these sentences. They both me the same but the second one is more polite.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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