世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/01 09:10
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  • Dress up warm, its freezing outside!

  • Make sure you wear something warm!

If the weather is cold and you want to advice someone to dress warmly, especially in winter you can say: Dress up warm, it's freezing outside! To dress up - to wear clothes. Dress up warm - To wear warm clothes. Its freezing - It is very cold. You can also say: It is chilly. You can also say: Make sure you wear something warm! This is more direct and it warns someone to dress appropriately. I hope this helps!
冬など、寒いので暖かい格好をしてねとアドバイスしたいなら Dress up warm, it's freezing outside! と言うことができます。 dress up - 服を着ること dress up warm - 暖かい服を着ること It's freezing - とても寒い。It is chilly. と言っても同じ意味です。 少しカジュアルな言い回しの印象があります。 また、このような言い方もあります。 Make sure you wear something warm! これはより直接的な言い方で、(天気に)適した格好をするように注意しています。 wear something warm - 暖かい服を着る make sure ... - 〜するようにして 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • (1)Make sure you rug up when you go out.

  • (2)Keep warm.

  • (3)Stay warm.

★ 訳 (1)「出かけるときは、暖かい服を着てね」=「暖かくして出かけてね」 (2)(3)「暖かくしてね」 ★ 解説 (1) ・make sure 「(〜するように)気をつける、確認する」  この表現で文を始めると、「〜しなさいね」という意味になります。 ・rug up  「服で身を包む」というイメージですが、これで「暖かくする」という意味です。rug には布切れなどの意味があります。 (2)(3)  keep でも stay でもどちらでもOKです。これで「暖かくする」という意味です。  夏にこの質問がくるとはビックリしましたがw ご参考にしていただければと思います!
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • It's cold outside make sure you wrap up

  • You will need to wear warm clothes, it's cold out

Wrap means to cover or enclose. Wrap up is a phrasal verb and is commonly used as an expression to tell someone to wear warm clothes To inform someone that it is cold outside, it is common to abbreviate it to - its cold out Warm clothes are clothes that make you feel warm. Usually made from thick material
Wrapはカバーや包むという意味があります。Wrap upとは、動詞で、暖かい服をきる、という意味になります。 また、相手に外が寒いと伝えることもいいですね。よく省略されてit's cold outと言います。 Warm clothesとは、自分を暖かくしてくれる服を指します。厚い原材料で作られていることが多いです。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • It's nippy outside, be sure to dress warmly.

  • Stay warm.

"It's nippy outside, be sure to dress warmly." The word nippy is a word that is commonly used and means cold. "Stay warm' These two words are sometimes used to advise someone to dress warmly, as the weather may be cold.
"It's nippy outside, be sure to dress warmly." (外は肌寒いです、服を着てしっかりと温かくしているか確認してください。) *nippy(肌寒い)という言葉は、一般的に使用され、寒さを意味する言葉です。 "Stay warm' (暖かくしてください) *この2つの言葉は、天気が寒いため、 暖かく服を着るようアドバイスをする際に使用されることがあります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It is freezing outside, so please dress warm.

  • It is freezing outside, please put a coat on to keep you warm.

  • Do not forget to dress warm enough when going outside. The weather is not so good.

>It is freezing outside, so please dress warm. *"it is freezing" is an expression of how cold it is. >It is freezing outside, please put a coat on to keep you warm. *"keep warm" to stay warm. >Do not forget to dress warm enough when going outside. The weather is not so good. This is reminding the person to dress warm because it is cold outside.
>It is freezing outside, so please dress warm. (外は震えあがるほど寒いです、暖かく着てください。) *It's freezngとは、どれだけ寒いかを表現です。 >It is freezing outside, please put a coat on to keep you warm. (外はとても寒いです、コートを着て温かくしてください。) *暖かくするために"keep warm(暖かく保つ)"。 >Do not forget to dress warm enough when going outside. The weather is not so good. (外出するときに服を着て十分に温かくすることを忘れないでください。 天気はあまり良くありません。) *これは、外が寒いので、人に暖かい服を着るように、注意を促しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure you are dressed up nice and warm,the weather is terrible.

  • It's really cold outside.Make sure you are nice and snug before you leave.

