There are a few ways to say “帰国.” For example, you could say:
…make it home
…return home
…make it back
You can use any of the following to say “無事に帰国” —
I hope you make it home safely.
I hope you return home safely.
I hope you make it back okay.
…make it home
…return home
…make it back
I hope you make it home safely.
I hope you return home safely.
I hope you make it back okay.
"Safe travels!" this is a very common phrase in the US. It means that whatever method the person is taking to get back home (plane, car, walk, etc) you hope it goes well and without problems.
"Have a safe trip back!" this is a longer version of the phrase above.
"Get home safe." this is a shortened version of "I hope you make it home safely" but still means the same thing.
"Safe travels!"(安全な旅を!)
"Have a safe trip back!"(無事に帰ってきてね!)
"Get home safe."(無事に帰ってきてね!)
これは、"I hope you make it home safely"(無事に帰ってきてね)を短縮したバージョンですが、意味は同じです。
"Mind how you go" is a native English phrase and
in short means to be careful of any obstacles or
obstructions that you may face on your journey.
To 'mind' something literally means to take care
of something e.g. a Childminder (Babysitter).
It is a great phrase to use in conversation and it would
surely bring a smile to any English person's face.
"Mind how you go"は、ネイティブが使うフレーズで、要するに「旅では気をつけて」という意味です。
'to mind something'は文字通りには「~の面倒を見る」という意味です。
例:a Childminder=保育士
In context, it is sufficient to say, 'Stay safe!' as someone is departing. However, a more positive message may be simply: "Have a good journey!" Unless you are entering a war zone, there is really no need to refer to the 'safety' aspect in modern developed society.
これから出発するというときには、文脈があるので'Stay safe!'(気をつけてね!)で十分です。
しかし、'Have a good journey!'(旅を楽しんでね!)と言った方がよりポジティブかもしれません。戦地へ行くのでない限り、現代社会では'safety'(安全)について触れる必要はないでしょう。
Americans often just say, "Take care" which means the person speaking cares about them and worries about them in a nice way. "Have a safe trip" is used for longer journeys. If a person is just going home by car or MRT one just says "Take Care." That is very common in New York. "Please be careful" would be used by people in a close relationship, family, spouse, close friend, people like that.
アメリカ人は単に"Take care"と言うことが多いです。これは「気をつけて」という意味です。
"Have a safe trip"は長旅のときに使われます。
車や電車で家に帰る人には、単に"Take care"と言います。ニューヨークではこれが一般的です。
"Please be careful"は、家族・配偶者・友達など親しい間柄で使われます。
「safe and sound」は、無事を表現するときの決まり文句です。単に「無事(safe)」なだけでなく、「体調も万全、健康で(sound)」という意味ですので、これから旅立つ人に向ける言葉としても、そして無事に帰ったよという帰国の報告としてもぴったりの表現です。
I'm back safe and sound!(無事元気で帰国しました!)
get home safely のように英語で表現することができます。
get home は「家に帰る」というニュアンスの英語表現です。
I hope you get home safely.