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メール友達の募集で、 「長く付き合える友達を探しています」と言いたいのですが どのように表現すればよいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/07/06 10:23
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  • I want a long term friend.

  • I'm looking for a lasting friendship.

If you want to associate with someone or something for a long time then it is called: 'Long -term' In order to ask for a friend that you want to stay committed to for a long time, you can say: I want a long term friend. You can also say: I'm looking for a lasting friendship. Lasting also means long-term or to be permanent and last for a long time. I hope that helps!
だれか(またはなにか)と長く続く関係を持つ場合、 long-term といいます。 長い期間お付き合いを持てる友人を探しているとき I want a long term friendship. ということができます。 または、 I'm looking for a lasting friendship. ということもできます。 lasting とは、長期間または永久に変わらないことを意味します。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a friendship that will last a long time.

直訳は「I'm looking for a friend I can associate with for a long time」ですが、ちょっと不自然な英語です。 この「last」は「続く」という意味です。
Tim Young 主催
  • I'm looking for a friend who will around for while.

  • I want a friend who is around for the long term!

  • I want a friend who isn't going to disappear in the next year!

*I'm looking for a friend who will around for while.* Meaning= I want a friend who will be in the same city/town for a while. Not just a few weeks/months *I want a friend who is around for the long term! * Meaning= this is another way of saying I want a friend who isn’t going to leave soon. *I want a friend who isn't going to disappear in the next year!* Meaning= this gives a specific amount of time that you don’t want a friend who is here for just 1 term or 1 month. These phrases might be useful when you are travelling and making friends in new towns/cities and want to know who is staying for a while! I’ve been travelling for around a year currently and know how hard it is to say goodbye over and over again!
*I'm looking for a friend who will around for while.*しばらくの間付き合えるような友達を探しています 同じ町に住んでいるなどしばらくの時間一緒にいられる友達。1週間や1か月という短さではなくて。 *I want a friend who is around for the long term! * 長い期間付き合える友達を探しています。 すぐに去ってしまう友達ではない友達がほしいという意味。 *I want a friend who isn't going to disappear in the next year!*来年いなくならないような友達がほしい。 はっきりと期間を明示して、1タームや1か月の友達はいらないという意味。 これらのフレーズは旅先など新しい土地でで友達をつくるときに使えます。 I’ve been travelling for around a year currently and know how hard it is to say goodbye over and over again! 私は現在各地を旅行しているので何度も何度もさよならをいうことがどれだけ大変なことかよくわかります。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking to make long-term friendships.

  • I am looking to create lifetime friendships.

  • I am looking to have meaningful long-term friendships

"I am looking to make long-term friendships." Long-term friendships = It could be a long-time friend, or could be one who is committed to a lengthy friendship, one who will be around for the long term. "I am looking to create lifetime friendships." create lifetime friendships =A lifetime friend is a person you feel so close to that you think you'll be friends forever. "I am looking to have meaningful long-term friendships" meaningful = serious, important, or worthwhile.
"I am looking to make long-term friendships."長期間付き合える友達を探しています。 Long-term friendships = 長い期間友達でいられる人、ずっと友達でいられる人、長い間そばにいてくれる人 "I am looking to create lifetime friendships."人生で長く付き合える友情を築きたいんだ create lifetime friendships =一生友達でいられるとおもうくらい親しい友達 "I am looking to have meaningful long-term friendships"真剣に長い時間付き合える友達を探しています。 meaningful = serious, important, or worthwhile.真剣、重要、価値のある
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for a long term friend.

  • I need a BFF

long term = a long time BFF = Best friend forever ----------------------------------- Examples : I'm looking for a long term friend (I want the same friend for a vry long time). I need a BFF (I need a best friend forever)
long term = a long time長い時間 BFF = Best friend foreverずっと親友 ----------------------------------- 例 I'm looking for a long term friend (I want the same friend for a vry long time).長く付き合える友達を探しています。 I need a BFF (I need a best friend forever)親友がほしいんです。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for long-lasting friendship

  • I'd like to meet some solid friends that are not fly-by-nights

Fly-by-night = may be a noun or an adjective: unreliable or untrustworthy, especially in business or financial matters, unreliable, undependable, irresponsible, untrustworthy "Cheap suits made by fly-by-night operators wear out really quickly!" "My last boyfriend was a lying fly by night and disappeared after one week!" Long lasting = enduring or existing for a long period of time: "We have a long-lasting friendship." Or an alternative meanin is: effective for a relatively long period of time: "I need a a long-lasting pain reliever."
Fly-by-night = 名詞や形容詞として使われます。特にビジネスや金銭面で、信用できない、信頼できないといった意味です。 例文 "Cheap suits made by fly-by-night operators wear out really quickly!" (信頼できない業者で作られた安いスーツは、すごく早くボロボロになった!) "My last boyfriend was a lying fly by night and disappeared after one week!" (私の元カレは信頼できない人で、1週間で消えたよ!) Long lasting = 長い間続く "We have a long-lasting friendship." (私たちは長い間友達です。) または、long lastingは、別の意味で割と長い間有効だという意味があります。 "I need a a long-lasting pain reliever." (私は長時間継続する痛み止めが必要だ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am looking for long term friends.

  • I am looking for friendships that will last forever.

  • I need friends that will be in it for the long haul.

In the first statement, you have used the adjective 'long term', which means 'something that will continue for a long time in the future', in this case, friendships. In the second statement, you have used the phrase to 'last forever'. The verb to 'last' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to 'continue for a specified period of time', in this case, forever. In the last statement, you have used the idiom 'for the long haul', which means, 'for a long period of time'. So, you need friends that will be in it for the long haul. So, you may say: I am looking for long term friends. or I am looking for friendships that will last forever. or I need friends that will be in it for the long haul.
最初の文で使われる「long term」という形容詞は、将来長い間続く何かを意味します。 二つ目の文では、「last forever」というフレーズが使われています。 「last」という動詞はいくつかの意味がありますが、この文章では、永遠に指定された期間続くという意味です。 最後の文では、「for a long period of time」というイディオムを使っています。 長期間続く期間を意味します。 そのため長い期間一緒にいる友達が必要です。 以下のように言うことができるかもしれません。 I am looking for long term friends. I am looking for friendships that will last forever. I need friends that will be in it for the long haul.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Lasting friendships...

  • I have no need of fair weather friends...I am seeking lasting friendships...

Strong bonds of friendship can last a life-time if we respect that concept! Who needs "fair weather friends" who will drop you at the first bump in the road? "I have no need fof fair-weather friends...I am seeking lasting friendships..."
私たちが考えを大切にしたら、 友情の強いきずなは生涯続きます! 何かあったらすぐにあなたを見捨てる、 "fair weather friends"(まさかの時に頼りにならない友達)を 誰が必要としますか? 【例】 "I have no need fof fair-weather friends...I am seeking lasting friendships..." (頼りにならない友達はいりません、一生続く友達を探しています)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm looking for long term friends.

  • I'm looking for a lasting relationship.

  • I want a long term friend.

We can use the terms, "a long term friend," or, "a lasting relationship," interchangeably to describe that we are looking for a relationship that will last a long time. We can also use the verb, "to look for," to describe that this is something we are searching for or, "to want," to describe that this is something that we desire.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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