We have had some misunderstandings and there is a rift in our relationship because you didn't ○○.
We have had some misunderstandings and there is a rift in our relationship because you didn't ○○.
※misunderstanding 誤解
※rift 亀裂
Because you didn't 〜 we've drifted apart and the trust is gone
It's your fault that we've become like this
Because you didn't 〜 we've drifted apart and the trust is gone =君が〜しなかったため僕らの間に信頼はなく、遠ざかってしまった
drift apart =遠ざかる、離れていく
It's your fault that we've become like this =君のせいで2人はこんなになってしまったんだ
fault =せい、過ち