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汚いものが苦手で、綺麗なものがすき。 潔癖症に近いニュアンスです!
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2017/07/25 09:55
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  • cleanly person

  • I like everything tidy and neat

cleanly=綺麗好きな I'm cleanlyとは言えないので注意してください。Cleanly+名詞の順番になります。 tidy and neat=~が整っている、揃っているという意味です。 綺麗好き=[全て](のものが整っている、揃っていると言い換えることができます。 例: He is a very cleanly person. 彼はとても綺麗好きな人です。 I like everything tidy and neat. 私は全てが整っているのが[好き](です。
Philip James DELTA所有英語講師
  • Clean freak

I am a clean freak. 俺は綺麗好きなんだよね。 Freak;[クレイジー](な感じの意味ですが、形容詞と結びつくと、それに凝っている人という意味になります。
  • He likes everything spick and span

  • Clean freak

  • He is a very orderly person.

1. He likes everything spick and span:- Spick and span mean neat, clean and well looked after. 2. Clean freak:- Someone who is a clean freak is a person who always wants things to be very orderly and clean 3. He is a very orderly person:- This means that this person wants things to be in order.
1. He likes everything spick and span:- 「Spick」と「span」は整理整頓されている、清潔 、よく世話されたという意味です。 2. Clean freak:- 綺麗好きの人はいつも整頓された清潔な状態にしたい。 3. He is a very orderly person:- これは、この人は、物事を整理整頓したい人だということを意味します。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Neat freak

Neat freak - a person who always wants things to be very orderly and clean I am a neat freak. My roommate is a neat freak.
neat freak - 常に物を整理整頓しきれいにしておきたい人 I am a neat freak. (私は潔癖症です。) My roommate is a neat freak. (私のルームメイトは潔癖症です。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • misophobia

  • Neat Freak

Misophobia is the fear of dirt. Phobia means the fear of something.General symptoms of Misophobia include anxiety when in dirty environments, especially the outdoors, feeling a compulsive need to clean, excessive hand washing or bathing, overuse of sanitizers (both on the body and furniture), and more.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Obsessed with cleanliness.

  • Tidy.

  • Precise

>Obsessed with cleanliness. *Obsessed=have a grip on >Tidy. *Tidy=arranged neatly and in order >Precise *Precise=accuracy of expression or detail.
Obsessed with cleanliness. *Obsessed=しっかり掴むという意味です。 Tidy. *Tidy=整頓されていてきちんと並んでいることを意味します。 Precise *Precise=表現や詳細の正確性という意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I like to keep everything clean.

「私は何でもキレイに保つのが好きだ」が直訳です。 1つにはこのように表現できます。 keep O Cで「OをCの状態に保つ」の意味です。
  • He is obsessed with cleanliness.

  • He is a germaphobe.

He is obsessed with cleanliness - means that he cannot function. work properly unless everything around him is clean and tidy. He is a germaphobe means that he could be suffering from OCD which stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Germaphobes are obsessed with keeping everything clean.
He is obsessed with cleanliness. - 彼は周りのものがすべてきれいで整理整頓されていないと動けない、うまく行動できないという意味です。 He is germaphobe は、OCD(Obsessive Compulsive Disorder=強迫性障害)かもしれないことを意味します。 germaphobes はすべてのものをきれいにしておくことに取り付かれている人のことです。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • A neat freak

  • Obsessed with cleanliness

You can use these expressions to describe the person. I personally prefer the second one because it's a more polite version compared with the first one.
どちらのフレーズもこのような人を表します。 個人的には二つ目のフレーズがおすすめです、一つ目よりも丁寧です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • He/she is a bit OCD about neatness

  • He/she is totally obsessive about tidiness

  • Bunny-boiler!

You would like to know what you call someone who doesn't like dirty things, and is really a neat freak? In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. . 'Bunny boiler' is a negative term often applied to anyone with extreme behavioural obsessions such as cleanliness. This term particularly applies to 'vengeful women'.There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Neat freak.

  • Clean freak.

  • Cleanly person.

The first two examples can be used using either neat or clean followed by the word, "freak," which just means they might be obsessed with something. The last example could be used if you wanted to be more formal and polite when speaking to someone about it who is also a clean freak.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Neat freak

  • She has OCD about cleaning

  • Germaphobe

OCD - Obsessive Compulsory Disorder, this is a problem someone has where they obsess over something like cleaning until it is perfect. They can sometimes get upset if their house or room is spotless. Neat freaks have to have their space tidy but they wont obsess over it as much as a person with OCD. Germaphobe is someone who actually fears dirt and uncleanliness.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • I'd swear you have OCD.

  • Germaphobe.

A neat freak is someone who prefers to have things done and organized in a very specific way. OCD: obsessive-compulsive disorder: a disorder that gives someone an obsession with having things done in a specific way. Germaphobe: someone who has a phobia for bacteria. "I am such a neat freak, I hate seeing things out of their usual place so I always make sure to clean my room twice a day. "She is a serious germophobe, she washes her hands a few times a day even when she hasn't touched anything dirty."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • A neat freak.

  • A person with O.C.D.

If you would like to know what to call a person who does not like dirty things, and needs thing to be very tidy, you can call them a "neat freak" or someone with "O.C.D". A neat freak is someone who does not like things messy however a person with "O.C.D" which stands for "obsessive compulsive disorder" is someone who cannot control the urge to do something often multiple times for example, washing their hands.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • A tidy person.

  • A clean freak.

  • A germaphobe.

A germaphobe is a person who is obsessed with cleaning everything around them and likes everything to be in a specific place and cleaned in a specific way.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • How do you say "I love you pretty in English". You can say it like this: "I love you, you are pretty".

Other examples of how to say it are, 1: I love you, I think you are very pretty. 2: You are so pretty, I love you so much. 3: I love the way your appearance, I think you are really pretty. 4: I love you, I think you are gorgeous.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • "Clean freak"

  • "a tidy person"

In English, we would refer to a person who does not like dirty things, and is almost like a neat freak as either simply "a tidy person" or a "Clean freak". Example sentence: She is such a clean freak, she hates dirty things so much.
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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