"Make sure you are dressed up nice and warm, the weather is terrible outside. You are reminding them about the weather and that they should keep warm before they go outdoors It's really cold outside.Make sure you are nice and snug before you leave. "snug"means something is comfortable and warm; well protected from the weather or cold. -You are warning someone about the extreme weather temperature and giving them advice about how they should prepare for this when they go outside.
"Make sure you are dressed up nice and warm, the weather is terrible outside. You are reminding them about the weather and that they should keep warm before they go outdoors 「暖かい恰好をするようにして下さい。外のお天気は非常に悪いので。」 外は非常に寒いので、暖かい恰好をして出掛けるよう念を押しています。 It's really cold outside.Make sure you are nice and snug before you leave. "snug"means something is comfortable and warm; well protected from the weather or cold. -You are warning someone about the extreme weather temperature and giving them advice about how they should prepare for this when they go outside. 「外は本当に寒いです。暖かい恰好をするようにしてくださいね。」Snug=暖かくて心地よいこと。非常に寒いので、暖かくして出掛けるようにアドバイスしています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Dress warmly tonight it is cold out side.

  • Make sure you wrap up, its cold tonight.

"Dress warmly tonight it is cold out side." "Dress warmly" Means to wear winter clothes. "Tonight" tells them when they should do this. "It is cold out side." This is the reason and tells them why. "Make sure you wrap up, its cold tonight." "Wrap up" Means to get dressed warmly.
"Dress warmly tonight it is cold out side." 今夜は外は寒いから暖かくしなさい。 "Dress warmly" は、冬服をを着ることを意味します。 "Tonight" いつそうしなきゃいけないかを示しています。 "It is cold out side." そうしなければいけない理由を示しています。 "Make sure you wrap up, its cold tonight." 今夜は寒いから暖かい格好をするんだよ! "Wrap up" は厚着することを意味しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • stay warm

  • keep warm

A : Where are you going? B : I'm going to the supermarket. A : It's storming outside! B : I need to buy a few items. A : Keep warm! B : Will do!
A : Where are you going? どこに行くの? B : I'm going to the supermarket. スーパーマーケットに行くよ。 A : It's storming outside! 外は荒れてるよ! B : I need to buy a few items. 買わなきゃいけないものがあるんだ。 A : Keep warm! 暖かくしなよ! B : Will do! そうするよ!
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Please dress warmly when leaving the house.

  • Wear warm clothes. Its freezing outside.

Please dress warmly. "Warm" is an adjective, so it would modify a noun: a warm coat, a warm room. "Dress," in this case, is a verb, so it needs an adverb like "warmly".
Please dress warmly. (暖かい服を着てください。) 「Warm暖かい」は形容詞なので、a warm coat(暖かいコート)、a warm room(暖かい部屋)で名詞に変わります。 この場合の「dress着る」は動詞なので、「warmly暖かくする」のような副詞が必要です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure you wear something warm

  • You will need to wear warm clothes, it's cold out

To give someone advice about dressing warm, you can use one of these sentences. Both of them mean the same, although, the second one explains why the person needs to wear something warm.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Make sure you wear warm clothes today.

  • Be sure to dress in warm clothes today.

  • Stay warm / Keep warm

The first two example sentences can be used to tell someone or advise someone to wear or dress in warm clothes. Notice that in both of these sentences we are using an imperative/command verb, "make sure," or, "be sure." The last example is just a short phrase we can say to someone to advise them to stay warm as well.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Don't forget to wrap up warm

  • Put a few layers on

You would like to know what to say to someone who is going outside in the cold and need to dress up warm. In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Wrap up well, it's very cold outside!

  • Make sure you take your winter jacket, it's freezing tonight!

If the weather is very cold, then we must wear appropriate clothes so that we feel comfortable when we are outside. We should wear a heavy coat, warm gloves and also a hat. In the first sentence, we are telling the listener not to forget to wear heavy clothes. To "wrap up" means to put some extra clothes on our body. Much like wrapping a present, we are wrapped up with clothes so we don't get cold. In the second sentence, we are telling the listener to not forget his or her jacket. If he does he will feel very uncomfortable without it.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I suggest you dress warm before going outside, it seems quite chilly.

  • It seems to be quite a cold day/night. Please make sure you dress warm as i do not want you to catch a cold.

if you would like to advise someone to to wear some warm clothes when they go outside, you can say something like "I suggest you dress warm before going outside, it seems quite chilly." or "It seems to be quite a cold day/night. Please make sure you dress warm as i do not want you to catch a cold.".
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Dress warm.

  • Wear warm clothes.

You could use any of the above two phrases when telling someone they need to dress warm because it is cold outside. More examples are; - Dress warmly. - Dress warm enough. - Dress snug and warm.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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