「お会計」は英語では check, tab, bill などに訳します。顧客側でも、店員側でも、同じ言葉を使います。
Customer: May I have the check please?/Can I get my check please?
May I have the bill please?/Can I get my bill please?
Here is your bill.
Here is your check.
Here is your tab.
Tab というのは少し違うニュアンスがあります。Check と bill と同じように「お会計」の意味ですが、tab というのは英語圏のバーで、[注文](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/52953/)する前に[店員](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/4337/)がクレジットカードを預かり、それから次々の注文はそのクレジットカードのお会計と一緒になります。なので、そのtab のお会計に入れたいなら Put it on my tab という表現をよく使われています。他の人のために注文して、おごってあげたいなら店員に Put it on my tabと言います。
The act of the check or bill being registered with the cashier and the amount then being sent through the payment system is known as 'processing payment'. For example:
"Please bear with me while we process your payment"
"Please enjoy your drinks and take your time to finish up while your payment is processing"
"The cashier is processing your payment"
会計が[レジ](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/42580/)に登録され、額面がレジシステムで[処理](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/51428/)される過程は 'processing payment' と表現できます。例えば下記のような例があります。
"Please bear with me while we process your payment"
"Please enjoy your drinks and take your time to finish up while your payment is processing"
"The cashier is processing your payment"
"We've been waiting for ages! Where did that waiter disappear to?"
"Well I paid him by card. He took the card away so I suppose he's taking payment."
"Yeh, I expect he's running it through the machine."
If you pay by cash, the waiter sometimes goes to bring back the change.
"Did you give him a tip?"
"Well, he's gone to get the change. We can leave him some of that."
In Eastern Europe, we have noticed that when we request "the bill" or "the check", the waiter will always ask if we are paying with "cash" or "card". This way the waiter knows whether to bring the EFTPOS machine or to bring change.
The term "bill" or "check" is most commonly used in a restaurant. If you are in a service industry, for example, you are a mechanic, you would provide an invoice to the customer for payment. The customer in return may pay by "credit card", "cash" or "cheque" depending on your preferred payment method. As the business, you 'process' this payment.
東ヨーロッパではIn Eastern Europe, we have noticed that when we request "the bill" もしくは "the check"(お会計)をお願いすると,ウエイターは "cash"(現金)か "card"(カード)のどちらで支払うか聞いてきます。これでウエイターは"EFTPOS machine" かおつりのどちらを持ってくるべきかわかります。
"bill" あるいは"check" はよくレストランで使われる言葉です。サービス産業に従事していたら、例えば、あなたがメカニックだとして顧客に料金の支払いの請求書を発行します。顧客は支払いに "credit card"(クレジットカード), "cash" (現金)もしくは"cheque"(小切手)かあなたの好む支払い手段で支払うでしょう。ビジネスにおいてはこの支払いを "process"(処理)します。
Debit cards have payments processed, every time we use them
This behaviour literally is ..."the process of payment" and that is what ocurrs at the cash registeror check out.;-D
"Debit cards have payments processed, every time we use them"
この行動は、文字通りには「the process of payment(会計)」と言います。お店のレジでするのがこれです。
"Debit cards have payments processed, every time we use them"
Hi Sir/Mam, kindly check your bill before you pay.
Hi, can your accountant check your invoice/bill before you pay.
>Hi Sir/Mam, kindly check your bill before you pay.
*This is asking the person to make sure that the bill is correct.
>Hi, can your accountant check your invoice/bill before you pay.
*this sentence can be used when you supplied a company with products, and now you are asking for the accountant or clerk to check if the invoice/bill is correct.
Hi Sir/Mam, kindly check your bill before you pay.
Hi, can your accountant check your invoice/bill before you pay.
"please, may I have the bill?". This is usually when in a restaurant or cafe with service.
"how much is that". Usually in a shop or
somewhere maybe with no prices.
"how much does it come to". Can be used when
using supermarkets or fuel or somewhere
where you ask the cost of your purchase, at total.
"Please, may I have the bill?"
"How much is that"
"How much does it come to"
processing the payment
「会計」は英語で payment と表現することができます。
process the payment と言うと「お会計をする」のようなニュアンスになります。
お客さん側からは単に pay などでも OK です。
process your payment のように英語で表現することができます。
payment は「お会計」というニュアンスの英語表現です。
Have you processed that customer's payment?