It happens so often that we may enter a restaurant and see other diners sitting and enjoying the most incredible-looking dishes. Yet when we look at the menu, the dishes on offer appear bland or nothing like the plates of gorgeous offerings the other clients were busy gorging on! In that acse, you may easily say to the nearest waiter:
"Could I please order exactly what she's having?"
"Could I please order exactly what she's having?"
Can you tell me what she ordered? I would like to try it too.
If you see something someone else ordered that you don't know and would like to get too then you would ask the waitress what it is and say, "I'll have what she's having" or "I'd like to order the same thing as her" or "Can you tell me what she ordered? I would like to try it too".
If it is someone that is with you that ordered something you like then you can say, "I'll have the same thing", or "same for me", or "I'll order that too."
"I'll have what she's having"(彼女が食べているのをください)
"I'd like to order the same thing as her"(彼女と同じ物をください)
"Can you tell me what she ordered? I would like to try it too".(彼女が注文したのは何ですか。私も食べてみたいです)
"I'll have the same thing"(同じ物をください)
"Same for me"(私も同じのを)
"I'll order that too."(私もそれを注文します)
If you want the same item as someone else then you can just say 'the same as her' you could also say 'I'll have what she's eating/having' if you want to check what the other person is eating then you might ask the waitress what she is having
他の人と同じ物が欲しいということなら、単に 'the same as her'(彼女と同じ物)と言えます。
他に、'I'll have what she's eating/having'(彼女が食べているのをください)と言うこともできます。
もしその人が何を食べているのか確認したいなら、ウェイトレスに "What is she having/eating?"(彼女は何を食べていますか)などと聞けます。
Could you tell me what the lady (over there ) is having? →I'll have the same one, please.
★ポイント:こういう時ありますね(^^; 知らない人(ここでは女性)を指しているので、できるだけばれないように(^^; でも万が一本人に聞こえてもいいように、the lady /the gentlman などというのがよいですね。
Could you tell me what the lady (over there ) is having? →I'll have the same one, please.
The first example is one that is normally said in the movies or in some type of entertainment. It isn't too common that people in America ask for a certain menu item this way, but it does happen.
What is she eating? I'd like to order the same thing.
What meal did she order? I'd like to have the same meal.
The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to ask your listener what a particular person is eating. In the second sentence you will see the word order. Although this word has different meanings in this sentence it means to ask for something. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings.