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「まず目次をご説明いたします。次に「はじめに」をご説明いたします。」 「First,we'll explain "Contents".Next, we'll explain "Introduction".」 このように、we'll explainを何度も繰り返すのは、不自然でしょうか?
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2017/08/04 10:43
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  • First/first of all, I would like to...

まず目次をご説明いたします。 First/first of all, I would like to explain about the table of contents. 出席に対する謝辞 Thank you all for coming today. First, I would like to thank all of you for coming today. table of contents. 目次 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • First we’ll... and then we’ll...

  • First we’ll... and then move onto...

This clearly explains the structure of the speech. If you’re working together as a group, for example, in a meeting, discussion group, etc. you can use we’ll. If it is only you giving a presentation then ‘I’ll’ is the better word to use. Using ‘move onto’ is another way to say next, or second. You can also say like this “First we’ll… and then proceed to…”
"First we’ll... and then we’ll.. First we’ll... and then move onto... これは、スピーチの構造をはっきりと説明しています。 たとえば、会議やディスカッショングループなどで一緒に作業している場合、we’llを使います。 あなただけがプレゼンテーションをしているなら、‘I’ll’ という言葉を使うのがいいです。 ‘move onto’(~に移行する)は、next(次に), second(2番目に)と同じ意味で使えます。 このような言い方もあります。“First we’ll… and then proceed to…”(まず初めに... そしてその後...) "
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • 1st I will explain the contents and then I will do the introduction.

  • This is what will happen. We will start with explaining the contents and then we will move on to the introduction.

>1st I will explain the contents and then I will do the introduction. This indicates that you will first explain the contents and then explain the introduction. >This is what will happen. We will start with explaining the contents and then we will move on to the introduction. This is what will happen - is just saying starting off with what you are about to do.
1st I will explain the contents and then I will do the introduction. 導入を説明してから内容説明に入るということを伝えるときの表現です。 This is what will happen. We will start with explaining the contents and then we will move on to the introduction. *This is what will happen - 今から始まるということを言いたいときの表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • First we'll explain THE contents, next the introduction

You may or may not repeat 'we'll.' In terms of style it is considered repetitive to repeat the same word in one sentence and better to avoid that if possible. The above example is one possible way of saying it. However, sometimes, if you are explaining something in detail and it's important that everything is understood, then repetition may be appropriate in that case: "First, YOU put the bricks at the bottom of that wall and then YOU bring the car to the front of the building while JAMES unloads the boxes." The above example is one possible way of saying it.
we'llはリピートしてもしなくても良いです。 スタイルの観点からいって、一文で同じワードを繰り返すのは冗長と考えられます。上記の例は、その例ですね。 しかしながら、時として何かを細かく説明しているとき、完全に理解してもらうことが大事なときは、このリピートは使われることもあります。 例 "First, YOU put the bricks at the bottom of that wall and then YOU bring the car to the front of the building while JAMES unloads the boxes." まず初めに、あそこのレンガを壁の底に敷いて、そのあとは、ジェームズがボックスを搭載している間、君は車をビルの前につける。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • First, We'll explain....then....

  • To begin We'll talk about....followed by.....

"To begin We'll talk about....followed by....." "First, We'll explain....then...." There are many ways to say something like this. It's all about preference. The way I express myself when saying something like that is as I posted above. The most common expression I use is "First, we'll explain...then..." but if the event is more formal or professional I would use "To begin We'll talk about....followed by....."
To begin We'll talk about....followed by..... First, We'll explain....then.... (最初に・・・を説明し、次に・・・を説明します。) このことを言う言い方はたくさんあります。後は好みによります。そのようなことを言うときの言い回しは、上記に挙げたような言い回しです。私が最もよく使う言い方は、「First, we'll explain...then...」、しかし、もしイベントがよりフォーマルだったり仕事の場であれば「To begin We'll talk about....followed by.....」を使います。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • First, let's go through the contents, and then we'll go through the introduction.

  • I'll explain the contents, and then we'll move on to the introduction.

When describing something in sequence you use transitional words such as first, then, secondly, Etc. When someone explains information, it is commonly thought of as going through or working your way through the topic at hand.
何かを順をおって示すとき、「first」「Then」「secondly」等の移行の単語を用います。 誰かが情報を説明する時、普通は、トピックごとに順番に話すことになります。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • First we're going to go through.... then we'll begin with the....

  • First we'll cover .... then we'll move on to...

"First" and "Then" when are put in the context of the two phrases above will make the listener understand that you will begin with the contents and then talk about the Introduction. This method is used in professional settings as well when conducting a presentation PowerPoint. By saying "we'll cover", you mean you''ll be talking about this certain thing. For example: "First we'll cover the contents and then we'll move on to the introduction." Hope this helps!
例にもある"First"(まず) と"Then"(それから)は、相手が自分がコンテンツからはじめ、それからイントロダクションを話すことを理解してくれます。 この方法は、パワーポイントを使ったプレゼンを行うときなどプロフェッショナルな場面でも使われます。 "we'll cover"と言うことで、この特定のことを話すつもりであることを意味します。 例: "First we'll cover the contents and then we'll move on to the introduction." まず、コンテンツをカバーし、それからイントロダクションに移ります。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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