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2017/06/29 10:28
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  • Chew it well.

  • Chew it well, OK?

  • You need to chew it well, OK?

Chew it well.→よく噛んでね Chew it well, OK? →よく噛んでね。わかった? You need to chew it well, OK?→よく噛む必要があるのよ。わかった? 子供に指示を出して、わかったかどうか確認するときは、語尾に~OK?(わかった?)と言うことが多いです。 よく噛むはchewといいます。発音はカタカナで表記すると、チューです。チューインガムも、このchewという単語で、スペルはchewing gumです。似た単語で、chewyという単語は、噛みごたえがあるという形容詞です。 例:What is rice cake like? It's chewy!(もちはどういう感じ?もちは噛み応えがあるよ!) また、噛むという単語で、biteという単語があります。chewは何回も噛みしめるという意味の噛むですが、biteは1回噛みつくというニュアンスで意味が違います。 例:Don't bite your toy! おもちゃに噛みついたらダメよ! That boy bit me. あの男の子が噛みついてきた。 (biteの過去形はbitです) Can I have a bite? ひとくちもらえる?
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • Take your time and make sure you chew well.

  • Your tummy doesn't have teeth so you have to chew the food.

"Take your time and make sure you chew well." This is a gentle reminder that they should always eat slowly and chew the food well. "Your tummy doesn't have teeth so you have to chew the food." This is a playful way to remind children to chew properly.The stomach does not have any teeth to chew food and so most of the work has to be done with the mouth.
"Take your time and make sure you chew well." This is a gentle reminder that they should always eat slowly and chew the food well. Take your time=時間を掛けて、急がないで。Chew=噛む。「時間を掛けて、よく噛んでね。」ゆっくり食べて、よく噛むことを優しくリマインドしています。 "Your tummy doesn't have teeth so you have to chew the food." This is a playful way to remind children to chew properly.The stomach does not have any teeth to chew food and so most of the work has to be done with the mouth. Tummy=お腹。「あなたのお腹には歯がないから、食べ物をよく噛んでね。」遊び感覚で、よく噛むようにリマインドしています。お腹には歯がないので、口の中で噛まないといけない、という意味。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure you chew your food well.

  • Make sure you really chomp your food well.

The two sentences you see above are great ways to express that you want a child or baby to chew their food well. In the second sentence you will see the word chomp. This is another word for chew. The word chomp is appropriate to use with close friends and family, while our first sentence is appropriate in formal settings. I hope this explanation and these two sentences help!
どちらも、子どもや赤ちゃんによくかんで食べるように言う時に使える表現です。 二つ目の文にある「chomp」は「chew」と同じ意味です。仲の良い友達や家族に対して使う言い方です。 一つ目の文はフォーマルな場面に適しています。 例文二つとご説明がお役に立つといいです!
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Be sure to chew your food well.

Complex ways of saying this phrase won't help you when you are speaking to a child. "Be sure to chew your food well" is a simple way of saying it.
このフレーズの複雑な言い方は、子供と話すときには役立たないでしょう。 "Be sure to chew your food well"(食べ物をよく噛んでね)が簡単な言い方です。
  • 1. Give it a nice chew and you won't get a tummy ache.

  • 2. Chew it up well and we'll have some ice cream after!

You can make a donkey move with either a carrot or a stick, so here are two expressions to exemplify each of those possibilities. 1. You mention that your child may get a tummy ache if he doesn't chew his food well. 2. You offer to reward your child with ice cream if they chew up their food properly.
言うことのきかない子供を動かす際、優しくもきつくもいうことができます。 2つご紹介します。 1. よく噛まないと腹痛になっちゃうよという言い方 2.しっかり噛んで食べればアイスクリームをあげるよという言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Chew your food properly.

  • Chew your food well.

Properly (adverb) means correctly and satisfactorily Well (adverb) means in a good and satisfactorily way
Property(副詞)=正しく、行儀よく、ちゃんと。 Well(副詞)=上手に、よく。 Chew(動詞)=噛むこと。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Chew your food well

  • Chew your food completely.

  • Chew your food thoroughly.

Children may not chew their food well and may sometimes swallow it half chewed which may cause stomach upsets. The child may cry a lot or complain of a stomachache as a result of swallowing half chewed food. It is important to remind the child to chew his/he food well/completely/thoroughly to avoid stomachache. So, you may say to the child: Chew your food well. or Chew your food completely. or Chew your food thoroughly.
子供は、食べ物をよく噛まないで飲み込んでしまい胃の調子を悪くすることがあります。 よく噛まないことが原因で、子供は泣いたり胃の不調を訴えたりします。 子供に食べ物をよく噛むように言うのは大事です。 下記3つの例文で伝えることができます。 Chew your food well. Chew your food completely. Chew your food thoroughly.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Chew it well.

  • Make sure to chew everything.

  • Be sure to chew your food well.

We can simply say to, "chew it well," or we could tell them to, "make sure," or, "be sure," to chew the food very well and to make sure that everything is broken down before swallowing the food down to their stomach.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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